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You Can Taste The Hurt


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So many lies. It's absolutely incredible how someone can tell so many untruths, fabricate so much and ignore so many facts, whilst displaying such a pathetic air of injury, injustice and mock moral outrage, ALL in a completely unshakeable unreasoning and relentless manner. Logic cannot penetrate.

The logic of this guy and these 'fans' is this: take your starting point which is RANGERS ARE SCUM AND THEY ARE UTTERLY GUILTY OF EVERYTHING. Take that as your starting point based on the fact that you hate Rangers and want to hate them very very badly. Next, stick to this so matter what, remember, anything that they can possibly be accused of, assert at all times that they are guilty. Any tiny thing you can add in helps.If they are found to be actually innocent of anything there are many ways to get around this. Cry corruption, or rubbish the ruling saying it doesn't matter. Do this forever. Remember, this is more important that anything which directly concerns your own team, it is your entire life.

Part of me is laughing at this cretin because if he is genuinely distraught then he's a fucking tube of the highest order, well he is anyway, but he has swallowed every piece of shit lie he has ever heard, and worse, has peddled it with every fibre of his being. I find the level of stupidity here totally astonishing, why am I surprised though? Probably because I don't pay attention to their shite, unless it is posted in here, which, I'm not sure it should be.

Rangers never died and will never die, despite what so many of the ridiculous cretins in this country try to do to change that.

We Are The People you stupid cunts!

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I stopped reading at the tragic tale of his Mummy's tattered scarf from 1976... Then I just scanned until I got to the part where he seems to think that Selik Park is actually a chapel. Then I just stopped altogether.

What a tragic thundercunt of a human being.

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:mutley: :mutley: Normaly reading bheasts anti Rangers rants pisses me off but not this one its so deluded its beyond parody, this guy is the football supporters equilivant of the paranoid schizo who believes the new world order goverment is controlling his thoughts with radio transmitions or something. So we are the biggest sporting cheats in history except mabybe the East German steriod program during the cold war he says we dont exist yet is stopping supporting nonce united because of us and funniest of all the paedodrome is a sanctuary where you cannot be touched?! Im sure Alan Brazil and other vicTims of Torbetts "special coaching program" would disagree there timmy. First thing in ages ive read on RM that genuinly had me in stitches :uk:
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