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2 minutes ago, piperpete said:

Thats what family members do though back each other up. If your Dad wenin arms at his comments on a forum and said something no good would happen from what he suggests would you honestly throw him under a bus ? I wouldnt but I woukd say something privately and tell him to explain to all who are up IN arms at his comments.

NI certainly wouldnt openly have a go at him IN public, my auld man passed 15 years ago and wished I stiol could defend him. Greg IS only doing what any son should do IN public and for him to be ripped apart for doing so IS crazy.


Sometimes you have to ask yourself why do i always need to do this. I get his dads opinionated but naming and shaming Rangers supporters on a website a step too far.

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5 minutes ago, piperpete said:

Thats what family members do though back each other up. If your Dad wenin arms at his comments on a forum and said something no good would happen from what he suggests would you honestly throw him under a bus ? I wouldnt but I woukd say something privately and tell him to explain to all who are up IN arms at his comments.

NI certainly wouldnt openly have a go at him IN public, my auld man passed 15 years ago and wished I stiol could defend him. Greg IS only doing what any son should do IN public and for him to be ripped apart for doing so IS crazy.

I am trying to be fair though. I disagree with the comment - but equally I think there has been an overreaction to it on here from certain individuals and that surprised me - as I think the clear issues as a support with this are firstly to get a grip of the lads who think it's okay to make such posts and secondly those who where offended by them putting them in a more public sphere and the damage to the Rangers supporter  reputation that could bring unfairly 

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Just now, K.A.I said:

Some of that I agree with but I think you are downplaying Houston's role in this.

He is taking his Rangers Media frustrations out and using wee Jay as an excuse (not that he's my issue - I've no desire to see the wee guy paraded about in front of me on the TV, online and in newspapers like a circus act) but he's playing a dangerous game to the gallery and trying to hang out Rangers fans to try, start bandwagons and open cans of worms you won't get the lid back on just to get his cyber troops rallied and some likes for his ego because he's obviously feeling down at the moment. 

Mans a cancer. 

I think you massively overestimate the importance of this place to people. Because it was already out there and being commented on I wouldn't be surprised if he then posted it and to get some likes and paint himself in a good light but I don't think it's been anything to do with him having an axe to grind with RM.

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2 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

Some of that I agree with but I think you are downplaying Houston's role in this.

He is taking his Rangers Media frustrations out and using wee Jay as an excuse (not that he's my issue - I've no desire to see the wee guy paraded about in front of me on the TV, online and in newspapers like a circus act) but he's playing a dangerous game to the gallery and trying to hang out Rangers fans to try, start bandwagons and open cans of worms you won't get the lid back on just to get his cyber troops rallied and some likes for his ego because he's obviously feeling down at the moment. 

Mans a cancer. 

Thai Tim's have been quite for a while now. Mibbees CH is arranging some gigs for them over here?

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Just now, The Dude said:

I think you massively overestimate the importance of this place to people. Because it was already out there and being commented on I wouldn't be surprised if he then posted it and to get some likes and paint himself in a good light but I don't think it's been anything to do with him having an axe to grind with RM.

Again, fair enough if that's your opinion (I've heard worse from you lol) but I still think you are downplaying his part in all this. 

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5 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

Some of that I agree with but I think you are downplaying Houston's role in this.

He is taking his Rangers Media frustrations out and using wee Jay as an excuse (not that he's my issue - I've no desire to see the wee guy paraded about in front of me on the TV, online and in newspapers like a circus act) but he's playing a dangerous game to the gallery and trying to hang out Rangers fans to try, start bandwagons and open cans of worms you won't get the lid back on just to get his cyber troops rallied and some likes for his ego because he's obviously feeling down at the moment. 

Mans a cancer. 


He will be calling for you to be doxxed next, cancer is no joke brah!!!!

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1 minute ago, govanblue said:

The worst thing about this latest shitstorm in a teacup is that it's a distraction from what should be the real talking point today.

Some of us are still busily trying to raise money for a disabled boy here.

Anybody want to help out?...








I love your consistency :lol:


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1 minute ago, lidorfc said:


He will be calling for you to be doxxed next, cancer is no joke brah!!!!

Will no doubt use Sandy Jardine to make his point for likes the same way he's used wee Jay this morning. That is this mans level. 


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15 minutes ago, True Azure said:

Someone care to comment on what positives Mr Houston brings to the table with him?

He holds SOS meetings,in the louden

With major legends,like shuggie  burns  novo n Alex Rae n that powder puff Italian striker

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Just now, Smile said:

We are turning into some support Report your own and take season tickets of them and resell them, where does it stop.

I have a theory ... next Old Firm game .. half and half Rangers and Celtic scarfs. Perfect for any of his fwendss going to the match.

£10 each. 

Never a chance missed with his new-agers. 

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14 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

There's real momentum behind this and literally 99% of the forum is united (I've only seen 3 posters not hitting out at these 2 cretins) so this needs to be left as long as possible with as much condemnation as possible to make as big a point as possible.

I'd be disappointed if Rangers Media went down the dignified route and just locked it and left it to fade into obscurity. 

They need to make a statement condemning Houston and Marshall and put their side out there and throw their bullshit and lies (in Houston's case) right back at them.

Build on it. Don't let it lie.

RM won't be making a statement about Craig Houston or Robert Marshall. Our one and only website statement on the matter is here: 


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Just now, K.A.I said:

I have a theory ... next Old Firm game .. half and half Rangers and Celtic scarfs. Perfect for any of his fwendss going to the match.

£10 each. 

Never a chance missed with his new-agers. 


I was disgusted when i saw one Profiteer outside the stadium selling Caley/Rangers half in half scarfs when they beat the filth.

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Just now, bluepeter said:

RM won't be making a statement about Craig Houston or Robert Marshall. Our one and only website statement on the matter is here: 


Fair enough. 

I get you don't want to get into tit-for-tat cyber wars with a couple of balloons. Respect that. 

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31 minutes ago, cushynumber said:

I still find it a bit strange that people attribute weight to comments that are made on a forum or social media when everybody knows the people typically dont think that way and would never ever say the same in everyday life.

I have read the comments and frankly I didnt really like them. But I didnt comment on them and its a bit water of a ducks back,  as I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt in these circumstance  - Its a forum, people get caught up in trying to outdo one another or trying to be funny and before you know it a line has been crossed.  

Calling them vile, or wanting them hung out to dry makes my skin crawl. They were foolish and childish comments and no-one is condoning them in any shape or form. But someone taking it on themselves to be faux offended by it and "outing" these posters when they actually have no idea whats involved in bringing up a kid with Downs Syndrome wants a long hard look at themselves.

And what is it about RM that draws the vitriol from some other rangers supporters? so much so that they would come on here, see something they dont like and then make a concerted effort to damage the site? thats a strange one.

Excellent post ?

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The fact Rab Marshall wanted the posters employers I really hope the fans make him feel what it's like having no income by avoiding the Louden for a few games. Yes be shocked but don't call for people to be sacked from their job for doing  somthing outwith their work

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8 hours ago, plumbGER said:

The forum needs cleansed thoroughly, the topic Smile posted last week shows that.

The poll about "do you find it acceptable to be x amount of points behind them" had all sorts of usernames voting in the 'yes' bracket.

Names that had been members since as far back as 2008 with zero posts.

While this guy is screenshotting and incriminating Bears it might be worth putting all the forums on lockdown to prevent anymore folk getting in bother, sad state of affairs really and all caused by one of 'own' turning on fellow Bears.

We entered our financial crisis 2011, I pointed out ages ago a number of posters who signed up at that time and who then started posting in 2015-16 AND they always have controversial points to make.  So thanks for also noticing.

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