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Millers Agent


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1 minute ago, scottyc06 said:

Every one of them was underachieving, which maybe says a lot about how Pedro deals with such players but then again, have these players reacted badly to Pedro telling them they need to up their game if they want to play for us or simply that they aren't good enough to play for us at all! 

O'Halloran - Never broke into the team under 2 managers, gets shipped out on loan then spits the dummy because he wasn't part of the gaffers plans & moans that he wasn't getting fit enough despite not playing in months.

Forrester - Again a bit part player under 2 managers and never really set the game alight for us, would have a good game followed by 2 or 3 below average performancesI don't think he actually said anything against Caixinha other than wanting to prove him wrong in that he is a good player! 

McKay - Never went into any detail as to why he left other than that Caixinha wasn't treating him right? Runs off to a manager that played him most weeks! At the end of the day, he wasn't good enough for Rangers & his replacement is a definite improvement! 

Halliday - Was a big part of Warburtons teams & no matter how big a Rangers man he was he is a bang average footballer & again has been replaced by much better quality! 

Miller - Great servant to the club & dug us out a few holes but again, you can't deny the performances haven't been there this season! Another who has been replaced by a better player! 


The common denominator here isn't Pedro, it's the fact that every one of those players wasn't performing to the level they could of/had been or simply weren't good enough in the first place! Essentially he's getting rid of the dead wood, all be it, his methods might not be pleasant for those involved but they have been the right decisions! 

Their footballing abilities aren't the issue - it's the fact that they've all had problems with Pedro's unprofessional'ism ... re McKay, if you hunt he said things like he was dropped with no explanations, not made to feel welcome and never got a goodbye - stuff to that effect. 

Re Forrester he was dumped into the reserves and told to find a new club - he never really said anything that I know of, but the actions speak louder than words.

You can do what you did and make a case for everyone if that's your outlook/viewpoint (and I'll admit maybe I've got anti Pedro specks on myself) but he's a circus and I think there's a bigger picture here than just Miller.

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2 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

Their footballing abilities aren't the issue - it's the fact that they've all had problems with Pedro's unprofessional'ism ... re McKay, if you hunt he said things like he was dropped with no explanations, not made to feel welcome and never got a goodbye - stuff to that effect. 

Re Forrester he was dumped into the reserves and told to find a new club - he never really said anything that I know of, but the actions speak louder than words.

You can do what you did and make a case for everyone if that's your outlook/viewpoint (and I'll admit maybe I've got anti Pedro specks on myself) but he's a circus and I think there's a bigger picture here than just Miller.

You're right in that it's easy for me to sit and make a case backing Pedro here but you can't deny he's done the right thing in getting rid of these guys, and had this been in the Smith/Souness era they would be applauded for doing the same thing! Guys who weren't performing for at least a season, there's the door, beat it!  

With Miller I would probably back track on that in that this guy deserves some recognition for what he's put into the club over the last few years but then we don't know the story of what's going on with him?! 

Totally agree, Pedro has carried on with the circus act we've had over the last few years which isn't good for the club! That will soon go if we start challenging though! 

Honestly think he'll prove you wrong if he's here long enough to do so! Which I know you'd happily accept! 

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Millers agent needs his baws  booted. Kenny should tell him to shut up, otherwise he's condoning his tantrums.

I didn't hear every word Wallace said, but he appeared to be backing  Miller, unless he was just being good mannered.

We need to put this shit behind us, stop fighting among ourselves, there's plenty enemies out there for us to fight with.

The players need to all pull in the same direction, any player that can't do that, can fuck off! None of them are good enough to be starting a players revolt. All of them are replaceable. There should be a carpet ban on players talking to the press. They should do all their talking to Rangers TV, and the press can get their stories from that.

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At the end of last season the majority of folk on here wanted just about every player gone. 

Most of them have left but now it's another stick to beat Caixinha with, don't get me wrong I don't think he'll last the season but this is just ridiculous :duh:

Remember this? 

"I wasn't being treated the way any human being should be treated, but that's football and I had to move on."


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7 hours ago, trueblueal said:

The fact is he was out after a 5-1 defeat to them and he was lifted for assault. You can excuse that if you want, but for me it doesn't scream professionalism. If I was his agent and knew the above was a matter of record I wouldn't have gone down the dummy out and he's a model pro route. 

'Supporter' my arse - using taigs attacking Kenny and  his wife - thinking that reacting to that provocation in some way mars his professionalism - fucking sad! 

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5 hours ago, K.A.I said:

Their footballing abilities aren't the issue - it's the fact that they've all had problems with Pedro's unprofessional'ism ... re McKay, if you hunt he said things like he was dropped with no explanations, not made to feel welcome and never got a goodbye - stuff to that effect. 

Re Forrester he was dumped into the reserves and told to find a new club - he never really said anything that I know of, but the actions speak louder than words.

You can do what you did and make a case for everyone if that's your outlook/viewpoint (and I'll admit maybe I've got anti Pedro specks on myself) but he's a circus and I think there's a bigger picture here than just Miller.

Their footballing abilities, or lack of,  have to come into it.

There are only so many ways a manager can work to move on players who are comfortably under contract, or who he wants to sell now but who want to run down contracts.

Get them training with kids, in early, etc all valid tactics to let them know this is how it's going to be unless they take advice and move on. Good on him.

McKay spoke out about not being treated like a human or some shite (yawn) whilst it's been rumoured he himself wasn't committed to stay during pre-season.  MOH talked about fitness due to training as much as anything. Most of tbe 13 moved on haven't actually been critical, only one or two. Which suggests more don't hold it against him than do.

Then there's Bruno and Big Clint talking very positively about the professionalism Pedro displays. The way I see it is alves wouldn't be here but for Pedro.

The biggest act of unprofessionalism has come from an agent on his current employee player's behalf. Against the manager and club. And even though the Club Captain supports Miller, his pal, generally speaking it didn't support Miller's position in this instance or go against Pedro or the club. Wisely for him he stuck to fence sitting.

So if it's unprofessional we're assessing we can look at the greeting of those who rightly got punted for being shite, and Miller who should now be leaving, or those real men and players like Bruno and Clint who aren't wee self centred fannies. 



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Just now, Bluepeter9 said:

'Supporter' my arse - using taigs attacking Kenny and  his wife - thinking that reacting to that provocation in some way mars his professionalism - fucking sad! 

Who's more of a supporter, someone who is critical when things are going wrong but goes every week following the team, or someone who only bothers his arse to go half the time but comes on a message board and refuses to criticise anything to do with the club other than the fans?

Genuine question. 

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1 hour ago, Bluepeter9 said:

'Supporter' my arse - using taigs attacking Kenny and  his wife - thinking that reacting to that provocation in some way mars his professionalism - fucking sad! 

I'm not saying Miller hasn't had a great career and looked after himself. I'm saying his agent (a conduit for Kenny) should shut up about how amazing a pro he is when 

1. Through his agent he is publicly slating the manager for 2 days running

2. He was out after an OF defeat getting lifted for assault



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1 hour ago, Bluepeter9 said:

'Supporter' my arse - using taigs attacking Kenny and  his wife - thinking that reacting to that provocation in some way mars his professionalism - fucking sad! 

Can you quote any Rangers player or manager who suggests it's wise or acceptable for players to go out socialising after an old firm game, especially a defeat, unless at a private club function?

Just one.

Because from Barry Ferguson's arrest early 2000s there's been a good few stating the opposite. But you know that, it just doesn't suit your pro Miller narrative.

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Just now, Ferris Bueller said:

Hopefully Wallace's stance gets him flung out the club as well.

Manager had shown more passion and desire for the club in his short time here than our so called captain ever has!

:lol: nonsense.

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1 hour ago, Bluepeter9 said:

'Supporter' my arse - using taigs attacking Kenny and  his wife - thinking that reacting to that provocation in some way mars his professionalism - fucking sad! 

Well at the end of the day he represents us 24/7. He does something wrong  it's printed as Rangers striker Kenny Miller lifted for assault, so yes he did act unprofessionally. Would it be different if it was sheep shaggers or the junkies from easter road that provocated him? He is old enough to walk away and realise that they are trying to get a rise out of him. 

So go crawl back under your politically correct stone and think of something that you can use to attack Rangers fans and supporters

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Just now, Ferris Bueller said:

Hopefully Wallace's stance gets him flung out the club as well.

Manager had shown more passion and desire for the club in his short time here than our so called captain ever has!

Wallace should have literally said nothing. From reading his comments, he's effectively said nothing.

A magnolia interview, nothing to get pissed about and certainly nothing that contributes either way to the Miller / Pedro issue.

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Pedro, is going nowhere well, not at least until the end of the season once the board assess his performance or rather his teams performance over the season.

For me, I reckon the KM debacle has came about from the armband situation with GD nothing more, nothing less. I believe it has escalated to where it is now due to KM's ego.

For anyone hoping for another PLG situation, catch yourself on, it's not going to happen for various reasons, beyond that I believe BA will be THE club Captain going forward common sense suggests his experience alone would afford him this position. While Pedro goes on about having five Captains which I don't disbelieve, I can't help but feel the five Captains has been a ruse and that his intention was always to have BA in that position.

Basically, Pedro has came in with the remit to cleanse the team and instil his own ideas which are being seen to be producing results, not as quickly as some would like but, progress is being made at a rate I would say was rational given the situation

Unity and all pulling in the same direction is what brings success, the direction is given by the Manager and the Manager is selected by the board.

An over the hill player spitting the dummy out is not going to get the manager sacked, no matter how much you wish it would.

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8 hours ago, K.A.I said:

Aye that's the problem. I agree.

I want Pedro gone (I'm not going to lie) butas you point out what message does that send out that two has-been's who are of no value to us this season and beyond take precedence over the manager of the club in the eyes of the board.

That's where there's no winners in this circus, no matter how it pans out. 

But the bigger point is that there's continued circuses with Pedro and his ways - Miller past few weeks, maybe Wallace now and before that it was O'Halloran, McKay, Halliday ... even slaughtering Windass in public after his best ever game for us Motherwell away first game of the season - there's a common denominator in all this and it's not any of those players, who, to the best of my knowledge have never pissed off any manager in their careers or been in any sort of controversay. 

They might have never pissed anyone off, but they’ve also never won anything aside from lower league competitions. 

Miller being the exception, but he’s probably now our 3rd or 4th choice CF. 

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