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    bmurray9 reacted to Straight-Edge-Loyal in Glen Kamara   
    Mark Allan should be doing jail time for that deal he's robbed Dundee. 
  3. Like
    bmurray9 reacted to Cedrick in Ally McCoist: Rangers Are Four Top Players Away From Matching celtic   
    In the same league as Andy Robertson for a season and he didn’t spot him 
  4. Like
    bmurray9 reacted to HG5 in Rangers & Them Fined £7,500   
    People look at me as if I’ve taken leave of my senses, when I try to explain it down here!
  5. Like
    bmurray9 reacted to Courtyard Bear in 11 years...   
    10 seconds of going absolutely mental, before I just stood looking at the tele with tears running down my face in a state of shock. 
    The wife telling me you’re supposed to be happy, that’s women for you. 
  6. Like
    bmurray9 reacted to CooperSF in 11 Years Ago Today   
    Pass it...
    Pass it...
    PASS IT!!!
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    bmurray9 reacted to RFC55 in Cheltenham   
    See when you put your bet on and look at your wee bet slip you just think "fucking hell this is easy"
  8. Like
    bmurray9 reacted to The Ibrox Derry in And even now there is still alot to play for.   
    Personally i think too much responsibility lands with the Manager in football.
    I remember a story years ago involving Brian Clough and Trevor Francis.
    In Trevors 1st game for Forest he approached Brian before kick off wanting to know tactics, his role in the match, what opposition players to watch out for etc etc.
    Clough responded "Listen Young man, I have just paid a million pounds for you, and you are asking me what you've got to do on the pitch? Get out there Son, make chances, and stick the ball in the net as often as you can" "And never ask me that fucking question again OK"
  9. Like
    bmurray9 reacted to Laudrup1984 in Hamburg St Pauli   
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    bmurray9 reacted to BlueMe in A lack of proper intelligence in the squad   
    A lack of intelligence from the officials has fucked us.
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    bmurray9 reacted to scottyc06 in Players giving the sheep pelters   
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    bmurray9 reacted to BLUEDIGNITY in Brenda   
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    bmurray9 reacted to scotty1976 in Brenda   
    Picture the scene......my dream scenario.
    Drop a couple of points in the next couple of games v the Edinburgh teams. Gap closed a bit. Pressure on, meltdown cranks up......
    Wee win for us at their place........I think they’d implode. 
    So it ends with them blowing the 8 point lead and us winning the league. 
    This would result in the biggest meltdown in history. They’d turn on Lennon for blowing it. They’d turn on the board for lack of ambition. They’d turn on Brenda for bailing when the going got tough. They’d blame the referees, the SFA. UEFA and FIFA’s inboxes would be full of grammatically deficient emails. They’d be wanting a full investigation into how a team who are Pyure deid have been allowed into Europe 7 years ago. They’d expect government intervention. They’d turn on every other team for not giving them free goals. 
    It would be beautiful and if we could put together a consistent run (big if) it might happen....
    And not being greedy I’d be hoping for a wee win against them in the Scottish Cup final.....
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    bmurray9 reacted to Young Bob in Kilmarnock win Bachmann appeal   
    Anti Fenian sectarianism. Clark said he is catholic but not a Fenian. He wasnt called a catholic bastard buta Fenian one.
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    bmurray9 reacted to The Dude in Sectarianism at Rangers or celtic affects us all and beating it requires equal approach - James Black   
    Referees have been the centre of attention over the past few months as everybody thinks there's an agenda for or against somebody else.
    But the last week has seen Scottish football dragged back in time with sectarianism rearing its ugly head after incidents involving Kris Boyd and Steve Clarke .
    Both were victims of sectarian chanting aimed at them based on their affiliation (real or otherwise) with one half of the Old Firm.
    However, only one seemed to cause widespread offence and spur the Scottish FA into some sort of action.
    READ MORE: https://www.BOYCOTT THIS LINK/sport/football/football-news/sectarianism-Rangers-celtic-affects-beating-14037661
  17. Like
    bmurray9 reacted to plumbGER in Steven Davis   
    Thinking back to the start of the season I think I remember Arfield not being particularly impressive and getting mild criticism, he's turned out ok.
  18. Like
    bmurray9 reacted to Drunk and disorderly. in If We Don't Finish Top Two..   
    Coming second is only acceptable when riding the wife.
    We have fallen and are on our way back. Stubborn as it sounds I will not accept second best. No difference between 2nd and 10th to me. Both failures. 
    I didn't sit in the Govan Rear freezing to death watching us play diddy teams in the 3rd division to surrender our title to scummy bastards who wanted us dead. 
    Talk of coming second whilst we are title contenders riles me up. Fucking cowardice!
  19. Like
    bmurray9 reacted to scotty1976 in TLB leaves hibs   
    The media have tried time and time again to paint Lennon as some kind of misunderstood guy.....tactically astute, intelligent, articulate, witty...but at the end of the day he’s a wee angry, bigoted and violent scumbag that provokes reaction from the opposition before playing the catholic victim card. 
    He can’t hide it and once again the scum in him has surfaced and will continue to do so. I can’t see how any club (outside of those trying to appeal to the fenian victim masses) could see him as a viable option as a manager with his baggage. 
    So Neil, away and drink your fortune away and end up a pish stained jakey in some East End spit and sawdust hell hole living off your tainted titles and blaming your failings on everything and everyone but yourself.
    Enjoy the gutter. It’s where you deserve to be.
  20. Like
    bmurray9 reacted to left winger in Crouch on Gerrard   
    Interviewer: what would you be if you weren’t a professional footballer?
    Peter Crouch: A virgin.
  21. Like
    bmurray9 reacted to BridgeIsBlue in Hard not to get carried away - Barry Ferguson   
    This is utter shite, they've signed "exciting" prospects every window for the last few years and they've amounted to the tune of fuck all, Weah and Bayo will be no different. 
    Put it this is way if both squads remain in their current state come the 1st of February we have every right to get ahead of ourselves as we're looking the strongest. 
    The fear factor of playing them is gone, if we play the same way at the piggery as we did at Ibrox we'll murder them. 
  22. Like
    bmurray9 reacted to Leeds_Bear in Defoe turned down Palace   
    Last Updated: 09/01/19 4:17pm
    Jermain Defoe says there was interest from Crystal Palace in signing him but he wanted a "different challenge" with Rangers.
    The experienced forward has joined the Scottish Premiership side from Bournemouth on an 18-month loan deal and will link up with former England team-mate Steven Gerrard, who took charge at Ibrox in the summer.
    Asked if Palace had also tried to sign him, Defoe said: "There was interest, I had to weigh it all up, and I fancied something different to be honest, I fancied a different challenge.
    "It is a massive football club and I am coming into an environment where everyone is confident.
    "The Palace one was lingering for years - I know a lot of people down there, (coach) Mark Bright, a lot of the players. It is obviously a fantastic football club, with a top manager (Roy Hodgson).
    "But I spoke to Stevie and decided to come here, because it is a great opportunity for me.
    "When he got the job, it did make me think a little bit, and so far he is a natural."
    Gerrard has guided Rangers to second in the Scottish Premiership, behind celtic only on goal difference, and Defoe is looking forward to playing a full part in their title bid, having featured for just 22 minutes at Bournemouth this season.
    With Jermain Defoe joining Rangers on an 18-month loan deal we look back at ten of his best Premier League strikes.
    "22 minutes? I thought it was less to be honest," said the forward.
    "It happens to the best players in the world - for whatever reason, you don't play.
    "I was always professional and it got to the stage where I probably sacrificed my own happiness for the team and the younger players, helping others."
    Defoe played just 22 minutes for Bournemouth this season before leaving on loan
    Defoe is now 36 years old but thinks he has enough left in the tank to help Rangers.
    "I am always sharp and I will always try my best," he said.
    "I am not superhuman and, as you get older, the body changes but, when you get in and around the box, nothing changes."
  23. Like
    bmurray9 reacted to Vision in Connor Goldson   
    CONNOR GOLDSON has revealed the extraordinary lengths he went through to ensure he didn’t miss out on the biggest game of his life.

    Just 48 hours before last month’s Old Firm derby the Rangers defender was in so much pain he couldn’t walk.

    He feared his dream of facing celtic had been crushed under the weight of a Darren McGregor challenge just a few days before.

    Yet with the help of ice packs, rest and a cortisone injection, the 26- year-old made a remarkable recovery to stroll through Gers’ 1-0 win. Goldson revealed: “I was probably as professional as I ever have been for two days. It was a game I never wanted to miss. “I have said all along that I came up here for the big occasions, for big games of football.

    It could have gone either way but I would have been gutted if I had been sitting in the stand watching. “The injury came right at the end of the first half against Hibs. I went up for a header with their centre back McGregor. He’s a big boy and landed on my ankle. “It was was my decision to come out for the second half. “It was probably silly but you just think that if you get running, it will wear off and you can play through it. “But afterwards I couldn’t move. I had bruising all round my Achilles, on both sides of my ankle. “When I woke up on the Thursday, I couldn’t even get out of bed. I couldn’t walk on it. “I wasn’t happy. I didn’t speak to my missus that morning. I was a little bit emotional. “She actually said to me ‘You need to get over it. If you’re not going to play, you’re not going to play, it’s not the end of the world’.

    But I knew I had to play. Not for the team, but for me. “I wanted to play in that game. I did everything I could to make it. “Credit to the doctors and physios, they patched me up as much as they could. “I iced it 24/7 and tried to do everything I could to get it moving. Even in the warm-up, I wasn’t great. “I had the injection but as soon as the game kicked off, I didn’t feel a thing. “As a footballer, the adrenaline kicks in. “When you are hearing that noise and you are so focused on the game, you don’t have time to think about your ankle or whatever it is. “When you’re walking about the house, you are constantly thinking to yourself ‘Is it hurting or is it not?’.

    But as soon as the whistle goes and you are out there, the drugs kick in and you just get on with the game and try to focus on football.” In the end, all the stress, all the worry and all the treatment proved worth it. Goldson and the rest of his Rangers team-mates savoured every second of the club’s first league win over celtic in almost seven years. Ryan Jack’s winner prompted wild scenes of celebration with Goldson pictured afterwards enjoying the acclaim of the Copland Road stand. He smiled: “The whole stand was bouncing. “As we were walking off the pitch, I just took a moment to appreciate it. “There are good times in football that you need to take in and there are bad times that you need to get rid of as quickly as you can. “So when the good times are there, I try to take them in.

    I think my face said everything — I was just full of joy and happiness. “We knew how big that game was. We knew we had to turn up, and we did so. “That little bit after the game was just me taking in what it actually means to people. “The fans showed from the first whistle that when we play like that, they will back us 100 percent. “When we don’t, it can get little bit sticky. “It shows you that’s how we have to play because when we do play like that, we are difficult to play against and the whole stadium gets behind us.” The win ensures that Steven Gerrard’s men are firmly in the title mix, with the Rangers boss further enhancing his club’s challenge with the capture of Jermain Defoe and Steven Davis. Goldson said: “We have said from day one that we need to forget about this gap everyone talks about.

    The new manager has to come in and close the gap to be successful. But we are a big club with a good team and, if we want to be successful, we need to aim as high as we can and get as many points as we can. “We have dropped a few points when we shouldn’t have this season but we are still very much in the mix.

    We have given ourselves a great chance to try and be successful in the second half of the season. “Coming in now, the atmosphere is so good compared to what it might have been. “It was a really great game, great for us — and great for the supporters.

    It’s probably the best we have played over 90 minutes. “We need to carry that on after the winter break.”
    I fucking love that attitude, to win the title this season the player's are going to have to go through the pain barrier and give it their all.
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    bmurray9 reacted to With Heart and Hand in The latest from Tom Irish   
    these cunts are so blatant and pathetically bitter it makes me laugh, imagine going to work every day knowing you're just a puppet, then writing absolute arse water and putting your name to it. Because you can't handle losing a game so they chose to make a mockery of themselves and the entire game.
    Rangers get demoted to the lowest league in the country and now they think theyre a conspiracy against celtic 😂 fucking bizarre this whole fiasco is
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    bmurray9 reacted to .Williamson. in All Guns Blazing: What Did Gerrard Say To Them ?   
    Probably just the same thing the guy behind me repeated for near the whole game, "Get fucked into them Rangers". Over and over and over 
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