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Latest 1872 begging bilge.


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Should have released that statement last season after the 5-1 home defeat to the scum and demanded Pedeo did  not start the new campaign.

Gutless cunts, more investment needed? Well don't waste fucking £3m on Herrera and Pena, or the £400k for Pedro, what the hell where the board thinking off allowing those transfers to happen? 

By the time we pay the other 2 useless cunts off we will have spunked just over£6m away but no mention of that as they will not attack their messiah Dave King. 

Club 1872 only want your money for shares ffs, do the smart thing and buy your own and pass them onto your kids and grandkids when you get older. 

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4 minutes ago, Copland bear said:

Should have released that statement last season after the 5-1 home defeat to the scum and demanded Pedeo did  not start the new campaign.

Gutless cunts, more investment needed? Well don't waste fucking £3m on Herrera and Pena, or the £400k for Pedro, what the hell where the board thinking off allowing those transfers to happen? 

By the time we pay the other 2 useless cunts off we will have spunked just over£6m away but no mention of that as they will not attack their messiah Dave King. 

Club 1872 only want your money for shares ffs, do the smart thing and buy your own and pass them onto your kids and grandkids when you get older. 

Exactly. Why would you honestly hand over money every month for shares for someone else to buy for themselves? it's lunacy. 

For the £18.72 a month, buy your own shares. Depending on your age you could have upto 50-years worth of shares bought at that rate to pass on to your kids when you pass away. I know shares can't always be bought every month, for that amount, but stick it away yourself and buy them as and when they come available. 

There's some right dimwits in our support who I'm amazed even know how to set up a direct debit let alone anything else.

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Cheeky bastards, keep giving the club your money so that they can spunk it again, grovelling cunts who have no backbone or they would be upstairs asking what the fuck is going on, your supposed to represent the fans not the fuckin board,  thank fuck I saw the light and took fuck all to do with them, I lost all my shareholding in 2012, once bitten twice shy,  it seems the norm that any cunt put in a position at Ibrox whether to represent fans or otherwise get lost with it all and pander to king and co, I'll tell you what if I was a member of C 1872 I would be rallying the troops to have a meeting with the cunts to ask why the fuck they are not kicking up fuck with our BOD to ask why nearly four years later we are still a fuckin shambles. Are they scared they lose their cushy wee number.

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3 minutes ago, BlueboyG said:

Cheeky bastards, keep giving the club your money so that they can spunk it again, grovelling cunts who have no backbone or they would be upstairs asking what the fuck is going, your supposed to represent the fans not the fuckin board,  thank fuck I saw the light and took fuck all to do with them, I lost all my shareholding in 2012, once bitten twice shy,  it seems the norm that any cunt put in a position at Ibrox whether to represent fans or otherwise get lost with it all and pander to king and co, I'll tell you what if I was a member of C 1872 I would be rallying the troops to have a meeting with the cunts to ask why the fuck they are not kicking up fuck with our BOD to ask why nearly four years later we are still a fuckin shambles. Are they scared they lose their cushy wee number.

Paul fucking murray , never put a penny into Rangers , King's lapdog and storyteller , all that cunt wants is to sit in the front seat of the bus with his blazer on , cunt had more failures in business than he had success , naw he had no success in business ,and that is what is on our board , is it any wonder we are fucked.

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17 minutes ago, Captain Hilts said:

Can't believe I was feeding them for a while. Complete riddy. 

That’s no a riddy mate. U try and do what’s best for the club because ur a supporter but they have other ideas for ur money and that’s the shitey thing, u were sold a lie but obv they couldn’t convince u to keep blindly throwing money in and it’s them who should be embarrassed 

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2 minutes ago, mountaineer said:

Paul fucking murray , never put a penny into Rangers , King's lapdog and storyteller , all that cunt wants is to sit in the front seat of the bus with his blazer on , cunt had more failures in business than he had success , naw he had no success in business ,and that is what is on our board , is it any wonder we are fucked.

I thought he was on the board cos he has lovely hair !

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24 minutes ago, Captain Hilts said:

Can't believe I was feeding them for a while. Complete riddy. 

Here mate you done what you thought was best at the time, but you came to your senses and stopped when you realised what was going on and what they were actually like. That's nothing to be ambarassed about at all ... it makes you responsible, big enough and 100 times better than the mugs that blindly pay into their pot.

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31 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

Here mate you done what you thought was best at the time, but you came to your senses and stopped when you realised what was going on and what they were actually like. That's nothing to be ambarassed about at all ... it makes you responsible, big enough and 100 times better than the mugs that blindly pay into their pot.

Tell you what is fucking embarrassing though - my spelling. :duh:

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1 hour ago, backup said:

Club 1872 Member Update
Dear member,

In common with all Rangers supporters, the directors of Club 1872 are extremely concerned by the disgraceful capitulation of the Rangers team that faced celtic on Sunday. We have had contact from members asking us to convey their concerns to Rangers and can reassure them and the wider support that this has been done.

Rangers supporters deserve a team which as a bare minimum shows pride and commitment in the club they represent. That pride and commitment was sorely lacking on Sunday and the responsibility for that must be borne at all levels of the club. What we have seen this season is not good enough and we know that the Rangers board and executive team are well aware of that fact. Rangers supporters will no doubt once again show their incredible support for the club through season ticket renewals but we now need to see real progress towards returning Rangers to the top of Scottish football with a management team and quality of player that can secure success.

It is clear that a great deal of further investment is going to be required to take the club to the position that our supporters correctly believe it should occupy. Millions have been ploughed into the club by the current board and investors but it has not seen a satisfactory return on the pitch. We cannot just assume that because we are Rangers we will automatically return to the top at some point. It is going to take further investment, good decision making and everyone working together.

Much of the responsibility for that progress is going to fall on the current RIFC board but we believe Rangers supporters, through Club 1872, can also shoulder part of the burden - because it’s our club. That is why we are asking supporters to join us and invest heavily in the club and also why we are in negotiations with RIFC about securing a board place. Supporters can play a major role in helping to take our club back to the top but we must accept that responsibility and not simply wait for others to do it for us. Everyone will have to play their part if we are to achieve the success that we all believe the supporters deserve.

We fully expect to see a reaction from everyone at Rangers over the coming weeks, to what we believe is a watershed moment. We expect the players to show the commitment and desire that was sorely missing from their performance on Sunday, in order to secure second place and European football for the supporters next season. We expect the board and management of the club to take decisive steps to ensure that the product on the park next season is of a considerably higher quality and rewards the supporters’ loyalty through difficult times. We also hope that the support will rally once again and join us to make sure that we make a significant, direct financial contribution to taking Rangers back to the top.

Club 1872


I didn't trust you cunts before and you proved me right by doing nothing, now you want more money?

Away and take a huge fuck to yourselves. I didn't read past the first post through the replies but the brass neck of these cunts is killing me.

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1 minute ago, TEFTONG said:

The audacity to beg for money after Sunday makes it all the more of a fucking embarrassment.

 "Talks to get a place on the Board" still peddling that pish as well ..:duh: 

They really think they are important to Rangers is what baffles me, the cunts have done fuck all of note at any time and even today the UB have come out with the biggest statement of any "supporters group" during their tenure. Christ on a bike, anyone thinking that shower of shit is working needs professional help.

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5 minutes ago, Courtyard Bear said:

Thank fuck I saw sense quickly and stopped my money. 

I assume you were not the only one mate and that is why they are becoming a bit desperate . I try and not comment too much on them since I am not a member but that today was hellish. 

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Just now, Bears r us said:

I assume you were not the only one mate and that is why they are becoming a bit desperate . I try and not comment too much on them since I am not a member but that today was hellish. 

They are panicking big time as they are no where near the total they need. 

They are done and will go the way of the rst. 

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