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Ex players who won't admit they are Bears

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7 minutes ago, mountaineer said:

I cannot converse with an idiot , I never employed anyone in my life , you really need to get out more , if you actually knew me then you would apologise for your assertions that I am a taig.

You’re conversing with yourself there ma man :dance:

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3 hours ago, mountaineer said:

Gordon Dalziel is a bluenose but because he works for catholic bbc [ in Scotland ] he keeps his cards close to his chest also, he has various media commitments [ papers ] ,I have been in his company and this is his reason , motherwell is a safe fit for him .

That's the problem right there then isn't it?

If you any way even attempt to hide it you do so to pacify them, that plays right into their hands. .... That's not on I'm afraid.

He's part of the problem and no amount of money could tempt me to behave on air as he does. 

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I don't really hear any of the so called football programmes aired in Scotland as I live in N.I... sometimes on our bus back from the match when the music of culture, Civil and religious liberty's isn't been played ?? We would hear a wee bit and I would struggle to say there are any Rangers men on it.

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Terry Butcher claimed to be a neutral on BT Sport this season, someone suggested he was a bluenose and that's what he said, made me sick.  They are all media whores they toe the media outlets line (mostly anti Rangers) for financial return, even if it means criticising the Club who made them very wealthy as well as being the pinnacle of their careers. 

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6 hours ago, Thermopylae said:

Gordon Dalziel keeps telling anyone who will listen that Fir Park is home to him and yet he miraculously got 8 out of the 11 players in last nights full time teaser. The thing is most nights he hasn't go a clue  and yet because it was the Teds he managed to leave the usually excellent Roger Hannah for dead :mutley:.

The question was name the 11 players who have signed for Rangers and left to go back to the same club since 1990? and the answers are below

Yeah  heard this lastnight.....also heard them read out a tweet from a Rangers fan saying he was a disgrace as an ex player always having digs at us.....in his response you could just tell he was a bluenose ha

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7 hours ago, mountaineer said:

in reference to what am I fooling no one , I do not need to do so  nor do I have to justify my allegiances to you sir ,  

Don't worry mate - once you've made your donation to the RangersMedia Erskine Fund, you'll find you get a lot more respect around these parts.  :tu:


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12 minutes ago, govanblue said:

Don't worry mate - once you've made your donation to the RangersMedia Erskine Fund, you'll find you get a lot more respect around these parts.  :tu:


I actually subscribe to the Hollybush centre for trauma care in Ayrshire , just saying like .

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8 minutes ago, mountaineer said:

I actually subscribe to the Hollybush centre for trauma care in Ayrshire , just saying like .

Delighted to hear it.  :tu:

As you probably read, amongst other things, we provide 4 season tickets to Hollybush House each season, and that's what I'm collecting for here.

We also bought them 3 Road Bikes, and some other stuff too, thanks to the generosity of the Good Bears on this site.  :tu:

Who wouldn't want to be a part of that???


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17 hours ago, .Williamson. said:

You aren’t a bear if you don’t admit it.

Fuck all those people that are ashamed to say they say they support Rangers. One of my main annoyances in life is watching someone struggle to tell someone new that they support Rangers and almost apologising for it

Spot on,  They should be saying it with pride.  

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17 hours ago, rfc_watp said:

Met Gordon Dalziel a few weeks ago and had a chat for a minute or so. I told him I was a Rangers man as well and he said he was going into talk rubbish about Scotland as it was international week. Said they would be back talking about Rangers at the weekend. 

Definitely a bluenose. 

Regardless if he is or isn’t, he’s a fucking tadger either way 

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12 hours ago, govanblue said:

Delighted to hear it.  :tu:

As you probably read, amongst other things, we provide 4 season tickets to Hollybush House each season, and that's what I'm collecting for here.

We also bought them 3 Road Bikes, and some other stuff too, thanks to the generosity of the Good Bears on this site.  :tu:

Who wouldn't want to be a part of that???


Following on from my post last night , an ex- serviceman is so upset about ex-servicemen that have lost homes and family life and find themselves on the street he approached a council and through a concern for these guys they donated a dilapidated house for renovation but they said that they must inspect all aspects of the work to ensure Health and Safety were complied with ,well this guy wrote to all the Lodges in Ayrshire and beyond for help whether it be a monetary gift or if some members had old furniture they could donate , well my Lodge along with other Lodges gave a monetary gift , he also asked for building materials and where appropriate these were donated , joiners , plumbers , electricians have also been generous with there time , so that is what is happening and congratulations to your team for your efforts , but me being labelled a taig then i'll not know about this stuff then will I .

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2 hours ago, mountaineer said:

Following on from my post last night , an ex- serviceman is so upset about ex-servicemen that have lost homes and family life and find themselves on the street he approached a council and through a concern for these guys they donated a dilapidated house for renovation but they said that they must inspect all aspects of the work to ensure Health and Safety were complied with ,well this guy wrote to all the Lodges in Ayrshire and beyond for help whether it be a monetary gift or if some members had old furniture they could donate , well my Lodge along with other Lodges gave a monetary gift , he also asked for building materials and where appropriate these were donated , joiners , plumbers , electricians have also been generous with there time , so that is what is happening and congratulations to your team for your efforts , but me being labelled a taig then i'll not know about this stuff then will I .

So you're saying you're not giving us a donation then?


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