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Bigot Caley Player refers to, 'opening up orangemen'


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I agree with Alex Jones quote but:

This issue is Rangers related.

A Rangers fan is serving a 6 months sentence for expressing an opinion on a Celtic bigot.

Two Rangers fans are serving five years, not because of what they did but because a Scottish jury and a Scottish appeal Judge decided they could interperate the thoughts of the accused and decided they believed they committed a crime.

We are the only fans that have to be careful what we say and sing.

We are the only fans that have had songs banned.

If we say words that have been wrongly defined as sectarian by Scottish republicans, we will be arrested.

Scottish police confiscate NI flags and bin them.

This is all enforced by heavy handed policing.

All other fans in Scotland can sing and say what they want.

Dundee United fans were praised to the highest for the loud and clear sectarian abuse directed at Rangers fans last year when we were put out of the cup.

The Tartan Army are free to dish out racist abuse against their British neighbours, dish out sectarian abuse against their head of state and sing an anthem that insights violence. The police sometimes don't even attend their games.

The legislation used to persecute our fans has been brought in by a republican bigot that could not contain her own sectarian hatred the last time the Orange Order walked in Perth.

The National Socialist leader that brought it in mocked the Glorious Revolution that gave us free and religious liberty as being from the distant past when it was introduced, yet the bigot is arranging a celebration of a 700 year old battle this year.

This story will be hidden by the republican press but as long as these republican bigots persecute Rangers fans then their hypocrisy should be exposed an every turn.

100% UF, If we don't bring this to light, it will only get more serious, and we will find it difficult to combat the bigotry the haters continue to throw our way. It must be nipped in the bud.

We must be allowed to defend our corner from this onslaught of tripe being spread, with the sole purpose of baiting our support, hoping for a reaction that will put us in the dock, and not these purveyors of semi-literate diatribe.

It must be put out there, that we will no longer be sitting back and accepting these types of attacks,with no comeback at all.

Dignified silence is deceased,and should be removed forthwith from the Rangers supports vocabulary.

A strong message must be sent out, that, we never have been, and never will be, whipping boys for these scum who seem to be under the illusion that we are soft targets for their insipid agendas'.

As said in some previous posts, we must now, "fight fire with fire", I agree it is now the case to do so, as to hope it will all just go away is not the way this game is now being played anymore, so time to change tactics, and beat them at their own game.

Better than skulking away and doing nothing to alleviate the cause of it all. :7325:

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It's tit-for-tat, grown men falling over themselves to pretend their offended by something just so someone gets into trouble and they can pretend like they're being oppressed. It's the exact tactics we all used to laugh at Celtic fans for using now we employ them the exact same way just for a little bit of attention. It's pathetic.


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Too much of this neddish and ignorant behavior by professional footballers now.

Clubs should have clauses in the players' contracts advising them they are in the public eye and derogatory even stupid comments could damage the club and potentially lead to disciplinary measures.

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Your the arrogant and selfish one ya wee banger

Your Dad would be ashamed to have you as a son and turning in his grave when you sent his brethren away from his funeral

You are an absolute lowlife

A grassing, bigoted little lowlife

Part from that he's awrite eh?

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We are in a war.

Who reported to us to UEFA over so called bigoted songs then moaned when the same was done about IRA banners,

Who reported us to the ASA for this same club new club pish

Who wanted us dead

Whose forums are full of names calling us sevco zombies, h***, dob's

Who wanted this legislation as a stick to beat us with

Who complained to the military over us CELEBRATING our armed forces

Who wrote to their MP's to try every possible avenue to get our tax problems investigated

Who labelled us cheats financial doping, tax evasion, over an EBT scheme we found not guilty of.

Whose forums are more obsessed with us than their own team

Who aided and abetted by a compliant channel 4 nonce, got our support demonised and a man jailed for banter, and ignored the same celtic fans posting threats against her

Whose CEO openly mocks us at their AGM

Whose manager (who had tax trouble before) then moaned about sporting integrity.

Who instigated "no to newco" to get us sent down to the SFL 3

Who had an illegal blog with confidential RFC info used a documentary by Mark Daly not once but twice.

Which element of their support holds a mentally ill man, a fake journo with a HND, and a man who cons miners out of compensation as moral guardians

Who uses their positions of power to get on SPL boards and try to shit us from a great height.

Who reports anything our supporters do on social media to try and paint us in a bad light.

Have i joined the dots enough now?

They wanted this, they started this, and now its come back to bite them from behind and I'm not going to stand idly by and watch our own get demonised while theirs get lauded for expressing their views.

Its supposedly in Scotland 2014, one scotland many cultures. Aye as long as that culture is celtic or roman catholic.

This. This. And this......

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This all just plays into the hands of over the top internet policing sadly :(

He shouldn't get done for this and others that have shouldn't have either, a wrongful president has been set in this country that I really cannot agree with.

Exactly. If this is a war as some have suggested then its a war where both sides lose, big time.

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Exactly. If this is a war as some have suggested then its a war where both sides lose, big time.

that is very true - but by ignoring it, the other side will win. Where is the alternative? do we hope it goes away? because clearly it is not going to.

Short sighted fools started all this shite leaving us with no option but to respond in kind.

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that is very true - but by ignoring it, the other side will win. Where is the alternative? do we hope it goes away? because clearly it is not going to.

Short sighted fools started all this shite leaving us with no option but to respond in kind.

That's the point you're missing mate, the other side dont win because the people pushing the shilling of unpopular speech are not doing it to protect Catholics or Protestants or any other section of society.

Eventually it will become so accepted and so common place that when the idea of a blanket ban of unpopular speech, particularly political free speech, will seem reasonable.

No-one in the lower to middle classes wins in that case, not the taigs, not us, not anyone.

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Exactly. If this is a war as some have suggested then its a war where both sides lose, big time.

Both sides have lost already, doubt we will ever experience the old firm atmospheres of old due to it and both clubs as a result also have stadiums like libraries on matchdays.

My hope is that there will be that many cases, and jailings that someone will say enough's enough and drop the stupid law.

Look at the case with the Partick fan, convicted but doesn't have a criminal record.

http://www.<No links to this website>/news/scottish-news/student-convicted-under-controversial-anti-sectarian-3037633

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People saying he should not get done for it. Must be having a laugh, he talked about shooting Orange men.

He is an utter arsehole,I agree, and the statement was totally wrong, but to jail him would be wrong mate , the law is wrong.

A guy is also being hauled up, for tweeting that he thinks, he should assassinate Salmond, again another stupid tweet, but should he be jailed, I think not. The law is wrong.


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