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Vanguard Bears Statement On Bigotry Within Snp!


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Scotland may very well be heading towards a lot of trouble in the future because of these idiots who seem to think the enemy of our enemy is their friend.

How any Rangers fan can reconcile our traditions and history with support for a nationalist party that quite happily associates with supporters of a foreign republican cause is beyond me.

This same group are desperate to ban Orange marches as well.

Another election with no strong unionist or loyalist party to represent us.

We are the silent majority with no influence in any key area of public life, including the media, politics, law or even the football authorities.

We have let ourselves down again with no indication of anything changing for the better anytime soon.

So much for the cry was No Surrender.

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Scotland may very well be heading towards a lot of trouble in the future because of these idiots who seem to think the enemy of our enemy is their friend.

How any Rangers fan can reconcile our traditions and history with support for a nationalist party that quite happily associates with supporters of a foreign republican cause is beyond me.

This same group are desperate to ban Orange marches as well.

Another election with no strong unionist or loyalist party to represent us.

We are the silent majority with no influence in any key area of public life, including the media, politics, law or even the football authorities.

We have let ourselves down again with no indication of anything changing for the better anytime soon.

So much for the cry was No Surrender.

Many would say our Club brand is toxic. I would say this backwater of a nation is toxic, being a cesspit of nationalism, supported by terrorist loving malcontents, appeasers and apologists and some from our very own ranks. Yes, we have let ourselves down big time. We have have silently sat on our laurels as the taigs permeated through every organisation of any importance in the land.

You are viewed like a piece of shit on someone's shoe if you have the audacity to state you are a Rangers man. You know what goes through their mind? Bigot, offender, bad guy, like you offend them by your very presence. Written all over their guilty snidey taig ridden faces.

I'm lucky to be in a privileged position and not one Roman fucker on our board and I use it to the full at every opportunity. I do love rubbing it in to these bheggars who supply to us. They try to come back with a bit of the snidey craic, then I tell them I am a Loyalist and need to get fit for the marching season. That kills it stone dead everytime and puts them right in their place if they wish an order. They fuckin hate me and I just love hating these bhegging cunts straight back even more.

It's not our country anymore, but it's time we started to take it back!

I'd intern everyone of the cunts and send them back in a boat with a very large fuckin hole in it! Not that I am bitter mind you.

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They arent Pro-Scottish,they support anything Anti-British.


Anti British.

"[it] isn’t just about this Government – it’s about the British way of governing. Don’t think they’ve been treating us like this just because it’s the Tories and the Liberals. It’s them – it’s the way they’ve treated us for 300 years. When their political establishment came together they made the decision that you and I are not the people they are interested in.

And some of the rhetoric from SNP candidates is borderline terrorism.

"I live off the Perth road and my neighbour’s house was actually burned down by the Suffragettes, so we know how to take some radical action. Now I’m not suggesting that you send me to London…we’ve been there before with Guy Fawkes, I’m sure you know about. But if I’m elected to Westminster I’m going to make sure there’s fire in my belly, a loud voice, and a strong fight to hold their feet to the fire for a roasting."

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Anti British.

"[it] isn’t just about this Government – it’s about the British way of governing. Don’t think they’ve been treating us like this just because it’s the Tories and the Liberals. It’s them – it’s the way they’ve treated us for 300 years. When their political establishment came together they made the decision that you and I are not the people they are interested in.

And some of the rhetoric from SNP candidates is borderline terrorism.

"I live off the Perth road and my neighbour’s house was actually burned down by the Suffragettes, so we know how to take some radical action. Now I’m not suggesting that you send me to London…we’ve been there before with Guy Fawkes, I’m sure you know about. But if I’m elected to Westminster I’m going to make sure there’s fire in my belly, a loud voice, and a strong fight to hold their feet to the fire for a roasting."

Worrying :(

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Plus the memorial to these three Scottish soldiers has been the target of sustained vandalism over the last few years.

Republicans still vandalize it on a fairly regular basis.

That's the sort of scumbags marching our streets.

The Memorial is at White Brae on the Ligoniel Rd. in North Belfast.


This was a paint attack.


They died Mar. 9 1971.

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Anyone supporting the SNP need to take a long hard look at themselves now...

My Dad told me 30 years ago they were IRA supporting scum and although i always had my suspicions this article has proved it...I am so fuckin ragin at this in my city these bastards walk in our central square..

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I just watched a bit of the video with the IRA band, well as much as I could stomach and I don't know who is worse, the scum in the band or all the scum at the square clapping them and it's not a minority. Fkn sickening.

I await similar marches in the future from isis and al queada,

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Start a petition or raise it with Labour who are very keen to disrupt the SNP.

With the current focus on the election, any whiff of scandal will be seized upon.

It would be ironic if their own anti sectarian laws brought this clown down and lost them a seat.

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Start a petition or raise it with Labour who are very keen to disrupt the SNP.

With the current focus on the election, any whiff of scandal will be seized upon.

It would be ironic if their own anti sectarian laws brought this clown down and lost them a seat.

he should be looking at jail time what is the difference between David Limmond and this cunt?

Limmy has the excuse it was intended as humour he doesn't the lack of interest from police Scotland is a disgrace

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he should be looking at jail time what is the difference between David Limmond and this cunt?

Limmy has the excuse it was intended as humour he doesn't the lack of interest from police Scotland is a disgrace

How do you make a complaint to Police Scotland; phone them? Email them?

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i said it before on a thread This Country last week. Anyone aligning themselves with these republican sympathisers needs take a long hard look at themselves.

surely next time there is a parade like that there needs to be a protest from unionists!!!

Vanguardbears and the Regimental Blues regularly demonstrate at IRA parades. However, they seem to be the only groups willing to stand up and be counted. The Orange order, Unionists and Loyalists all seem to have joined the "apathy" organisation.

Unless we start countering the SNP, Nationalists and Republicans, we will be an independent nation before too long, being run by the very people who hate everything about us.

Apathy will destroy us very soon.

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Vanguardbears and the Regimental Blues regularly demonstrate at IRA parades. However, they seem to be the only groups willing to stand up and be counted. The Orange order, Unionists and Loyalists all seem to have joined the "apathy" organisation.

Unless we start countering the SNP, Nationalists and Republicans, we will be an independent nation before too long, being run by the very people who hate everything about us.

Apathy will destroy us very soon.

Are you a member of the OO or is that a personal assumption?

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Vanguardbears and the Regimental Blues regularly demonstrate at IRA parades. However, they seem to be the only groups willing to stand up and be counted. The Orange order, Unionists and Loyalists all seem to have joined the "apathy" organisation.

Unless we start countering the SNP, Nationalists and Republicans, we will be an independent nation before too long, being run by the very people who hate everything about us.

Apathy will destroy us very soon.

No leadership no voice. As we have said elsewhere. Religion in general is no longer the force it was in Scottish society. Hence why the Protestant community is now virtually ostracised and demonised in Scotland.

Unionism however is still very much alive but has no focus. Yes the Labour, Liberal and Tory parties all want to remain in the Union but the Unionist vote gets split as a result.

In the short term only tactical voting will keep the SNP out. And talking of which i don't care how much criticism this gets. You vote SNP you are no Rangers fan in my eyes.

Voting for them means you are worthless and happy to be treated like shit by Republicans. Happy to be called a h**. Happy seeing Republican Flute bands walk past the Cenotaph with crowds cheering them on. Happy to see Republicans and Nationalists destroy everything associated with Protestants, Rangers and the Union.

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No leadership no voice. As we have said elsewhere. Religion in general is no longer the force it was in Scottish society. Hence why the Protestant community is now virtually ostracised and demonised in Scotland.

Unionism however is still very much alive but has no focus. Yes the Labour, Liberal and Tory parties all want to remain in the Union but the Unionist vote gets split as a result.

In the short term only tactical voting will keep the SNP out. And talking of which i don't care how much criticism this gets. You vote SNP you are no Rangers fan in my eyes.

Voting for them means you are worthless and happy to be treated like shit by Republicans. Happy to be called a h**. Happy seeing Republican Flute bands walk past the Cenotaph with crowds cheering them on. Happy to see Republicans and Nationalists destroy everything associated with Protestants, Rangers and the Union.

I know several Rangers fans ( season ticket holders of many years ) who simply cannot see past this mob. It doesn't matter what they get up , how many scandals unfold, how many lies are unravelled, their overarching hatred of the English binds them to the current day Nazis -. Useful idiots !!!

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