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I'm not renewing whilst McCoist is still manager


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The stadium was not full today at 42,000. Was this a sign of a protest or just financial constraints?

Despite being registered on the Rangers website and being an ex ST holder with my boy, I did not receive an email about the public sale. Had I, I would have snapped three tickets up but I was working down south and the first of me knowing of the sale was on Friday, when it was too late to buy online and I had no chance of getting through Ibrox to buy.

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Couldnae give a flying fuck about anyones opinion of me, anyone with a problem with it knows what they can do.

I can't justify paying the money I do, to watch embarrassment after embarrassment under the guy. Three years of losing. Le Guen was hounded out for less. Joke of a manager. Sadly, he'll still be in charge next season, I'll be spending Saturdays with my boy and missus.

And exactly how will RFC know why you are not renewing?

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THIS --->>

Govan Rear GR4 Row K Seat 0112

I have been going from age aged 6 ...every season. I'm 53. Bill Struth talked of troubled times. Our motto is Ready and our Cry IS No Surrender and Follow Follow.

I have watched Celtic win 9 in a row, and Davie whites humiliation against Gornik. I have watched Gazza and Laudrup light up my saturdays.

It's who I am and what I do. I follow. I support. Its unconditional. It's like the love you can have for a child.

Nick Hornby talks about it eloquently in his book when he was 6 too I think and he realised Arsenal was in his blood and that this love would outlast his marriage.

I have been privileged to support Rangers. It has been an honour. I look at the Thistle and Dumbarton supporters and admire them for their dedication ....to their "Club"

This is the essence... i go to Ibrox to support that nebulous entity ... "Rangers Football Club." McCoist has been disappointing and the players disappointing... and I am disappointed.... but I will never stop going or make ultimatums... never. RTID is a phrase I use and I mean it.

I understand the pain... we should make it bond us.

Its funny you know...im a low poster but pop in here and read daily... Some posters in thousands or with names like loyal dis the likes of me because we don't have "many posts" but are now talking about not renewing till Ally goes. The measure of the supporter not how much they support but how much they post seemingly. We are an easy club to support in the good times but the measure of us is now... loyalty in the hard times. Struth knew these times would come because that is what life is like. He gave us warnings that hard times would come round. The elders amongst us will realsie the se happenings in our personal lives or marriage.

I support our "Club" and I will not hold them to ransom. The current Board are unimpressive, McCoist unimpressive, the players unimpressive, however we the fans have been outstanding in terms of support and a little disappointing in our ability to show some cohesiveness. By all means be unhappy with Board / manager and players and show your displeasure if you feel necessary.

GOAT ... i don't know you but you're clearly passionate and angry. Perhaps I'm older, and having suffered their 9 as a teenager I'm more patient. Think again my friend. Ally will go soon.. his time is nearing, Unless there is a miraculous turnaround which even I don't see. Try and support our Club... evermore... use you passion to galvanise us. ( For the record I have no connections with Board and think our custodians have been poor since Murray lost interest. My view on Ally is at best ambivalent but I will shout for the team and manager on a saturday. This is not a call to renew season tickets but to inspire you just a little to keep going to games next year. If your in GR then say hello hello!)

I know some of you may not renew or may use King's scheme... which is fine and I won't dis you for it, because these are trying times... but believe me ... if you can grit your teeth and hang in for the rest of the journey it will taste all the sweeter when we get there. I know this was not the journey we imagined and the board appear to take us for granted... I'm simply supporting the "Club" I love.

I returned from Ibrox today disappointed with result and the last 2 seasons in general. my wife said it's not been a very entertaining season has it. "I know," I said, " If I wanted entertained though, I'd go to the theatre... but I go to support Rangers... cos that's what I signed up to age 6"

She sighed of course but I trust that most of you might get it.

Disappointed but Loyal and still following

Struth "Never fear, inevitably we shall have our years of failure, and when they arrive, we must reveal tolerance and sanity. No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome. That has been the philosophy of the Rangers since the days of the gallant pioneers."

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I am probably a similar age to ThornliebankTB or I'm possibly a bit older. However my age is not important, my experience of watching RFC is. There are good times which are great and bad times which are awful. We are currently in a period which is as bad as it was when we needed £30 to keep the Club going over 100 years ago. This is the time when we need to show the "bulldog spirit". We need to unite and support the Club until we get back to where we belong. The more we support RFC the quicker we get back. I don't support the board or King, I support the Rangers. I'll back whoever I think will be best for RFC. The current board is in place and I like what I've heard from Graham Wallace. I haven't met King but his numerous conflicting utterances have not exactly filled me with hope. I may be wrong but King needs to prove to me that he will actually help RFC.

I have renewed my 3 STs not because I love the current board but because I love the Rangers. I see nothing worthwhile with the half-hearted and ill-advised ST fund proposed by a group of fans whose election to represent us all is at best suspect. King has persistently promised to do something whilst never actually doing anything. Yesterday's ill-timed announcement created only disharmony. If the board does not bring out their report prior to the CLOSURE of the ST renewal date then fire away with criticism. I will not defend the board on such failure. I will however complain to the regulatory authorities regarding what would be deliberate misleading of the shareholders.

I will leave it at that because I'm still brassed off with our result today. "Better but not good enough" is insufficient for me and Ally must go in my opinion.

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Yeah, Bheasts.

No idea what that's got to do with a buddy fit thread. Buy don't buy. Each person's choice. But the constant goading, baiting, insults and plain bullshit that gets fired around in the forum is beyond the pale. I don't honestly care if he buys a season ticket. Do what YOU want, but I think the majority would prefer it if you done it in silence tbh.......IMO

Well said! There has been a lot of whining wee attention seekers over the past week. A bad week, absolutely! However no need for the goading of fellow fans. Frankly, some of the stuff has been a disgrace.

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i am 100% behind you. i have wriiten a letter and returned my application stating i will only renew when a new management team is in place.

please dont say i am a must be winning fan. i am 71 yrs old and have been through good and bad.

mcoist should never have been handed the job in the first place. he is a joke .

and he has ripped this club off more than any board member

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I intend to contact GW on Monday and say that I want Ally to be removed. I think everyone on RM who feels the way I do should also contact the club and explain they want Ally to leave. While no doubt the club monitor forums, receiving a letter or e-mail will have much more effect IMO.

PS Ally being manager would not stop me renewing, but his performance is just not good enough.

I'm going to write to GW on Monday and demAnd he keeps Ally!

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I'm going to write to GW on Monday and demAnd he keeps Ally!

Make sure you put your Rangers number on it...oh wait....

At least you can send a picture of you walking up ben nevis wae the missus. Hopefully next time she chucks you off a cliff.

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Yeah, Bheasts.

No idea what that's got to do with a buddy fit thread. Buy don't buy. Each person's choice. But the constant goading, baiting, insults and plain bullshit that gets fired around in the forum is beyond the pale. I don't honestly care if he buys a season ticket. Do what YOU want, but I think the majority would prefer it if you done it in silence tbh.......IMO

you said there is a phrase when people hide when it gets hard - i think if times are tough due to circumstances outside our control, we have to stand strong. however, when we are giving millions to a dud in wages, plus millions for him to shit down the pan on players he doesnt need i believe sticking with this guy says to me that you want Rangers to go under. Its simple - he costs too much he spends too much and he is an absolute imposter of a manager.

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I will not be renewing my season ticket until Ally is gone and until the board is sorted out

Question my loyalty all you want but im not going week in week out to watch that shite, action has to taken

No-one needs to question your loyalty. You've already given the answer to anyone wondering. (tu)

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Me neither unless I can doit through my company.

Spend my hard earned to watxh dross and be totally underwhelmed when I can spend half the price every week and make my kids laugh and have good times.

Fuck watching any team that clown puts out

Possibly time for a nick change,u can hardly claim to be loyalfollower when your bailing on the club unless its in reference to being a loyalfollower of something other than Rangers..

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