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12 minutes ago, j1mgg said:

I am sure I saw that guy (champagne weird looking one) when I came out of the north stand after the game tonight.

He is involved with the woman who was jailed (now out I think, thread OT 'hands up, who knows this crackpot' page two) he looks a bit poofy to me but is always pictured with her and while she is bad person I believe, she looks like she would like a hetrosexual man, not what he looks like. :pipe:

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23 minutes ago, BlueKnight87 said:

Every year the same thing. They have to make a weekend about honouring soldiers about them. 

If they hate our armed forces so much, fuck off somewhere else. 

I would send them somewhere else, against a wall with a bullet between the eyes and sent to Hell. 

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1 hour ago, j1mgg said:

Also another group called the Bhoys disrupted the silence inside the stadium.

This is the rabble that used to go by the name of ‘Style mile vandals’, tells you all you really need to know about them....

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7 hours ago, Courtyard Bear said:

I see the groin brigade refused to take their seats for the minutes silence, and only came in after it was over. 

Let them be fools, the idiots fail to see the irony that many of their own players fought and died in the wars so let them disrespect their own.

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The constant politicising of everything by these cunts is starting to get really boring 

For me politics is in the same section as religion and both should not be used by football clubs  or fans ,

Its time the goon brigade were brought to task by the football authorities for the constant political statements ,but don’t expect the compliance officer to be stepping in soon ,Afterall she is busy dealing with Tom Boyd for his referee comments earlier in the season 

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Every Europa league team they’ve played have been brilliant, can win it etc. 

Every team we’ve played have been farmers from Kazakstan no doubt. 

Always made out like we should be beating the teams in our group whilst it’s a big tarrier sop story with the hard luck groups they get. 

I’d have taken their group over ours any day of the week and I’d guarantee we’d be through at this stage already whilst they’d have struggled big time in our group. 

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6 hours ago, Prso's headband said:

Every Europa league team they’ve played have been brilliant, can win it etc. 

Every team we’ve played have been farmers from Kazakstan no doubt. 


Spot on, was just going to say now that Monday morning is here, how I cannot wait to read about scintillating THEM taking apart a superb Motherwell team, whilst we just about managed a win against a shite (true and a bunch of thugs) Livi.

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9 minutes ago, tannerall said:

Kenny Miller.it's a half and half bobble hat, front is green and white.

Cellic shop has one of those for every team in the world. It's called a speshul relashunship hat. 


Every team in the World? Tongue in cheek I know as certainly not us or Lazio, and what about all those nasty Jewish teams in the hated Zionist Empire persecuting the pure oppressed people of Hesbollah and Hamas? Seem to remember them fighting with Ajax and Sunderland fans in reasonably recent memory as well.  

Despite their own propaganda, eagerly scooped up by our MSM, there are quite a few people out there apart from us who recognise this Mhob for what they are, and there is nothing speshul about them apart from the schools they went to.

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On 09/11/2019 at 13:06, coopsleftboot said:

See for  a support that is praising themselves for beating pretend Fascists in a game of football it’ll be interesting to see how many of them will be wearing a poppy to commemorate the supporters of their Club who actually lost their lives fighting real Facists. 

Also looking forward to the minutes silence and unfurling a huge banner to show their respect for said supporters who paid the ultimate price fighting real Fascism.

It's actually hilarious how monumental the irony is. 

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1 hour ago, tannerall said:

Kenny Miller.it's a half and half bobble hat, front is green and white.

Cellic shop has one of those for every team in the world. It's called a speshul relashunship hat. 


You think they’re on the same shelf as they ‘kilt’tee’ things they were selling:-)...  
I’d include a picture but there is only so much visible abuse folk should be expected to deal with on a Monday morning...

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55 minutes ago, j1mgg said:

Have the Tim's board came out and said anything about them disrespecting the silence, and singing what they were throughout the game?

Who really gives a fuck mate, scum will be scum and if they did say anything it would be about how the vast majority respected the silence and how much they donated and how wonderful a club they are 🤢

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