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Posts posted by ianb1547

  1. Interesting that Madden is being given League 1 and 2 fixtures.

    Forgetting that it's Madden...do the FA really think that reffing Rangers v Celtic games...not to mention FIFA games...is comparable to their Leagues 1 and 2?

    p.s.   glad to see the back of him tbh.


  2. It appears that there are a number of facts emerging over the last couple of days: -

    • Children were tear-gassed. What possible threat can a 9 year old pose to a fully trained and equipped riot officer?
    • An 84 year old female in a wheelchair was pepper sprayed for asking for an (apparent) fake ticket back...and she and her wheelchair locked until after the match in a cage to house those arrested
    • Video of a male supporter, who was behind an iron fence, being pepper sprayed, whilst his hands showed there was nothing in them. What threat did he pose?
    • French teenagers clearly climbing gates and telling journalists how they got in for free.....with end quotes of 'Fuck France'
    • Even Thierry Henri said you would not want to be in the Saint Denis area (where the stadium is)

    I am not a Liverpool supporter by any means.....but there for the grace of God......... 

    Even BBC journalists, who were there in a private capacity, have said how atrocious this was.

    UEFA, and France, have huge questions to answer.......  


    In case my opinion is in doubt...


    UEFA fucked up big time....and are too busy offering lame excuses to try and hide their own incompetence.



  3. Apart from obvious answers relating to 1) they go for the money, 2) the sponsors run things.

    This season has seen two of the most prestigious European finals turning into debacles for fans for the Europa and Champions League finals.

    Our fans had numerous problems, all well documented that I don't need to repeat.

    Liverpool fans arriving at their ground early, as instructed to, and being pepper sprayed etc and the game being delayed.

    So, what has happened?

    Are the countries chosen (Spain and France) not able to accommodate fans in a way that promotes a good experience for visiting fans (or a particular set of fans) due to that country's 'policing model'?

    I also find it incredulous that an organisation the size of UEFA have absolutely no complaint/grievance procedure about their own actions/decisions. Instead, fans who are disgruntled have to fill in a questionnaire to a 'European fans group.'    Really? In 2022?

    @The Dude     Can you highlight this in an upcoming article?

    This season has shown UEFA for what they are, i.e. Not interested in fan experience.


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