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Neil McCann On Sectarian Abuse Received When His Dad Passed Away


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To me this issue was just blown up shite from the media and politicians, nothing more than football banter. After reading what Neil McCann said specifically about his unease of going out with his family that’s changed it somewhat. 

Looks like again we will have to lead the way and hopefully that bastardised football team will follow. The whataboutarry argument will get us no where albeit we know they cunts are the main reason this rears it’s ugly head every so often. 

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Well said McCann and good on him for pointing out that other clubs are just as guilty of this behaviour.  Dundee United, Hibs, Aberdeen, etc have managed to avoid being charged for the amount of bigotry that exists within their fans purely by making it an Old Firm thing.  With the media agenda pushing us as the bad guys.

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6 hours ago, Courtyard Bear said:

Well done Neil McCann for speaking up but you will be ignored, they don’t want the debate to be about both sides it’s simply a stick to beat us with. 

Straight away Stewart is back talking about our mob saying Clarke put his head above the parapet.

What about Boyd a few days earlier or even Shay Logan last season when that mob hurled racist abuse at him?

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Doff the cap to Neil McCann. 

A respected ex professional who conducted himself impeccably whilst a player & continues to do so in his media/managerial roles.  

The absolute irony of his personal experience in playing  for us & being a catholic is tremendously appropriate right at this time.  

That is a fkn gem of a statement & the club should be very thankful for it.  


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7 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

I demand that the board appoint him. Communications Director would be a good shout. He would be a great ambassador for the club in the current shit storm.

It's a good shout as long as he's allowed to be frank, open and honest.  

Imagine the mindfuck for the tims when a tim is appointed as a Comms Director with a specific remit to lead on sectarianism issues in Scottish football.  :mutley:

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19 hours ago, Laudrup1984 said:

"I would like to think the abuse that I take is purely for that fact that I have gone to Rangers, and I'm talking about celtic fans directly, because I'm a Catholic and played for Rangers and I have some right that I shouldn't sign for that club and further my career."

I'm afraid to tell you Neil this is exact the reason you receive the abuse!  The same reason as wee Nacho.  The media and certain quarters will tell you that it's big bad Rangers, Rangers are worse blah blah blah and it is simply not true.

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15 minutes ago, coopsleftboot said:

It's a good shout as long as he's allowed to be frank, open and honest.  

Imagine the mindfuck for the tims when a tim is appointed as a Comms Director with a specific remit to lead on sectarianism issues in Scottish football.  :mutley:


It would also be a mindfuck for the media and the footballing authorities, as their selectarian narrative train comes to a sudden halt. 

We would miss a trick in not hiring him. With his footballing pedigree there are so many positives in doing so, in representing us on the plethora of SPFL/SFA committees as opposed to the idiots we currently have.

Bring him home!


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I love Neil McCann, really should be given some sort of role within the club just for being one of the few prominent people within Scottish football not to be shying away from his ties to us all these years even if it’s just an ambassador type role 

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Unfortunately .... bringing Neil McCann back to Ibrox as a spokesman would never work ... other than in a coaching capacity where his football brain would be best utilised.

It's nonsense to think he would even consider any other role .... he and his family have suffered enough abuse .... and him exposing their hypocrisy has been brave and refreshing ..... he's done his part and very well ..... any more now would invalidate his already powerful statement. 

Any action against the sectarian scum ... the SFA ... officials and the media .... must come from the Club ..... until that happens nothing will change and the hypocrisy will continue unabated.



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Neil McCann a true gent and total respect to him for stepping up to make this very valid point. I wish more ex-players had his backbone and values tbh.

I left it a couple of days to see if the Guardian would pick up on Neil's statement in order to balance their showcasing of Clark's pathetic moaning. No surprise they have done no such thing. What can one expect of the IRA-loving communist rag that took up the mantle for that horrendous Haggerty munter? No, on the contrary, they appear to have a duty to further the warped agenda of their rhepublican friends north of the border.

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