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1 hour ago, JackAlex93 said:

Club is a fucking shambles at every level

I agree with you 100% and the post from elsewhere about failures since 2022 really sum it up.

Personally I have done a lot of thinking about things over the past few weeks. About how difficult it has been to support the club over the last 12-18 months and even longer, actually. Watching that lot lift trophy after trophy. In fact it’s been like that the majority of this century unfortunately, yet it doesn’t get any easier. 

I can’t support this board any longer, and I almost seriously chucked it there for the foreseeable as I have other commitments I would better spending my time on the majority of my time on, at least for the next 12 months. Finding that balance has been hard over the previous 12 months or so, much to my own detriment; and for what? Disappointment after disappointment. Failure, after failure, after failure. 

However after some immense reasoning with myself I am going to stand by Clement and the players, but not the board. I said on here back in May that this mess is not going to be fixed in one or two windows (unless recruitment was 100% bang on). Sadly, unless investment appears in a brown envelope soon, we cannot compete with that mob and go toe to toe. Certainly not financially. In football anything can happen, and Clement and the players shouldn’t suffer due to the board’s incompetencies. However, we cannot afford to turn on Clement because what are the alternatives? Rinse and repeat? Can’t afford that any longer. We need stability and strategy. Though admittedly Clement does need to show a little more of tactical nous. Perhaps he just simply does not have the players to implement it. 

It is going to need to be a project if we want to get things going in the right direction. It’s going to be another rough couple of years unfortunately. I’ve resigned myself to that, but hopefully it is for the greater good. One thing is for sure though, the overhaul must extend from the squad into the boardroom, because as much as their is some players not fit to wear our famous jersey, there are some in that board not fit to hold office. 

As you say, from top to bottom the club is an absolute shambles. I don’t think shambles is even strong enough. Neither is amateur. It feels like the club is crisis. I guess that is the word that resonates the most. I do worry the damage already caused is irreparable, sadly. 

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2 hours ago, beararse said:

Am I missing something re playing at Hampden and being beholden to 3 deliveries?
The Copland Stand houses around 8000 which is 16% of the o/all capacity of Ibrox.
Shut the whole fucking stand and it still leaves 43,000 seats to fill.
We have 41,000 season ticket holders.
Makes no fucking sense to me that we can’t still play at home for 2 or 3 months (or however long it will actually take).

Perhaps someone can explain why this wouldn’t be possible with a little bit of strategic planning.

The lost revenue of 8,000 tickets at £30 a pop every other week over say 10 league games would set us back in the region of £2.5m.

Im pretty certain it’ll cost at least that to hire Hampden and all its facilities and all the reorganisation required over the period, and even if  it doesn’t balance out, you cant put a price on playing the home games at home.



We have 46000 season ticket holders

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2 hours ago, bluenoz said:

Shipment 3 doesn't arrive in Glasgow until the 3rd week in August (at the earliest) and he thinks it's possible we will be home in late September. I'm sorry, but Rome wasn't built in a day and the Copland extension won't be built in a month either.

These business-types really think we are all buttoned up at the back.

Biggest issue for me is the delivery/materials risk when you start the project plan it would marked as the highest risk and what you would do to mitigate it or cover it.The board would then sign off on it and release the capex to move on with the project but why is everything coming from the furthest part of the world?

The high risk would mean it was an absolute must to procure your materials from only as far as Europe due to the short available window of a construction time before the season starts.

Let me do the next stands this is bread and butter ffs

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“What gives us the will and the strength to get this done is the people”

🤣 Get yourself tae fuck 


stupid auld dick thinks we’re a bunch of gullible fannys that’ll be impressed with a few sound bites. 

Sometimes it’s best to say nothing and let people think your a fool than open yer mouth and prove them right 

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See the bir where he says about spending 11.5 million . He is keen to highlight thats between jan and this window but we didnt sign anyone permanently in jan so how have we spent that much? 


Thats big signing on fees is it not? 

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4 minutes ago, skinnymate1690 said:

See the bir where he says about spending 11.5 million . He is keen to highlight thats between jan and this window but we didnt sign anyone permanently in jan so how have we spent that much? 


Thats big signing on fees is it not? 

Diomande deal. We haven't spent £11.5m, we just owe £11.5m in transfer fees.

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1 minute ago, esquire8 said:

Diomande deal. We haven't spent £11.5m, we just owe £11.5m in transfer fees.

Diomande was £4.5m was he not? So where is the other £7m? Jefte £500k and Cortes for €4m? Barron and Nsiala fees haven't been confirmed yet.

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Wasn't he in a similar interview telling us "we've never had it so good" relatively recently?

There is no acceptance of responsibility, accountability or culpability. It's always someone else's fault.

That isn't a leader speaking.

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”Nobody was straining more than myself for clarity and certainty”. Fuck off, you deluded narcissist.

As if that wasn’t a bad enough start, he then added, still within the first minute of the interview;

”We must not lose sight of for whom this job was undertaken; our fans and in particular, our disabled fans”.

Thank you, John. We’re honoured by your brave, selfless efforts. Thanks to your grit and determination, 45% of disabled fans will now be able to exit the stadium safely in the event of a fire. What a hero.

What an utter cunt of a man.

We’re fucked.

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Are we just sitting back and waiting for the "Player Model" to evolve while they scoop up the £31m on the back of our Euro runs ?

Nobody thought the 3rd and final year of automatic qualification for them warranted a bit of a punt to qualify ?

If it's all about the money surely to fuck getting into the CL needed a bit more focus.

I'm not sure I would have risked losing Ibrox for our CL bid had I been on that board when last season ended.

When you claim a bonus for Bassey and leave out Kent and Morelos leaving on a free you're adding to the incompetence left by bisgrove and his return to dominance pledge.

This summer needed to be all hands on deck, what we have here is the captain of the Titanic who knew about the fecking iceberg choosing to "go with throttle up"

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