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Spare a thought for this man after his holiday was ruined


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The sad bastards need thrown in a padded room. Crazy that they can be so obsessed as to want to destroy us, or keep trying to portray that we are no longer the same club. It's funny, In a surreal sort of way but also shows the underlying hatred that these mentalist have for us (which beg(gers) the question of why they despise a so called 6 year old club so much. They ignore the fact that legally we are the same club. In fact, their fans do enjoy ignoring facts, don't they? especially ones involving their own club. Surely they aren't deflecting...

anyway, let's get into these bead rattling paedo bastards today. Sick of them swanning around our stadium. 

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"walked away to seek positions with still-living football clubs"

I do hate that celtic fans, and many in the media, refer to football clubs in terms of being 'alive' or 'dead'.  These terms simply do not apply.  Are football clubs a recognised form of life?  No, and therefore they are incapable of either life or death.  It's a group of hatful and brainless celtic fans sneering 'your clubs deed and it canny come back tae life' that have gotten it so wrong.  The Oxford dictionary defines the word 'Club' as: "A group of people or nations having something in common".  This in itself tells you that a club is of human construction (this is why its been described as non tangible in a legal sense) and as long as there are Rangers fans there will be a Rangers Football Club.  How can a club "die" if the people who created it, support it, and continue to believe strongly in it, are alive and well?

"death by Liquidation in 2012"

Also, many celtic fans claim Rangers were liquidated in 2012 but last I checked BDO are still working with the Oldco as an 'ongoing concern'.  Fact is, nothing was liquidated in 2012 and as we're about to enter 2019 still nothing has been liquidated.  There has been no "death", nor liquidation.


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Would rather be a sevco than a SAVCO from the paedodome.
Imagine having to look yerself in the mirror and seeing the cowardly bastard looking back at you.
Ask real questions ya fuckin crackpot.
Not one person I know wants to be associated with beasts,and the cover up.
BUT!!!!...carry on trying to deflect from the shame of what has happened since 1966.

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5 hours ago, BridgeIsBlue said:

What's a Scottish Football Monitor? 

the bastard child of the Rangers tax case website .

They now claim to monitor and report wring doing of all of Scottish football 


They don't seem to want to talk about covered up child abuse for some reason 


diseased fenian bastards 

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13 hours ago, Don54 said:

Here he is if anyone wants to contact him

The Scottish Football Monitor
Suite 2/3, 48 W George St
Glasgow G2 1BP

Tel:         0141 459 1867
email:    sfm@sfm.scot

PMSL at him. To look important he has set up a £3.50p per week mailing office.


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4 hours ago, Don54 said:

Here he is if anyone wants to contact him

The Scottish Football Monitor
Suite 2/3, 48 W George St
Glasgow G2 1BP

Tel:         0141 459 1867
email:    sfm@sfm.scot

I might email him and see if he wants to catch up for a pint

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