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Will it ever calm down?

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Just looking at the extremes opposition supporters are now going to against our club. We've always detested the scum and they us but since 2012 it has become ridiculous with other diddy clubs joining in at will. The lengths that the great unwashed go to with Res 12, taxcase blogs, charlotte fakes etc is now out of control. Before anyone starts the Protestant paranoia bullshit you just have to look at the fact they took out newspaper ads, employed lawyers etc , in other words are actually spending their giros to try and bring us down.

I can only see it getting worse as when we win 55 they will probably be checking every aspect of our club to find something against us. I used to think it was just a couple of loonballs but you have to accept now that it is a lot more than that.

I don't think the dignified silence will work anymore and we have to take them on from the top. Pity the RFFF has been spent on a stand rather than taking people like Prick Phil 3 names and all the others to court when they print lies. 

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The sooner we get back to winning the league the better, as it will tip alot of these fuckers right over the edge.

Where a crime has been committed we need to make sure the fuckers is taking to task, look at all the info leaked from hmrc during the tax case.

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They absolutely detest us with a passion.They've proved beyond a shadow of a doubt they HATE us more than they LOVE their own club. They are delusional and filled with bitterness. This will never change and to be honest I'm not too fond of them or their values either ?. They'll never let the facts get in the way of their anti Rangers obsession so I'm afraid the bile will be forthcoming after we're long gone. Not getting their independence never helped either. 

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The only point I disagree on Wully is about them spending giro money. It's not.

They have infiltrated and now dominate so many key institutional positions it's entirely to our detriment. They work hard at it and have played a blinder. 

Media. Councils. Government. Police. Law. Football authority. All either bheast run or bheast sympathetic. 

The influence they hold despite their lesser population percentage is no fluke. In a disgusting way it's impressive.

But then when we have our own who oppose monarchy protestantism unionism etc and hope for us to become a Republic then we to an extent deserve what we get.

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2 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

The only point I disagree on Wully is about them spending giro money. It's not.

They have infiltrated and now dominate so many key institutional positions it's entirely to our detriment. They work hard at it and have played a blinder. 

Media. Councils. Government. Police. Law. Football authority. All either bheast run or bheast sympathetic. 

The influence they hold despite their lesser population percentage is no fluke. In a disgusting way it's impressive.

But then when we have our own who oppose monarchy protestantism unionism etc and hope for us to become a Republic then we to an extent deserve what we get.

Agreed 100%.

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28 minutes ago, j1mgg said:

The sooner we get back to winning the league the better, as it will tip alot of these fuckers right over the edge.

Where a crime has been committed we need to make sure the fuckers is taking to task, look at all the info leaked from hmrc during the tax case.

Erskine Bridge anybody?

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The pure hatred has always been there from every other club in scotland but it has only shown more past few years.

People have seen the opportunity to kick us when we are down as it will be there only chance to do so.

Never forget the treatment that we have received and never forgive.


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I don't care about Pacific Shelf 595. 

I do agree however that since 2012 a hatred for us got bigger. I can only assume it is down to us simply not going away and/or directly threatning their team on and off the park (I.E. Keeping Hibs down for 3 seasons, Motherwell possible relegation) etc. 

It does not bother me that the great unwashed obsess over us because it shows we are bigger and more of a threat at this stage than anyone could have imagined. 

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16 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

The only point I disagree on Wully is about them spending giro money. It's not.

They have infiltrated and now dominate so many key institutional positions it's entirely to our detriment. They work hard at it and have played a blinder. 

Media. Councils. Government. Police. Law. Football authority. All either bheast run or bheast sympathetic. 

The influence they hold despite their lesser population percentage is no fluke. In a disgusting way it's impressive.

But then when we have our own who oppose monarchy protestantism unionism etc and hope for us to become a Republic then we to an extent deserve what we get.

Agree with this 95%. The bottom statement is one of the many qualities that make Rangers a far more acceptable and moral football institution. It is a broad church. The smelly bastards have now attached themselves to an overseas cause that hardly any of them truly care about, all due to this groin brigade. I like the fact that Rangers have supporters of different cultural backgrounds and the most important factor that qualifies them to support this great institution is nothing to do with governments or hatred for other football clubs, solely down to football. In saying that Rangers have always had a strong ethos towards the UK  and that should be continued and commended, the historical singing should not be banned its part of Rangers history but this should be done with the broadchurch in mind. 

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Hated for 144yrs, hated for the next 144. 

It's just there are now more channels to hate us through, social media etc. 

It's NEVER going to change, especially at 55, 56, 57 et al. 

I detest every other club- point is I'm not of the inclination to act on my hatred. I'll leave that to the obsessive compulsive disordered. 

No one likes us - I honestly don't fucking care. 

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1 hour ago, Wullies_bowly_legs said:

Just looking at the extremes opposition supporters are now going to against our club. We've always detested the scum and they us but since 2012 it has become ridiculous with other diddy clubs joining in at will. The lengths that the great unwashed go to with Res 12, taxcase blogs, charlotte fakes etc is now out of control. Before anyone starts the Protestant paranoia bullshit you just have to look at the fact they took out newspaper ads, employed lawyers etc , in other words are actually spending their giros to try and bring us down.

I can only see it getting worse as when we win 55 they will probably be checking every aspect of our club to find something against us. I used to think it was just a couple of loonballs but you have to accept now that it is a lot more than that.

I don't think the dignified silence will work anymore and we have to take them on from the top. Pity the RFFF has been spent on a stand rather than taking people like Prick Phil 3 names and all the others to court when they print lies. 

Being good Protestant Christians - when we stop hating they will stop hating!

i'll not hold my breath on any change soon. 

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It'll calm down, it'll probably take a couple of Seasons but what we have to remember while we've heard the same old crap time after time and have moved on from it as we moved up through the leagues all these fans of the diddies hadn't had their kick yet...same with the Premiership, apart from a handful of Cup games these fans haven't had their kick yet, give it this Season and likely next and it'll die a death

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23 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

Being good Protestant Christians - when we stop hating they will stop hating!

i'll not hold my breath on any change soon. 

I don't hate other teams. I see them at best as inconsequential other than when we are playing them.

So why do I here the pish coming from others in the pub, on the bus, etc.? No reason for it, unless they simply have a hate-filled existence?

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The irony here is that whilst we're hated by IRA FC and 95% of the rest of Scottish football, we are better liked and far more highly regarded in the rest of the UK and throughout Europe. 

That really winds the scumbags up. They are a weird bunch. Parochial and backwards. And it is them not us, that have destroyed Scottish football. Hivs, Motherwell, the sheep, Penn State FC, Hearts and all the other snide, resentful, backstabbing, obsessive tramps that are inconsolable because in a fit of jealous rage they tried to cut off their nose to spite their face and it didn't work. 

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The hate and sectarian bigotry against Rangers has always existed but now with so many forms of technology and social media it has been taken to a shockingly new level.

Until 2012 it was almost entirely IRAceltic fans driving the campaign against us but they have exploited the precarious circumstances the club found itself in and have managed to enlist the entire of Scottish football.

The republican juggernaut now attack our club and fans assisted by all the others under the false guise and allegation of ( cheating and new club, sevco etc ). A disgusting ploy of masking their wickedness and prejudices under a deceitful banner of moral justice?

It will never ever stop. The only way to address it is to get people together and set up a professional funded organisation / working group that sets about analysing and planning how to change the status quo. 

I've said it before but a good starting point would be involving Vanguardbears. Their ethos, knowledge and trade craft would be invaluable and could play a major role alongside the other vast array of components required to tackle this issue.


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It has become popular /the done thing to hate us with the excuse being we cheated (which we never but why let truth get in the way).Encouraged to keep us down and blacken our name at every opportunity and even when we are innocent, like the Cup final,  it still ends up being us that are seen in a bad light.

Until Rangers, directors and fans(which some do) stand up to the constant barrage then every other club and fan will still see us as fair game and it'll never calm down till we fight our corner,  No Surrender.  

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