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*****The Official St Johnstone v Rangers Match Thread*****


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28 minutes ago, Teamgers said:

Fuck Keirnan, absolute fucking fanny!

That's him improved too. He's got the same problem as Moshni without being as good :(

How poor was that second half. We let them turn it into a heading competition. Warburton needs to come to his senses and accept why only really talented sides play 433. 5 in the middle and two up front and we would have won most of these matches were we drop points.

Saturday looks as if its going to be a long day. Might end up staying in if we play like that again.

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Just now, sandyinroyalblue said:

Even your avatar can't cheer me up tonight Jinty :no:

I know :depressed: It's a disgrace to be honest. I honestly thought we had turned a corner but on Saturday it was apparent we were still struggling. Tonight until they scored we looked on fire then we were shit for the rest of the game. We had better get form back for Saturday because I'm risking my heart climbing all the stairs to the club deck!

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32 minutes ago, kaiser1041 said:

It doesn't matter mistakes happen. When shagger had a howler against the tims his team mates responded with character so that his mistake was meaningless.

this team are fucking cowards

Yes, that is what others are saying. I would note that St Johnstone also "matched up" before then, but again no excuses,


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We're being taken on the pathway to mediocrity by Warburton.   A persistent lowering of traditional Rangers expectations through a journey where nowhere near  enough money is made available to sign better quality players to provide a much more credible challenge.   Neither Warburton or the squad demonstrate the sort of fight, hunger and pride that make them recognisably Rangers quality.   A journey where he (and King) know we don't have the financial muscle to compete properly but both are hoping that they gain enough time - and patience from the Support - to create a core of a team years from now that can form a proper Rangers team..   The thing is its not this season.  And on the face of it so far next season may not be much better.  Warburton's track record of bringing in players who are good enough, and ready enough to make an immediate impact is not good.

We are not being led by Warburton to a team being formed that would mount a credible title challenge.  We simply are not.   The evidence over the season is clear enough - unable to coach strikers to score enough goals - a lightweight midfield - defence that is more than capable gifting goals.  All explained away in modern management speak with far too much respect for the opposition and nowhere near enough mental strength of character to get the players sorted out to perform to the level required at Rangers.  

It's been a difficult enough season so far.   The last 2 games have seen a return to play that is miles from the quality we should be seeing even with the standard of player in the squad.

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31 minutes ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

Sums it up, plus clueless, players and management 

As they say, pay peanuts you get monkeys.

Still can't blame the players, as we brought them here and they are what the are, a squad of mediocrity. MW has one hand tied behind his back, as he doesnt have the investment to bring the quality we desperately need and we will not be champions anytime soon, nor even get through the Europa qualifiers with this squad. Look no further that this board, as only they can effect the change needed, with cash! We will remain forever second at best until such times adequate funding is forthcoming.

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37 minutes ago, Theulstervolunteer said:

Yes but "it's all about the squad" not just yer 11 best players everyone gets a chance to make a cunt o themselves ........ except Tav who gets to always play no matter what. Really fucked aff with that again 1 step forward 3 back. Pish.....

It's a good ethos I suppose....when your whole squad is able to hit the ground running. No one (Tav, Halliday, Wallace apart) gets a consistent run of games, so can neither get consistency nor form. Every man and his dug knows strikers perform best when confident. Ours get a game and a half, maybe two....then benched.

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After reading the last few pages there is not much left to say. Just very, very disappointed with how we gave away such a stupid goal and then could not get back into the game. 

I do not know what to think about the game on Sat now, but surely the players will know they have to go out and fight for the fans and themselves or we will all be having a shite start to the New Year as far as football goes.  


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18 minutes ago, Reformation Bear said:

We're being taken on the pathway to mediocrity by Warburton.   A persistent lowering of traditional Rangers expectations through a journey where nowhere near  enough money is made available to sign better quality players to provide a much more credible challenge.   Neither Warburton or the squad demonstrate the sort of fight, hunger and pride that make them recognisably Rangers quality.   A journey where he (and King) know we don't have the financial muscle to compete properly but both are hoping that they gain enough time - and patience from the Support - to create a core of a team years from now that can form a proper Rangers team..   The thing is its not this season.  And on the face of it so far next season may not be much better.  Warburton's track record of bringing in players who are good enough, and ready enough to make an immediate impact is not good.

We are not being led by Warburton to a team being formed that would mount a credible title challenge.  We simply are not.   The evidence over the season is clear enough - unable to coach strikers to score enough goals - a lightweight midfield - defence that is more than capable gifting goals.  All explained away in modern management speak with far too much respect for the opposition and nowhere near enough mental strength of character to get the players sorted out to perform to the level required at Rangers.  

It's been a difficult enough season so far.   The last 2 games have seen a return to play that is miles from the quality we should be seeing even with the standard of player in the squad.

I could actually cry the state we're in and there's no real glimmer of light, only a prolonged period of sadness and despair. I wonder if that prick DK will make an appearance on the 31st 

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28 minutes ago, Reformation Bear said:

We're being taken on the pathway to mediocrity by Warburton.   A persistent lowering of traditional Rangers expectations through a journey where nowhere near  enough money is made available to sign better quality players to provide a much more credible challenge.   Neither Warburton or the squad demonstrate the sort of fight, hunger and pride that make them recognisably Rangers quality.   A journey where he (and King) know we don't have the financial muscle to compete properly but both are hoping that they gain enough time - and patience from the Support - to create a core of a team years from now that can form a proper Rangers team..   The thing is its not this season.  And on the face of it so far next season may not be much better.  Warburton's track record of bringing in players who are good enough, and ready enough to make an immediate impact is not good.

We are not being led by Warburton to a team being formed that would mount a credible title challenge.  We simply are not.   The evidence over the season is clear enough - unable to coach strikers to score enough goals - a lightweight midfield - defence that is more than capable gifting goals.  All explained away in modern management speak with far to much respect for the opposition and nowhere near enough mental strength of character to get the players sorted out to perform to the level required at Rangers.  

It's been a difficult enough season so far.   The last 2 games have seen a return to play that is miles from the quality we should be seeing even with the standard of player in the squad.

I can go with all that, with the exception that I would replace Warburton's name with King or the board.

King actually gave MW a step up in his career and MW only to happy to accept. His wages were/are shite compared to another we know accross the city and one othe we know who took up gardening. I would hazard to guess that King gave him this job knowing the budgetary limitations and that MW would be compliant, be the yes man about it and go with it. Certainly seems that way.

I no longer have aspirations with this squad, as they are what they are and I can't blame them for that, as we brought them here. They all revert to type as they are what they are, in the defence remains a bombscare, a midfield devoid of any creativity and a front line who struggle to put the ball in the back of the net far less a shot on target. They are consistently this, so where the fuck does one exoect to go with that? Not to be champions of anything, I would say.

Who actually has a bit of quality in the squad? McKay obviously but doesn't do it enough. Miller and Wallace. Thereafter I seriously struggle. So MW sets this squad up being the mediocrity that they are to rigidly play to a system to compensate and I get that. It works in the main. Pep G couldn't get this squad playing any better consistently because they just don't posses the natural ability to do so. 

Bottom line, go straight to the board and get King to shit or get off the pit, otherwise the scum will have their ten in a row and we are destined to remain second or worse. That will be our reality with the status quo.

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3 minutes ago, Bad Robot said:

I could actually cry the state we're in and there's no real glimmer of light, only a prolonged period of sadness and despair. I wonder if that prick DK will make an appearance on the 31st 

As you know, I put the blame squarely on his shoulders, as IMO he has been given an easy ride with our money. It's time to shit or get off the pot for him, IF we apply the pressure.

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What the fuck is Warburton watching? We can all see this short ball play from the keeper isnt working. Teams know it and they'll pressure us, that's how we lost the goal tonight. Yet its evident the team has been ordered to persist. His naivety and ignorance is costing us.

We were good for the first 20 minutes when we were playing quick football, totally minging the rest.

Something has to change.


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Just now, Blue Avenger said:

As you know, I put the blame on his shoulders, as IMO he has been given an easy ride with our money. It's time to shit or get off the pot for him, IF we apply the pressure.

We'll see if he keeps up his dissapearing act as a proper leader needs to be visible and he's our lord fkn Lucan 

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3 hours ago, Rangers No Other said:

 Where you playing ?  How big is the stage ?


not a band :)

i seen the last 15 mins of the game, wish i never bothered, a work collegue told me about the calamity at the back once again, after wez gets man of the match the other day him and that other fucking tool cause more issues. warburton needs to go

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Tavernier is honking. Hardly beat a man or put in a decent cross all night. 

Kiernan all round is just hopeless and should be nowhere near the side.

Our midfield is so poor. All three show some nice neat touches but provide nothing going forward or defensively. Holt looks busy and is a tidy wee player but when does he ever play someone in or create anything meaningful. The same goes for Windass who blows out his arse after 60 minutes. Andy Halliday is just an imposter. What does he offer apart from being one of us and kissing the badge? Not good enough.

Once again Garner shows what a waste of money he is. Nearly 2 million for someone who  never even looks like scoring.

McKay played well but at times he needs help. Maybe try him more centrally where he can create more.

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Good first 20mins,some real good passing and movement and had them pinned in their own half and looked like being a good 3pts... Then they scored and everything went out the window.

At times you would think there was two different Rangers teams,The good one and the bad one and more often than not this season the bad one always makes an appearance at away games.

Our midfield is powderpuff and will be run ragged by the unwashed,Both Holt and Halliday are to easily pushed off the ball and at times Halliday is like playing with a man down.

What concerns me also is Hill was obviously struggling with an injury and gave the thumbs up to play on,Given we have Wallace touch and go and been told he is about 50/50 to play against the unwashed,Why take the chance of losing another defender in Hill when he should have been replaced straight away rather than let him continue.

Based on tonight,It will take a performance of epic proportions to beat the unwashed,Sadly i can't see that happening and would take a draw right now. 

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