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We Need Major Investment Over The Next 12 Months


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Yes, we need investment but anyone thinking the scum won't also drop money on the table is deluded. They have downsized for a reason - with bo competition to the CL qualifiers they want te bare minimum to see them there and to attempt to compete. If we drop £20 million on the table, be assured they'll scramble the same amount from wherever they've stashed money to try and get that CL place secured.

You have to speculate to accumulate and they know that only too well.

I dont think things will be that rosy at the Glitterdome. The costs to maintain & operate breezeblock towers will be the same even though attendances are down. They have a high wage bill and will be selling Van Dick to balance their books. I dont believe the are saving their millions and I dont thnink splashing the cash will help them in any case. A royal blue tsunami is coming.

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We can pick up quality for good price. We have to be smart and not go over the top. At least another window before we go up and look for some good bosmans too. Invest in players that will likely get money back or potential profit is the way forward if we are going to spend millions.

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Exactly. Dear dear here we go again lets spend 20 million to beat who?. How much do we think Malmo have spent to reach the group stages of the CL 10,15,20,25 million I doubt it.Some on here even last week saying the scum would walk all over us,really.They have been shown up yet again by good footballing sides.Did teams like Legia Warsaw, Maribor spend 20 million doubt that and still beat that shower of shit

They have been downgrading since we left the SPL, anyone can see that.They know that they don't have to spend 20 million to win the SPL but that's where the tricky work comes in.Spending what it takes to win SPL but not enough to get into CL group stages.Do you spend 20 million and " MAYBE " get into the CL group stages and get that 20 million back or do you do what clubs like Malmo have done and spend a minimum but get a good team playing good football and reach the group stages and draw in 4/5 times the money they have put out.

We have tried throwing millions at CL football over the years and ended up paying players 25,000 a week to play against such giants of football like ICT,Kilmarnock,St Midden etc etc.We now have a man at the helm who maybe just maybe will get us making even bigger strides forward without the need to be spending tens of millions.

Totally agree with this.

I agree with the OP that we are a couple of quality players away from ensuring we have a good chance of taking the SPL in the first year back but I don't agree that it will take that amount of money to get the quality required. I could see two or three additions, costing a million or two being enough. I trust Warburton a million times more than Delilah at being able to spot a player and getting the best out of them.

The other problem with throwing three or four million at a player is the wages and the balance in the squad. How do those players on 2k, 5k, maybe 7k a week respond to the three we bring in on 20k plus? I think we have a really good chance of taking the SPL and getting back into the CL through good management and a good infrastructure rather than all that cheque-book nonsense again.

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We have never been that far away from Celtic, the semi-final last season cannot be seen as a barometer of our ability to perform against us. The team were not motivated, poorly prepared and poorly managed and had been since we were thrown to the bottom division. While most of this can be placed at Messer’s McCoist, McDowall and Durrant, we would also have to argue that Scottish football are also culpable for our ineptitude of the last few years, withholding prize monies and illegal transfer embargoes did not help.

Our performance in that semi final was an embarrassment not only to us but to our opposition. They could easily have scored 6 or 7 and cemented their claim of being light years ahead of us. Fast forward a few months and we have a completely different team, a manager with a philosophy that everyone from the board room, fans and players have bought into. We have, in the space of 6 competitive matches, already shown that we are capable of out running and out playing the opposition to the extent of over whelming them into submission. The only things currently holding us back is lack of a cutting edge worthy of the type of performances we are putting in and our decision making at times, however over the course of the season I would expect these issues to be ironed out and when they are the full force of our abilities will be brought to bear against whoever we come across. Celtic are not nearly as good as they or the media would have us believe. Their defence is vulnerable, their midfield can be overrun physically and they play an increasingly high line which leaves them open to counter attacks. Some would argue that we adopt similar tactics, however we are bedding in almost an entire new squad, they are not they have had almost the same side for the last four years with some additions. I fully believe that when we contest the title next year we will be champions come the end of the season.

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Totally agree with this.

I agree with the OP that we are a couple of quality players away from ensuring we have a good chance of taking the SPL in the first year back but I don't agree that it will take that amount of money to get the quality required. I could see two or three additions, costing a million or two being enough. I trust Warburton a million times more than Delilah at being able to spot a player and getting the best out of them.

The other problem with throwing three or four million at a player is the wages and the balance in the squad. How do those players on 2k, 5k, maybe 7k a week respond to the three we bring in on 20k plus? I think we have a really good chance of taking the SPL and getting back into the CL through good management and a good infrastructure rather than all that cheque-book nonsense again.

The team we have just now is there with the sole purpose of getting Rangers out the championship and I have every reason to believe that will happen.At the end of this season several players will leave,whether it be due to age,not good enough whatever those reasons are these departures will ease up more money for wages.Dont think for one minute that this is MWs finished article.In fact I doubt if MW will ever have a finished article at Rangers as he says himself he will always be looking at adding players to the squad but they must be the right players,who add something to the squad and who add value to the team.

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We shouldn't be spending anymore than 7 million pounds in fees to win this top division. Anymore than that and we'll be back to 2012 all over again. The spl brings in around 4-5 million for the winner and then the potential champions league money. With warburton we'll not need heavy investment so don't expect it

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I agree, but by major investment in 12 months, maybe wrongly, I assumed that this meant heavy investment in first team signings. Our priority is a structure at the club that gets us value; and you are right to point out that this will need investment. I think we are going about things the right way, and it will be interesting to see how this all develops.

Agreed, we don't need to spend 30 mill on the first team squad that would be going back to the old days.

But I do think we need 30 mill spent across the board on the structure and running of the club.

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We shouldn't be spending anymore than 7 million pounds in fees to win this top division. Anymore than that and we'll be back to 2012 all over again. The spl brings in around 4-5 million for the winner and then the potential champions league money. With warburton we'll not need heavy investment so don't expect it

Could be wrong but I think the scum got just under 2.5 million for winning the SPL last season but as you mention you do get the chance to compete in Europe/CL well not for that shower of shit right enough.

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I wouldn't agree with "major" investment. MW has an eye for developing talent and I think we'll reap the benefit of that over the next few seasons. With his coaching and some prudent spending (e.g. Tavernier) we'll catch up with them pretty quickly while safe-guarding the financial future of the Club. I watched their game last night and what struck me is that they're so far behind us in footballing philosophy and that's only after a couple of months. Of the two sides last night we most closely resembled Malmo with their energy and passing. Celtic reverted to type, humping it forward in hope more than expectation. That gap in style is where we can save money. They've spent millions to hoof it up the park. We need to be smarter than that.

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I dont think things will be that rosy at the Glitterdome. The costs to maintain & operate breezeblock towers will be the same even though attendances are down. They have a high wage bill and will be selling Van Dick to balance their books. I dont believe the are saving their millions and I dont thnink splashing the cash will help them in any case. A royal blue tsunami is coming.

they have bought players at low prices and sold high, you are not telling me that they are struggling to balance their books. Both the scum and our club will have to overspend to secure the CL place so it comes down to who has the deepest pockets, not who has the most in the bank.

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We have the info-structure and a management team capable of building long term football, and financial success without the extravagance of wasting millions on players. So far W+W's ability to bring in quality players at very little expense has been excellent.

If proof were ever needed that its not all about spending millions on second rate players, then Strap on Ronnie and Malmo just proved it. Although I never watched the game, I just can't, by all reports they were shown up to be a third rate team with little or no technical ability

With a 20+ million wage bill, attendances tumbling Strap on Ronnie and ladyboy Joan wont get a third attempt to get them in to the CL. With a resurgent Rangers under Warburton and Wier, he'll be gone by the end of this season, no doubt replaced by some half witted dhim fool spouting the usual merde about a long held dream, injustice and sporting integrity.

Also a plus, is that many in Europe are now begging to see them for what they really are, from Malmo to Warsaw, from Basil to Baku, and from Ajax to Arsenal, footballs cunts, cunt!

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I watched the Malmo game last night. And I'm not sure if anyone noticed the style of play.

Fast paced, full of running and enthusiasm. Spreading the ball out wide at every opportunity. It did remind me a lot of how we play.

The other thing is, I agree with what others are saying about bringing in young future players based on a sound scouting system rather than a major investment from the board. Those days are gone form me.

In all honesty, apart from the ex celtic player and the striker Rosenborg, how many of us knew anything about the Malmo team last night. But they showed on a shoe-string you can compete and a good level and qualify for the Champions league proper.

Inspirational stuff. And from an ex-ranger as well.

Makes it even the more sweeter.

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I don't agree with a single word of this. We don't need major investment, we need a scouting system that will get us value for money; the manager said value, and he proved adept at doing that. We have a manger who will look at Auchenhowie, and what we can produce there, and astute signings that will bring value on and off the park. There is a long term objective at this club now, and if we do this properly then it could lead to bright days ahead. Warburton will bring this club to the top, and he is already showing that he can possibly do that in a way we can afford.

Agreed. Buying a premier league player starts at £7. The reason they cost that much has everything to do with economics and nothing to do with quality. We need our coaches to continue the way they have with hungry players. The real difference was Rosenberg, his hunger, his energy, his determination aligned with skill and a game plan. That's what Warburton brings and what - assuming he can do it throughout our set up - will bring rewards.

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They've made a profit of around £20Mil on Ki, Wanyama and Hooper alone. They'll probably make another £5-8Mil profit on Van Djik. If we could take that away from them, a main source of their income goes too. It's up to the manager which of the targets found by the scouting system are signed, but If we find one player worth £5Mil in profit a year, then we're much better off than we are now.

They've also taken a hit on all the dross they've signed during this time.

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I think we need a major investment in scouting and our youth set up before we make any major moves in the transfer market. If we're smart, we will be planning ahead for next season already, our first eleven at the moment is good - but it won't win us the league.

I reckon if we're smart about our business and invest in a decent scouting network, we can cut the figures we outlay on transfers. Look at Hearts - they had the league sown up and had clearly been planning ahead for next season, they got their business done early that meant they'd allowed time for the squad to gel and they've hit the ground running.

I know they've not won anything yet but think about what they have done on their budget, then think of what we could do with ours.

Excited by the prospects next season has in store for us, just hope the club goes about its business prudently.

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People need to lay off the smack if they think anywhere near £30m will be spent on the team. And nor should it. I'd rather stay within our means and build a young hungry squad. Sell players at profit then we can look at reinvesting that profit into a blue chip signing or two.

I'm all for challenging Celtic asap but not at the detriment of the club in financial terms as happened in the past.

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Its fantastic. I believe a solid 6-10m within the next year will be more than enough to challenge them. They seem to think they are sitting on a pot of gold from Wanyama sales etc but thats just making up for the lost CL money which converts to running the club. If they had that much money wyy would they not go for it inEurope knowing the leagues a guarantee? Wee Dermot Desmonds sitting on that pot of gold in the Bahamas. Won't know whats hit them if we spend and spend wisely whichI trust MW to do.

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they have bought players at low prices and sold high, you are not telling me that they are struggling to balance their books. Both the scum and our club will have to overspend to secure the CL place so it comes down to who has the deepest pockets, not who has the most in the bank.

I get your point. They also get special rates from the co-op so will find it easy to get finance. Or failing that the council will help them out. However I dont think we have to or we will overspend to be competitive and beat them.

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6 months ago i would have said a fortune was required. Now? I dont think we need as much as maybe we thought we would need a few months back. MW's contacts and standing down south are saving us a fortune in terms of the players he knows will do a job that are "value" and the calibre of loanee he can get - the team is miles better and looks like an SPL team at the moment - so I am not sure major investment is needed given what I have seen.

I think augmenting MW's contacts and loan skills with the ability to buy in a couple we really want to enhance us will see us ok. So medium investment that brings value - rather than massive investment. And thats all down to MW.

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we only ever hear about the ones they madea profit on. what about the flops - Balde, Pikku, Murphy and all the others signed for a couple of million a pop who never made it? They easily drain away all the profir from the good buys.

And don't forget their wage bill is far far higher than ours. No doubt van dijk will be off.. but they are still spending a lot every week. Doesn't Desmot give a fuck about making money? Surely the day will come when he says gtf. Must be a losing proposition for him. CL fitba' is now beyond their grasp .. Once we are back, they will slide slowly and agonisingly downhill towards relegation.

Don't think we need major investment -- not with MW at the helm. But we need some . I agree with the 10-15 million number being talked about. He could do very well with that. (tu)

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