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Goodbye you hate-filled bastard.


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One by one we'll get rid of everyone of these hate filled bastards from writing their bile. This is just the start of a long list but cunts like this, Collymore, Spence and Haggerty show that if we take the fight to them we can get them to fuck. Well done to all involved. The fat mess deserved everything that came his way, the kid on gangster that he is! :541:

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What an absolute walloper. Predict the threats to his wife are totally fabricated. 

I hate celtic but cannot comprehend why anyone would spend ten years writing obsessively about a team they don't support.

This 'magazine' is just thinly veiled anti rangers pish poorly disguised as 'journalism'.

one less hateful rag in the world. 


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Instead of telling the truth that his scabby scribblings are losing him his readership hand over fist, and that he is boringly yesterday's news with only himself to blame, he comes out snivelling like the wee hurt hateful sad bastard that he is.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. 



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I'm not a fan of his work at all, if you could even call it that, I get he's a tim and I get he's bitter and so obvious about it but all he ever did was engage in arguments with Rangers fans.

I don't agree with his wife or sister being targetted, I have no idea if his wife was targetted but I did see PZJ highlight who his sister was yesterday, something I'm not entirely comfortable with, regardless of how much of a prick someone is I've always been of the belief that those related go said person don't deserve to be dragged into it unless they invite themselves into the situation.


He spent most of the last year just trying to troll Rangers fans, he had zero credibility as a journalist, he shouldn't be surprised that a large section of Scottish Football fans don't like him, his soul goal appeared to me to get likes and retweets off non Rangers fans for his latest dig at Rangers, I don't know if that was his initial intention when he joined Twitter, I was unaware of his existence before hand, however in the last few years it seemed to develop into his main focus.


I don't agree with threats of violence directed at him but I'm of the opinion that if they were remotely serious the Police wouldn't have sode stepped it the way they did.

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1 hour ago, TheBluebells said:

Good, typical Rangers hating scumbag thinking he has a free reign to say as he pleases because it's us. 

Not saying threats are fair, of course they aren't, but maybe he should evaluate his own behaviour before wondering why those things happen. 

Spot on!

These cunts that can't see their hands in front of them they're that blinded by sectarian hatred bring it all on themselves, then ironically play the victim card when they inevitably reap what they sow.

I love to see PZJ, Miltant Mole, VB's or whomever exposing them for their lies and hatred.

There will always be consequences for actions, it's not rocket science. If you continue to tell lies, go out of your way to try and harm people or something people love, there will be a comeback. Whether that be being exposed online, your naked hatred and lies, getting the spotlight put on your life, business etc, or whether that be 'bumping into someone'  whom you went out of your way to try and harm, a Rangers fan from a support you tried to demonise for example, what is you 'rebels' like to shout, your day will come :wink:

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46 minutes ago, Virtuoso said:

What's ironic is that FatBhoy has been bleating on for years about us not paying our bills, whilst Andys financial history is chequered to say the least with Andy also having an aversion to settling things:


Not forgetting the graphic designer he bumped off:




...and more recently:



Todays word is Schadenfreude :)

I remember reading about that before and him denying he had anything to do with it but there were links to some Celtic forum where he was on promoting it in the first person until it failed to deliver then "nothing to do with me"

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