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Posts posted by Canabear

  1. 49 minutes ago, goaaaal said:

    That was chronic tonight first half Gordon was the only stand out for those saves totally devoid of ideas going forward despite their middle five no running off the ball to break the line or breach it .

    Gilmour & Fraser improved second half .

    McGregor for me should have been a starter, his inclusion brought some stability where the two wasters in Christie & Mcginn didn't .

    They really are a waste of a fucking jersey continually making a cunt of just about  every bit of possession they get even in space even though our decision making in those situations was rank rotten most of the game with these two there was no improvement of any sort .

    A win might be a win but that display has to be seriously analysed In how bad most of them were tonight.


    How Christie got 81 minutes in that game is beyond me.

  2. On 08/10/2021 at 18:26, G.A.T.J. said:

    Bomber scoring against some random teams.







    I'm pretty sure those 6 pictures cover 3 games and i'm also sure I was at all 3.

    The top picture is a League game at the bheastdome where Bomber is seen heading the winner after Iain McDougall had tied the game up early in the 2nd half.

    As the picture said the next two are a Glasgow Cup Final we won 3-1 and I think this is the game Sandy Jardine scored a goal very similar to the one he scored in the Dryborough Cup Final where Davie Cooper scored THE goal.

    The bottom 3 pictures are of a LC Semi Final at Hampden where we beat them 3-2 with the winning goal being an og.

  3. I'm as infuriated at the way we're playing right now as the next Bear and while i don't share the Manager's views on tonight , or any other game this season for that matter , i've never seen a whole team go off the boil the way this Rangers team has this season so far which makes me think that there's something going on that none of us are aware of.

    Covid? We know about that. Injuries? Yea we know about that too. In this day and age it's bound to happen but for me if a whole team goes off the boil at once and looks absolutely bereft of ideas then something isn't right.

    One thing I do know is we simply can't keep up this form and expect to win anything. Everyone is looking at us right now and saying this Rangers team can be got at and that should be a concern.



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