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9 minutes ago, dummiesoot said:

That is the one that gets me, year after year the Tim agm talks about how they can get Rangers punished. They have been told countless times it is done...but no, they continue. That is the biggest rule breach and fuck all happens.

Excellent point, I hope someone at Rangers are remembering what happened just a few days ago at the celtic AGM. 

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9 minutes ago, Domthenbud said:

I think we are in a really piss poor position at the moment where we are are cash poor, media fucking poor and generally still haven’t secured the general public vote. The board have come out v colum, rightly so, they have now blamed celtic players for disturbances at last old firm game. They have also kept us afloat in the past 2 seasons and giving us a glimmer of hope for 55 this season. The board is not all bad.

Not good enough on the most crucial matter for all bears who have watched and lived through these last 7 years 

On this ,they fail miserably 

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19 minutes ago, bluenose48 said:

It really comes down to the understanding that, no matter how wrong the referees decision was, you cannot publicly critisize him.

Public criticism of Referees happens within Scottish football on a weekly basis.  I could pull up dozens of news articles from this season alone.  Why are Rangers the only club to be called to task on this issue?  

The kicker is, Collum made a horrific decision by sending Candeias off.  Their Referee made a cunt of it, there's no appeals process in place to compensate the club or player, and by highlighting this Rangers now face 5 charges.  

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22 minutes ago, bluenose48 said:

It really comes down to the understanding that, no matter how wrong the referees decision was, you cannot publicly critisize him.

It was a formal complaint made by the club, as the 5 charges are levelled at the club and not any individual.

Are clubs not allowed to challenge wrong doing?

Just another fucking stitch up in a long line.

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2 hours ago, SeparateEntityMyArse said:

2 things.

Firstly, Scottish football is corrupt to the fucking core.

Secondly, we all hope this is a line crossed and that our BoD go after the cunts, refusing to back down, refusing to concede any ground until we've smashed then. But we know in truth, there's no chance our Board will go after them.

The Rangers board went after the SFA just a few months ago.  They went after Gary Hughes and someone else who had involvement with celtic (I can't remember his name now).  So how is there "no chance" if the board have already shown they have the balls to do it?  Your criticising then unjustly.  

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11 hours ago, McEwan's Lager said:

Looks like the SFA have also charged one of their own referees for criticising referee decisions 😂 

They'll need to charge everyone who criticises a Referee decision from now on.  Individual players and managers will be charged on a weekly basis if they're going to be consistent about this.  Of course, they wont be and comments made by others will go unpunished.  This will quickly come back to bite the SFA in the arse and will give credence to the claims made a few months ago by Rangers questioning the SFAs ability to be objective.

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7 hours ago, KingKirk said:

When we take them to CAS what happens dont fifa then get involved 

I don't think FIFA do get involved.  It's a hearing and Rangers and the SFA both makes their case.  The last time a matter went to the COA was the UEFA licence and Rangers won that: https://www.BOYCOTT THIS LINK/sport/football/football-news/Rangers-win-uefa-licence-battle-12947996

Rangers should be fighting the SFA at every turn in an attempt to undermine and embarrass them.  It just adds weight to the accusation that this SFA board are unable to be objective when it comes to all things Rangers.  

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9 hours ago, Bears r us said:

It looks to me the SFA are looking to take the heat away from another team who have problems with child abuse, but then I am a paranoid protestant.  

I don't think it has anything to do with that tbh

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7 hours ago, bluenose48 said:

It really comes down to the understanding that, no matter how wrong the referees decision was, you cannot publicly critisize him.

But every referee is criticised every other week

Not many clubs being hit with 5 charges 

It's those corrupt double standards for us again  

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6 hours ago, TMB said:

I don't think FIFA do get involved.  It's a hearing and Rangers and the SFA both makes their case.  The last time a matter went to the COA was the UEFA licence and Rangers won that: https://www.BOYCOTT THIS LINK/sport/football/football-news/Rangers-win-uefa-licence-battle-12947996

Rangers should be fighting the SFA at every turn in an attempt to undermine and embarrass them.  It just adds wait to the accusation that this SFA board are unable to be objective when it comes to all things Rangers.  

According to the rebel this morning we are going after them.

As for the SFA, corrupt to the core!

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2 hours ago, Blue Nosed Babe said:

Compliance officer serving Liewell well...

The roles have reversed on both ourselves and the scum

I honestly believe say 20/30years ago .Many or most refs maybe had leanings towards Rangers .History will tell you differently .You can argue that point all day long

Whats not in doubt.When the bheasts seized control of our game and put all these people in place ,i.e. compliance officers .All beggars so far ...The referees strike where I'm absolutely certain ,the whole process was shaken up .And since then .You could count on one hand ,the amount of times the scum have any arguable vital decisions given against them .Now this was a club that investigated refs ,threatened to leave and join the league in Ireland ,complained about refs before games .Bobby tait anyone .popcorn teeth running on to pitch to attack refs  The list goes on and on 

And hardly any need to complain about refs nowadays 

Now we have their manager referring to Colum on first name terms ,it's almost nauseas 

Is it all just coincidence or now we we are being paranoid .

No charges brought against them  in all those years of abusing refs and the system .

Now they have the right people running the show for them , would that suggest they know they are going to be looked after 

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7 hours ago, TMB said:

The Rangers board went after the SFA just a few months ago.  They went after Gary Hughes and someone else who had involvement with celtic (I can't remember his name now).  So how is there "no chance" if the board have already shown they have the balls to do it?  Your criticising then unjustly.  

I'm not saying we didn't influence it him not being in a job but he chose not to reapply, he wasn't sacked, there was no formal public apology from him or the SFA. This was a shooey in win for us to get him out, and it happened. Not sure who the other one us you're referring to. I praised SR for the tone and content of the fanzone letter and the Board for initially standing up for us re the Cup Final so it's not that I won't praise them.

But with regards to refereeing SG came out on the offensive and appears to have been told to pipe down. We then continue to get fucked over, make a formal complaint, and get charged for it.  For me the behind closed doors stuff is all in favour of the SFA, we'll lose our charges and be fined or reprimanded, Collum will get more big games and nothing changes.

I want the club and directors to publicise what we're up against, exposing what and why, and using the profile of SG to get this out in the open outwith scotland. By showing them up for what they are hopefully we get real changes to the refereeing rather than not even lip service but punished.

We've got enough to go to town on them if we wanted. We've tried to go down the formal route and look where that's got us. Time to strike out and play it publicly, on our terms. What's the worst theyre gonna do, charge us again?

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