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Fantastic Day Ruined By A Vile Cowardly Supposed Bear


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What should have been a fantastic day has been ruined by the most vile cowardly thing I have ever seen from a fellow supposed bear.

Very back row of the Copland this afternoon there was some prick shouting his mouth off about bears throwing paper airplanes. He was told to calm down but kept ranting anyway.

He then announced "if you want to act like tarriers I will treat you like tarriers ... the next one to throw anything is getting coined"

Again he is told to shut up and sit down.

A minute or so later a kid about 11 or 12 throws a plane.

This prick then jumps up, change spills from his pocket and lands on the floor. He then proceeds to launch a coin full pelt at the kid catching him on the side of the face.

The boys father tried to get to the dick two rows behind him before G4S appear on the scene. He is calmed down (slightly) by G4S who head away for re-enforcements. A few minutes later 4 of them appear at the bottom of the stairs and proceed to do feck all. The boys father gives them a couple of minutes before losing faith and tries to head for the coin thrower again.

Eventually they are all led down stairs with the coin chucker - a season ticket holder who was there with his own boy about 10 years old.

Kids everywhere crying including my daughter because of this dick.

I have never in my life stuck anyone in for anything ever . its a rule I just dont do it.

Monday morning I am phoning Ibrox to make sure this arsehole never sets foot back in the ground ever.

Raging that this dick spoiled what should have been a very special day.

Well done to all other bears around for letting this prick know their feelings.

PS - This post lasted 60 seconds on Follow Follow ;-(

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I seen/heard a few incidents between fans today, don't know why there was so many but fighting amongst ourselves in the last thing we need.

a grown man who throws a bunch of coins at a 12 year old over a paper aeroplane doesn't deserve to set foot in Ibrox again the OP is right to pursue it as should anyone else who witnessed it.

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a grown man who throws a bunch of coins at a 12 year old over a paper aeroplane doesn't deserve to set foot in Ibrox again the OP is right to pursue it as should anyone else who witnessed it.

A grown man with his own kid with him who announces he is gonna coin the next person to throw a plane then proceeds to rattle a coin at the kid with the single intention to injure needs more than banned. He needs the shite kicked out of him, the jail and banned sin die and thats just for starters ;-(

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Shocking. What a shite example to set for his son!

If he was up the very back then what's the problem with the aeroplanes? Fuck sake just after the card display I turned round for some reason and got one right on the face from the BR. Didn't see any need to then launch a 2p up into the upper tier.

Don't see why the guy deserves to allowed back into the stadium, or why G4S didn't do anything about it straight away.

Poor show.

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a grown man who throws a bunch of coins at a 12 year old over a paper aeroplane doesn't deserve to set foot in Ibrox again the OP is right to pursue it as should anyone else who witnessed it.

If this is found to be true, then I agree totally.

Did anyone else see this ?, (and if so I would hope you would also report it).

If he feels the planes are a nuisance then he should complain to a steward, or send a letter to the club. (Paper planes ffs)

Alternatively he could get in touch with Alex Salmond, who would bring in new laws to make sectarian paper plane throwing illegal.

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Normally I don't do grassing but this guy needs rid of from our support

I hope fully that G4S have done their job properly today and whoever is the head of security is 100% aware of this sick bastard. I however have no faith in them and like all other bears in the vicinity have vowed to do is get on the phone on Monday and let those in power at Ibrox know the score.

I have followed the bears for near 40 years at home away and all over Europe. I have seen plenty of dickheads and arseholes amongst the support but I have never ever been a fraction as enraged as I was today.

This prick is not worthy of being called a bear.

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