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European Commission seek explanation on Celtic land deals

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Let's hope we get the result we hope for. I've been trying to work out how they will structure their case to get away with this and tbh I can't see how they'll be able to do it a they were always the sole beneficiaries of the deals.

However one thing does niggle away and that is perhaps it will be something to do with the restructuring from c****c and athletic club to pacific shelf to the creation of the new c****c fc and then the creation of another company which became the new c****c and athletic club. Tbh, they have had so many names I find it hard to keep track of who the side in the SPL actually are.

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Have you seen the latest from FootballTaxHavens? It boggles the mind to think that the scum can riggle out of this. ...


Lennoxtown Valuations & Monitoring Proforma

Posted by footballtaxhavens ⋅ March 29, 2014⋅ Leave a comment

Filed Under Celtic FC, East Dunbartonshire, Greater Glasgow Health Board, Lennoxtown, NHS GGC

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde(NHSGGC), the successor of Greater Glasgow Health Board(GGHB), due to numerous FoI requests has kindly listed some of the documents related to the Lennoxtown transaction with Celtic in the following

list. Amazing with this amount of source material none of the mainstream media have picked up the documents, not even a comment that the listing has happened. Much better to create rumours of administration from un-named sources, echoing in a vacuum, bouncing off the usual list of ‘journalists’.

One excerpt from the document reads:

Any part of the site, which achieves a ‘greenbelt compatible’ use, will result in the entire receipt being applied to the Initiative, and any other or additional use will result in the NHS and the Initiative sharing the receipt‘.

Obviously this is before Lennoxtown was designated ‘greenbelt compatible‘ land by the EDC but you can see the incentive for the Lennoxtown Initiative to work to get Celtic the land – the LI get all the funds. so far from being an independent charity, the LI was working with Celtic, as we’ve seen


So if the EDC and the LI weren’t working to get the best price for the land and the NHS Adviser was absenting himself from LI meetings discussing the salewho in public office was ensuring that the taxpayers got the best price? No one.

Another excerpt reads:

I advised the Club’s project manager that the disposal of NHS property is strictly regulated by the Scottish Executive and in the guidelines established by the Executive, this proposal would be designated as an off-market sale. In addition, they were made aware of the fact that these should only occur in exceptional circumstances and only where there is explicit agreement from the Property Adviser and the Independent Valuer that an off market sale will deliver a clear advantage over an open market sale.’

Well this transaction of Lennoxtown to Celtic was off marketit was not offered to anyone else, it wasn’t advertised. In fact Celtic approached the GGHB.

Since the transaction took place then the Property Adviser and the Independent Valuer must have believed that the off market sale would deliver a clear advantage over an open market sale. What were the reasons then – well it’s hard to find any document that lists any advantage when they didn’t test the market.

There is no rationalising by the Property Adviser and the Independent Valuer for the ‘exceptional circumstances’ which were required for the transaction to be acceptable.

The land even if ‘greenbelt compatible’, could have been marketed by someone like Colliers in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world. How many wealthy Americans with Scottish roots would have loved to have bought the estate for the 500k? How many oil Sheiks would have loved to set up their horse breeding & training facilities or have their Balmoral at Lennoxtown? Well we’ll never know because a Marketing Advisor, as per the NHS Property transactions handbook was not appointed.

First Valuation Report

The first

Valuation Report by Inglis & Partners suggested a developer could purchase the Lennoxtown land and bank it, sit on it, for future development. Then on the last page is included the ‘Market Value‘ paragraph to get over the off market transaction hurdle:

‘it being assumed that the property is publicly offered to the market’

How can it be assumed that the property was publicly offered when it wasn’t? Clearing the hurdle, it doesn’t even bother to make a run up.

Missing from the Valuation

The Inglis & Partners document admits they didn’t access any services reports. They made no site investigations, no soil tests, no geology reports, no environmental audit. There was no enquiry sent to the Local Planning Authority because it involved a detailed report & a fee. Without all the above how could they value the site?

Where is methodology for calculation of the valuation? Where is the price/hectare of the different areas of land? Where are the deductions? Although the buildings were raised to the ground, drainage, water, sewage, heating services were delivered underground from central locations so the pipes & trenches were still in situ. there would have been deductions for those with possibly asbestos. Hospitals also disposed of their waste onsite with incineration. No details.

Just one figure pulled out of the air.

Second Valuation Report

The 2nd ’

report‘ is just 2 paragraphs with the same single figure as before therefore even less detail than the previous valuation. It was also on the 24th August and not the 16th as specified in the NHS GGC list.

Monitoring Proforma

The non-appointment of a Marketing Advisor was admitted by the review of the transaction in the

Monitoring Proforma document in:

Question 20: Was advice of Property Planner/Marketing Agent Sought?


Question 22: Was Property Sold/Leased on Open Market to Highest Bidder? (If ‘no’ give brief details)


Because the land was designated ‘greenbelt compatibledidn’t stop it being offered on the open market. None of the reasons given affect offering on the open market. How the receipts are applied has nothing to do with the sale method.

So the price obtained is just like an on market open transparent transaction even though it’s not – because we asked a valuer to put in a special paragraph.

Funny though because the Professional Valuer has not signed the Monitoring Proforma page:


That’s NHSGGC’s evidence. They’ve got their bodgies (‘thumbs’) up – so we must stop chasing them.

Note: Scottish kids used the thumbs up to protect themselves when playing games. But that didn’t stop them getting caught.

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..If Pzj is correct and I believe he is then the fact that we were falsely accused of cheating..financial dopeing etc by them makes their crimes ten times worse in my view..and lets not forget liewells crys of sporting integrity....close them down no other punishment will do.

..Lets not forget the bigger picture

here also they have been robbing the good people of Glasgow of millions of pounds..

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I would love us to be able to shove the term 'Sporting Integrity' so far up that fat bastards arse that it wouldn't see daylight for years to come.

We might not have won the Uefa cup but that cunt certainly made sure any chance we had was taken away from us by his slavering pish.

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..If Pzj is correct and I believe he is then the fact that we were falsely accused of cheating..financial dopeing etc by them makes their crimes ten times worse in my view..and lets not forget liewells crys of sporting integrity....close them down no other punishment will do.

..Lets not forget the bigger picture

here also they have been robbing the good people of Glasgow of millions of pounds..

A lot of quotes from the Celtic minded of the world will be thrown back in their faces. We had a commission on stripping titles and idiots like Nevin saying he can't understand how there was no sporting advantage to us in using a tax scheme that any other team could have used (go figure) but in this case it's undeniable if Celtic have benefited from state aid they have gained a sporting advantage.

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Having read about the situation Hearts are in this morning one would have to say that there is situation here that looks like running out of control of the football powers that be. If Hearts do go into liquidation it will bring the media attention right back to their door with some very awkward questions to be answered on what has gone on under their leadership. It will also put a lot of strain on their ability to keep the ongoing situation regarding c****c out of the press.

If Hearts have to fall for us to get justice then so be it, one thing is for sure it will bring into focus how the remainder of the spl clubs have been surviving this season and where the cash that has kept them afloat has come from. The comities have all been stocked with like minded men who will take the c****c line, but for how long will they be able to keep the other cubs in line when they see another club closer to their financial level go bust especially if the c****c minded men have to turn their attention to dealing with questions regarding financial doping and possibly worse by the club they hold so dear. The coming months certainly look like being very interesting.

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Having read about the situation Hearts are in this morning one would have to say that there is situation here that looks like running out of control of the football powers that be. If Hearts do go into liquidation it will bring the media attention right back to their door with some very awkward questions to be answered on what has gone on under their leadership. It will also put a lot of strain on their ability to keep the ongoing situation regarding c****c out of the press.

If Hearts have to fall for us to get justice then so be it, one thing is for sure it will bring into focus how the remainder of the spl clubs have been surviving this season and where the cash that has kept them afloat has come from. The comities have all been stocked with like minded men who will take the c****c line, but for how long will they be able to keep the other cubs in line when they see another club closer to their financial level go bust especially if the c****c minded men have to turn their attention to dealing with questions regarding financial doping and possibly worse by the club they hold so dear. The coming months certainly look like being very interesting.

This (tu)

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Last page loyal

I'm not too clued up in this all so ill not pretend I know what's happening.

Is there a possibility that these guys have got it all wrong or is it concrete?

Always an outside possibility but with all the evidence gathered it certainly looks like it's concrete when effectively one big piece of land is split in two and one half is almost gifted to a football team whilst the other sells for millions to a developer, and then the evidence that kicked it all off, that piece of land that's value jumps 10 times in one day when used as security against a loan

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So Mr Lawwell is CEO of a Lanarkshire mining company which goes bust to the tune of £41m

In 2002, as well being the recipient of £41 million Labour government subsidies over the previous 2 years, it was discovered by the Scottish opposition, the SNP, in Holyrood that The Scottish Coal (Deep Mine) Co. Ltd had been given a secret blank cheque by the UK Labour govt when the bill came through for their £4.5million liquidation and it was paid by theScottish Executive i.e. Scottish taxpayers.

This guarantee was agreed in 1999, when Peter Lawwell was the company’s Group Finance Director and Brian Wilson was Labour UK Energy Minister and responsible for coal mining.

Now of course Mr Lawwell is CEO of Celtic PLC and Mr Wilson is a Celtic PLC Director.

How was a secret overdraft given that bound the Scottish taxpayers, without due diligence, to bail out a Private company?

Where was the due diligence, parliamentary oversight & risk controls? How open ended was the agreement?

Does this deserve a Royal Commission to investigate corruption or fraud?

This could only have been done with the board of The Scottish Coal (Deep Mine) Co. Ltd. with heavy involvement of Peter Lawwell who was the Group Finance Director at the time and the agreement of following Labour Party heavyweights:

We then have John Reid as head of the Labour party(who ends up chairman of septic fc ) which support the coop giving Celtic fc soft 1.5% loan that no other company has with them , including the Labour party

Add to this a Mr Tom Devine (season ticket holdrr and shareholder) approves a land deal at £493k for land which should be worth over £6m . This land is the used as security for millions more THE SAME WEEK with the coop to prop their loans up.

Oh and the small matter of 11 men (8 season ticket holders) voting a full street to be sold to septic fc at the sum of £1.00 costing the tax payers £1.5m to clear.

All in all the crime commited against us of which we had no control over is starting to look pretty tame .

If only we had some press with balls.

See when you actually read all their shenanigans in a shortish paragraph like that , they truly are fuckin at it , how can they deny it ffs

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