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Wee boys and football tops

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2 minutes ago, Bakbear said:

I live in Oman and I saw a kid walking in the mall this morning with a scum top on.... wanted to vom

Report him to security for thieving or tell them he was filming in the women dressing area.

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4 hours ago, Bellshill_Bear said:

Proud dad moment.

My wee boy is 6 and stays with his mum who’s family are Scum fans. I have been trying his whole live to show him the right way, teaching him songs and buying him Rangers tops and he was always into it. 

Over the last 2 years his scum uncles have been winning the battle as we had been singing celtic songs and claiming to be a celtic fan. I was fucking raging but what can you do at that age. 

This morning I decided to stick a Rangers top on him because all you see anywhere you go is scum tops, don’t know if it’s just bellshill but all you get is scum tops everywhere and the odd Rangers top, how can you compete if the trend is to where a celtic top? Even proddy schools in bellshill have more celtic tops, we need to become good and cool again so that my kids will have the same experience supporting Rangers as I did, I was always the majority. Kids can’t deal with not fitting in.

anyway, stuck the Rangers top on him and instead of protesting he was proud as punch and was showing everybody it.

made my day! I will take him to his first game this season and hopefully start the journey I thought fatherhood was going to be. Enjoying the famous with my boy by my side.



The Bheast uncles will try & try but don't ever give up he's your son and at the end of the day he will look at what you do and follow (unless you act like a dick)

On the point of Bellshill being full of Bheast tops there are a few yes but its not as bad as you think & last week Bellshill was covered in red, white & blue :UK:


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2 hours ago, geneva_ger said:

In my village back home you will rarely see a tim top. Every single last one of us must encourage our kids to be Rangers men without fail. I've swung many folk out here to be scum hating Rangers supporters, both Brits and Thais by simply telling them the truth about papes and rapes.

2 minor scuffles through cunts offended by me telling the truth, fuck them.

Need to up your game mate:lol:

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They’re everywhere right now because they’re winning. Places near me like Larkhall, Stonehouse, Kirkmuirhill, the Gow, Shotts, etc are staunch as fuck and you even see a lot of tim tops kicking about there. I guarantee if we win the league you’ll see our tops everywhere like you do with them the now. 

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5 hours ago, Bellshill_Bear said:

Proud dad moment.

My wee boy is 6 and stays with his mum who’s family are Scum fans. I have been trying his whole live to show him the right way, teaching him songs and buying him Rangers tops and he was always into it. 

Over the last 2 years his scum uncles have been winning the battle as we had been singing celtic songs and claiming to be a celtic fan. I was fucking raging but what can you do at that age. 

This morning I decided to stick a Rangers top on him because all you see anywhere you go is scum tops, don’t know if it’s just bellshill but all you get is scum tops everywhere and the odd Rangers top, how can you compete if the trend is to where a celtic top? Even proddy schools in bellshill have more celtic tops, we need to become good and cool again so that my kids will have the same experience supporting Rangers as I did, I was always the majority. Kids can’t deal with not fitting in.

anyway, stuck the Rangers top on him and instead of protesting he was proud as punch and was showing everybody it.

made my day! I will take him to his first game this season and hopefully start the journey I thought fatherhood was going to be. Enjoying the famous with my boy by my side.


Took my boy last season for the first time. Was brilliant!! Bring plenty of sweets etc so they don't get bored. My wean loved it all... Seeing his wee eyes light up when he walked up the steps was pure class. 


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27 minutes ago, drewgardiner88 said:

Took my boy last season for the first time. Was brilliant!! Bring plenty of sweets etc so they don't get bored. My wean loved it all... Seeing his wee eyes light up when he walked up the steps was pure class. 


Class mate, great feeling.

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I come from the fenian hell hole that is coatbridge. Most the tops i see are on the backs of full grown men. They truly are a smelly breed. Im off on a stag soon and im sure a few of that mob will be going. Ive no doubts at all they'll have their tops on. Dont normally wear a gers top unless match day but il be packing ready to wear when they do. 


I dont think our support has diminished at all. We just need our team to start delivering on the pitch. 

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3 hours ago, Loyalist_RFC said:


The Bheast uncles will try & try but don't ever give up he's your son and at the end of the day he will look at what you do and follow (unless you act like a dick)

On the point of Bellshill being full of Bheast tops there are a few yes but its not as bad as you think & last week Bellshill was covered in red, white & blue :UK:


That walk done the place the world of good mate. Union flag bunting, loyalist flags hanging out the windows in the main streets. Fucking glorious 

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8 hours ago, Inigo said:

A family member of mine that goes to a Catholic school (but who's being taught to favour Rangers) gets bullied at school because of it. You're left in a situation of making the decision whether to keep on with the Rangers influence and have them be bullied, or give it up so they have an easier life. 

This is one small issue. In mhanky schools wains are marginalised if they show those leanings, which doesn't happen the same way if wains are sellic fans in non-denom schools. Which benefits that club. Quite important when there's more mixing than there used to be.

I agree. This generation should stop being such shitebags and hounds the tims in non Dom’s then. When I was at school there was maybe 1/2 max in each class and they were constantly getting slated for it.

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9 hours ago, Bellshill_Bear said:

Proud dad moment.

My wee boy is 6 and stays with his mum who’s family are Scum fans. I have been trying his whole live to show him the right way, teaching him songs and buying him Rangers tops and he was always into it. 

Over the last 2 years his scum uncles have been winning the battle as we had been singing celtic songs and claiming to be a celtic fan. I was fucking raging but what can you do at that age. 

This morning I decided to stick a Rangers top on him because all you see anywhere you go is scum tops, don’t know if it’s just bellshill but all you get is scum tops everywhere and the odd Rangers top, how can you compete if the trend is to where a celtic top? Even proddy schools in bellshill have more celtic tops, we need to become good and cool again so that my kids will have the same experience supporting Rangers as I did, I was always the majority. Kids can’t deal with not fitting in.

anyway, stuck the Rangers top on him and instead of protesting he was proud as punch and was showing everybody it.

made my day! I will take him to his first game this season and hopefully start the journey I thought fatherhood was going to be. Enjoying the famous with my boy by my side.


Its a parents duty to ensure he passes the baton to his/her kids.

My boy was into the EPL as a young kid and i worried that he wouldn't get it as we were struggling in the lower leagues. I eventually wore him down and once we went to a few games, he was hooked.

Happy to report that him and his 2 mates will be in copland rd stand next season....mission accomplished!!! 

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I'm less than half an hour away from Ibrox and unfortunately it's scum tops if any i see.

Admittedly it's adults wearing them which is an absolute riddy unless you're away to a game or 5s/the gym or something, so i'm choosing to think any self respecting Rangers fan keeps their tops for those occasions only.


Off on a slight tangent, anyone seen the one legged scum top wearing jakey that sits outside sainsbury's across from central? One positive is i can't remember the last time i seen a right scabby jake with a gers top on, only the green n grey like that tramp.

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9 hours ago, Bellshill_Bear said:

Proud dad moment.

My wee boy is 6 and stays with his mum who’s family are Scum fans. I have been trying his whole live to show him the right way, teaching him songs and buying him Rangers tops and he was always into it. 

Over the last 2 years his scum uncles have been winning the battle as we had been singing celtic songs and claiming to be a celtic fan. I was fucking raging but what can you do at that age. 

This morning I decided to stick a Rangers top on him because all you see anywhere you go is scum tops, don’t know if it’s just bellshill but all you get is scum tops everywhere and the odd Rangers top, how can you compete if the trend is to where a celtic top? Even proddy schools in bellshill have more celtic tops, we need to become good and cool again so that my kids will have the same experience supporting Rangers as I did, I was always the majority. Kids can’t deal with not fitting in.

anyway, stuck the Rangers top on him and instead of protesting he was proud as punch and was showing everybody it.

made my day! I will take him to his first game this season and hopefully start the journey I thought fatherhood was going to be. Enjoying the famous with my boy by my side.


His uncles are wankers. Completely unacceptable and should have had their balls booted. No danger would this be happening man. Was nice they were spending their giro’s on the kid though. 

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4 hours ago, drewgardiner88 said:

Took my boy last season for the first time. Was brilliant!! Bring plenty of sweets etc so they don't get bored. My wean loved it all... Seeing his wee eyes light up when he walked up the steps was pure class. 


I still get that feeling like a wee girl when I walk up the steps and the crowd starts to appear in front of you 

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9 hours ago, Bellshill_Bear said:

Proud dad moment.

My wee boy is 6 and stays with his mum who’s family are Scum fans. I have been trying his whole live to show him the right way, teaching him songs and buying him Rangers tops and he was always into it. 

Over the last 2 years his scum uncles have been winning the battle as we had been singing celtic songs and claiming to be a celtic fan. I was fucking raging but what can you do at that age. 

This morning I decided to stick a Rangers top on him because all you see anywhere you go is scum tops, don’t know if it’s just bellshill but all you get is scum tops everywhere and the odd Rangers top, how can you compete if the trend is to where a celtic top? Even proddy schools in bellshill have more celtic tops, we need to become good and cool again so that my kids will have the same experience supporting Rangers as I did, I was always the majority. Kids can’t deal with not fitting in.

anyway, stuck the Rangers top on him and instead of protesting he was proud as punch and was showing everybody it.

made my day! I will take him to his first game this season and hopefully start the journey I thought fatherhood was going to be. Enjoying the famous with my boy by my side.


Tbh mate if anycunt was putting a scum top on my boys or in any way trying to influence anything other than a strong loyalist/unionist upbringing then I would be booting baws.

not an issue as my missus is from good stock but none the less you need to start cracking cunts

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Probably sounds petty to most on here but this is one of the most troubling issues I have with our recent past. The virtual disappearance of our colours in our own fucking city gets right under my skin. 

Honestly never thought I'd see the day when I'd let the sight of wee boys in taig tops put me up or down but there you go. Just seems everywhere you go that's all you see and the absence of wee bears makes it all the worse. 

Would give me an enormous lift if this mooted orange top is a smash hit within our numbers and we see a return to making our presence felt in Glasgow and beyond. 

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10 hours ago, KeyserSoze said:

Their first game at Ibrox will do the trick - absolutely guaranteed, they will never look back  

get in first, simples


Couldn’t agree more took my son four at the time to the UEFA cup qualifier last year...He was dumbstruck 50k inside Ibrox & then took him to a dozen games at home following that even though results were mixed he loved it. We’ve watched OF games on tv & although results were poor he’s got the bug & season tickets are purchased for this season....roll on the good times! 

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14 hours ago, Bellshill_Bear said:

Proud dad moment.

My wee boy is 6 and stays with his mum who’s family are Scum fans. I have been trying his whole live to show him the right way, teaching him songs and buying him Rangers tops and he was always into it. 

Over the last 2 years his scum uncles have been winning the battle as we had been singing celtic songs and claiming to be a celtic fan. I was fucking raging but what can you do at that age. 

This morning I decided to stick a Rangers top on him because all you see anywhere you go is scum tops, don’t know if it’s just bellshill but all you get is scum tops everywhere and the odd Rangers top, how can you compete if the trend is to where a celtic top? Even proddy schools in bellshill have more celtic tops, we need to become good and cool again so that my kids will have the same experience supporting Rangers as I did, I was always the majority. Kids can’t deal with not fitting in.

anyway, stuck the Rangers top on him and instead of protesting he was proud as punch and was showing everybody it.

made my day! I will take him to his first game this season and hopefully start the journey I thought fatherhood was going to be. Enjoying the famous with my boy by my side.


Good on you my man. Football always will be for father and son. Me and my pals sit in the in cub deck and have 4 seats in a row of 5. My mates boys 2 and he's gonna try buy out the guy that sit next to us next seasonso that we can get the full row for his son coming to the games. Really buzzing for it and can't wait for the wee man to join us.

Saying that the pre old firm ritual might need some changes......

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Also taken my gf's nephew to the football twicethis seaaon. 5 years old and Rangers daft. For those two games it was sub zero and he never saw Rangers score. Still wants to come back. Not in a million years would he support celtic, regardless of their recent success.

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