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Scum walk free over effigies charges.

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How the fuck can you destroy an electronic file? Even if it was on a USB stick, SD Card then you would have had to, what, throw it in the bin?

And then that leads to why the fuck was there only one copy of it. Surely the defence has a copy the original exists and the prosecution had a copy?

That's just the video where did the photos go?


Someone needs sacked but won't because no doubt they won't have a clue who done it.

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14 minutes ago, Creampuff said:

“Guaranteed” :lol: 

The person at the ‘top of the chain’ will have had no input whatsoever. Is it Dr Reid again? This fanciful idea of Government Depts being instructed to act certain way in certain cases simply doesn’t happen.

Right you are.

Oh dear.

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2 minutes ago, mclovin9091 said:

How the fuck can you destroy an electronic file? Even if it was on a USB stick, SD Card then you would have had to, what, throw it in the bin?

And then that leads to why the fuck was there only one copy of it. Surely the defence has a copy the original exists and the prosecution had a copy?

That's just the video where did the photos go?


Someone needs sacked but won't because no doubt they won't have a clue who done it.

Failure to disclose the evidence is essentially what the Judge criticised the Crown Office for.

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20 minutes ago, Creampuff said:

I don’t mean to be disrespectful here, but can you read? 

At no point did I suggest things should be accepted, and whilst it is too late to find a solution for this case, what could still be addressed (at ministerial level) is the chronic underfunding that causes cases to be dropped for similar reasons everyday.

Public purse has been screwed, of that there is no doubt. But ways and means have to be found to make the process work, for justice to continue to be delivered.

You appear to be trivializing the role of seniority in the copfs who have a duty ensure exactly this, instead saying this is the type of thing that happens and will continue to do so.

Cases will be won, cases will be lost, that's what happens. But if controls aren't in place for evidence to be secured, checked and double checked to prevent cases being binned before trial then there is something seriously amiss with the supervisory and senior capacities within there.

A murder case, a high profile sex case chucked because evidence is lost and we should be saying aye but workload pressures? Bollocks, and it shouldn't be written off to that this time either.

Some one dropped the ball, and someone should be accountable for that without us accepting they're a bit busy so it's understandable.

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10 minutes ago, Drunk and disorderly. said:

Nerver heard of such a thing happening to Rangers supporters accused of a crime. They are fucking at it.

Aye, No doubt The Jolly Craicsters who were originally charged will be out celebrating St Pats day with a bit of extra vigour, Wee rascals that they are

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It is strange how it would be a case that involved tarriers at their midden that this lost evidence would happen in. :hmmm:

No way was this not an inside job IMO and it is another fucking disgrace, our justice system is now a shambles. 


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1 hour ago, Creampuff said:

“Guaranteed” :lol: 

The person at the ‘top of the chain’ will have had no input whatsoever. Is it Dr Reid again? This fanciful idea of Government Depts being instructed to act certain way in certain cases simply doesn’t happen.

I think stevie wonder could see that the snpee at the very top level are and were interfering in the wee eck sex case.

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1 hour ago, Creampuff said:

“Guaranteed” :lol: 

The person at the ‘top of the chain’ will have had no input whatsoever. Is it Dr Reid again? This fanciful idea of Government Depts being instructed to act certain way in certain cases simply doesn’t happen.

Top of the chain of custody ya wee fanny. Not top of the taig chain as in Liewell, top politico's and the Justice minister. Not unsurprising you couldn't tell the difference. In saying that, the poltical landscape does influence, such is the culture engendered.

 Not withstanding my utter disdain of them, I haven't hired a taig in professional capacity yet. Simply not rounded enough nor intelligent enough, nor trustworthy enough. My managers who are all Prod's know that, by simply seeing there isn't a one around them. Also, my close friends know never to bring a taig into my company socially. I don't have to tell any of them ffs.

 A culture is created and engendered by the man at the top. Stick a very large portrait of the Her Majesty in reception and in your office. Alongside a very large framed Pegasus emblem of the Para's. Try a permanent collection point for the Royal British Legion and a giant poppy in the corner. All perfectly legal. Now guess who isn't comng to work for you and you don't even have to open your mouth. Not wishing to offend of course. So how many taigs work for me? How much do I need to say to anyone?  Not hard is it?!

I also have a large portrait of Her Majesty at home in my entrance hall. The Union Jack and the Ulster Banner crossed on another wall. I also have a large picture on display of the Sheik Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. So what subliminal messages am I sending and guess who's not coming to dinner and I don't have to utter a word?! Those who are offended are of no worth to me, just as we are in Scotland today. I create the evironment and culture that I desire in what I have control of, as everyone can and not having to say one word in doing so.

Now I can do that all on my ownsone. Think what government depts and the authorities at large can do and are doing being riddled with nepotism? the culture in Holyrood, local councils, public services, footballing authorities is what? Nothing new I may add, but just worse.

I sometimes wonder if you live in a bubble with your niavity, either that or you are Stevie Wonder.




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Just now, Domthenbud said:

I may be being a tad simplistic but there is plenty of footage of the incident, television coverage etc. Can the evidence not be recreated and the route to the perpetrators, can that not be done again.

Needs to be the original, which isn't there now

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23 minutes ago, Sweettartangirl said:

Definitely wasn't an accident. Underfunded or not, I could wager a winning bet that someone in that office knew exactly what they were doing to make sure this case went away. 

Also remember one of their bheasts McCafferty is due up in front of the beak soon...

will they make that one "disappear" too?

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Rangers kid hit with bottle_ no arrest.

celtic fans jumping on top of police van _ no arrests.

morelos hit with coin_ no arrest.

buckie bottle thrown onto pitch_ no arrest.

sectarian effigies hung from stand _ evidence destroyed.

Rangers fan throws coin at linesman _ one arrest.

priest spat on_ one arrest.

Police Scotland not fit for purpose.

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Imagine the reaction if the DNA of the boy who spat on the priest had been 'lost'.

Look at the response by msm, by politicians, etc to what was without doubt a hate crime now sunk due to at best incompetence or at worst illegal activity within the PF office.

Night and day.

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Maladministration and incompetence eh?

Which journalists, newspapers, media companies, investigating officers, politicians and whoever else could / should be looking at this case will be asking - persistently and until incontrovertible evidence one way or the other is produced:

Was it maladministration and incompetence due to plain simple negligence?  Personally, I doubt it as this had (has) all the hallmarks of being a profoundly important case of significant interest and which would have received wide media coverage not only in Scotland but throughout the UK and beyond. 

Or was it wilful negligence?  

Or (akin to wilful negligence) was it people in authority making sure they were not exercising all necessary duty and responsibility in relation to acts / omissions of others when there should have been active intervention to prevent maladministration and incompetence happening?

Or was it part of a cabal-like incident where enough people of influence in the case, or in the know, collaborated to create and even encouraged / created the opportunity for maladministration and incompetence to happen?

Or were people 'leaned on' to make sure enough went wrong /missing to create the scene for incompetence and maladministration to be the basis of the excuses?

Whose heads in the machinery of justice will roll / be prosecuted / be rightfully pilloried in public as a result of this?   

Wait though...……..the case affects Rangers...……...what's that I hear?    Ah, its the sound of legal and other brooms being swished across the floor to cover the matter up and to quickly hide it away from public gaze.        Wait a bit more...…..what else do we hear?...………...of course and as ever...…….the sound of utter silence coming from the Directors of Rangers.    

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Surely there must be other evidence. Where did they get the evidence in the first place? Do they not keep back ups? This stinks of pure corruption to me. Correct me if I'm wrong but did they not "lose" vital evidence in the Craig Whyte trial. There is absolutely no way they lost this evidence. It been deliberately destroyed in my honest opinion.

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