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6 minutes ago, slimjim1690 said:

I'm actually hopeful that this Uefa decision can  be a catalyst in finally getting the message across to supporters that the times have changed and that it's no longer acceptable to continue with certain references in our songs, I'm talking here as a long time supporter ingrained in our history but inside Ibrox we must accept that change has come.

I'm of the opinion that we never really thought that stadium  or partial stadium closures would actually happen so just continued along on our merry way and dared anyone to try, well now that reality has stepped in and it's happened I think it's been a shock to the system, hopefully now that it has we will swallow our medicine, grudgingly accept what is expected of us and follow the clubs advice and get back to doing what we do best, supporting The Rangers and be able to celebrate come the seasons end like never before.

FFS. You think they are going to stop at silly fucking songs?

The only thing the UEFA decision is, is a catalyst for every hater in the land, including the authorities to fuck us over by whatever means for whatever reason, made up or not.

10 in a row, must not be stopped at all costs.

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1 hour ago, kelvd1873 said:

Exactly what is being peddled here imo.

The media etc see an avenue to tar us with a sectarian or racist brush and at the same time watch as we argue amongst ourselves online over songs.

Our team Glasgow Rangers are playing well, scoring goals and to probably the dismay of most of them , not being red carded.  The players look fit, sharp and so far up to the task. Keep it up lads. Make no mistake though they will keep up the pressure and try to derail us to get to their tainted 9 by using trial by tv, phone ins or attacking our fan base. 

Meanwhile historic child abuse and the resulting court cases over in the east end continue to be ignored by Uefa and the majority of the press. But they bow down to FARE a celtic fan led organisation which only has a track record for punishing Rangers. 

But imo it’s our right to highlight when a certain other team get away with sectarian chanting, missile throwing and promoting terrorism to name a few incidents. 

They wanted to highlight sectarianism for the start.  So as a united fan base let’s launch it right back at them because at the moment selectarianism is rife. 

We have too many in our support that don’t want to take on the Fenians. 


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2 hours ago, slimjim1690 said:

I'm actually hopeful that this Uefa decision can  be a catalyst in finally getting the message across to supporters that the times have changed and that it's no longer acceptable to continue with certain references in our songs, I'm talking here as a long time supporter ingrained in our history but inside Ibrox we must accept that change has come.

I'm of the opinion that we never really thought that stadium  or partial stadium closures would actually happen so just continued along on our merry way and dared anyone to try, well now that reality has stepped in and it's happened I think it's been a shock to the system, hopefully now that it has we will swallow our medicine, grudgingly accept what is expected of us and follow the clubs advice and get back to doing what we do best, supporting The Rangers and be able to celebrate come the seasons end like never before.


This is pretty much spot on.

I totally understand the argument that appeasement will end with our enemies only coming back for something else. However, if and when they do, if we can be in a position of strength to defend ourselves then we can fight the charges. It's not the songs they find offensive, it's us, our very existence. They will never stop.  What We need is a leg to stand. We can give ourselves that, it's in our hands.


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2 hours ago, SuperLeeMcCulloch said:

Just seen an article effectively trying to link us to the child abuse from the darkside.

Open season is here people.

Read an article trying to link us to the tarriers throwing bananas at Mark Walters. We stop singing the billy boys for a few years and the tarriers tried to claim the Hokey Cokey was sectarian. What chance do we stand? 

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2 minutes ago, SasaPapacLoyal said:

Read an article trying to link us to the tarriers throwing bananas at Mark Walters. We stop singing the billy boys for a few years and the tarriers tried to claim the Hokey Cokey was sectarian. What chance do we stand? 

"Football" fans

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1 hour ago, Spliffy said:

It's not the songs they find offensive, it's us, our very existence. They will never stop.

Bingo mate!

Using any means available to beat us over the head, whilst they pretty much do whatever they like due to factors like “disappearing evidence”. 

We need to bombard Uefa, SFA and FAREs Twitter, FB etc when they step out of line. Fight fire with Fire! 

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11 minutes ago, Unionblue said:

Strange things happen to people who are forced into exclusive education based on the beliefs of their parents,  I think some kind of repressed resentment of the  mentally  liberated is their problem.

Been screaming out for someone like you to comment. Where have you been?  

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An old saying " people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones " covers this pretty well.

We can continually point the finger at the fenians for singing pro IRA songs, racist banners, hangmans nooses etc. but it all falls on deaf ears or another old saying " there are none so blind as those that will not see " and this is the situation we are dealing with.

But if we as a support keep giving them ammunition to fire at us, who are the stupid ones?

The travelling fans in Denmark showed how to behave and were rightly given a glowing testament by the Danish authorities. We as a club need more of this and to keep pointing out the totally biased reporting by Fare and other such groups fight fire with fire write to the SFA, the SPFL and UEFA respectfully every time we can prove wrongdoing by the papes across the city.

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Just now, Hadron Collider said:

Been screaming out for someone like you to comment. Where have you been?  

Not sure if you're serious or being sarcastic mate, ha ha, but anyway, that's what I think , there are simply those who hate those who got off from a shit education riddled with poor theology.

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After Fridays news there is far less media attention than I would have expected. But the reaction from bears has been far greater than I expected. 

In the last 30 odd years since I first started going to games iv noticed 2 huge changes, At the matches the amount of singing that could be regarded as anti Catholic has reduced massively, the East enclosure 30 years ago was almost a sash bash at times and was a fantastic place to go and enjoy the game, now a lot of the songs from back in those days still exist and I have still heard but they have generally been kept out of the ground. TBB was and still is a stirring anthem that you feel right through your body when it's belted out in full flow. 

It has one small part that people are apparently find offensive which brings me to the other thing iv noticed change. The rise in Irish republicanism in Scotland, not just in the west in the last 30 years is unbelievable, I have lived around the triangle of Falkirk, Stirling and Alloa area during the last 30 years and I'm shocked at some of the pockets of IR that have appeared in this time, Areas that were almost no go areas for this kind of behaviour. 

For me the rise in IR has been cultered from one place and one place only and that's from a pile of breeze blocks located on London Rd in the east end of Glasgow, In the late 90s I remember reading an article in the NOTW by the famous anti Rangers hack Gerry McKnee, He was highlighting our song book be he was also very quick to condemn the actions of the taigs board for turning match days in to an Irish theme park. The commercialisation from that club in their Irish connection has grown over the years also adding celtic crosses to their shirts and I seem to remember a tricolour too. 

The SNP carried out a recent study in sectarianism but have declined to release its findings. The cynical side of me suspects the reason for this is they did not find what they were looking for and found something else instead. Something that would not fit well in their efforts into railroading this country into independence. For me this fits into the recently well coined phrase Selectarianism. 

During the last 30 years within our club we have had a large increase in RC players, we have had 3 RC managers and even players are blessing themselves on the pitch with no howls from the stands. Iv said it for years and first time I mentioned it to a few mates I was ripped for but it appears our support now know this too. 30 years ago the word Fenian and Catholic went hand in hand, But now many of us realise that RC and Fenian are 2 very separate things. Just look at the list of some of our former players that are RC but could never be regarded as Fenian. 

The OP suggests that there has been an attempt to divide and conquer, and while there has been huge debate on social media and there has been the odd comment of defiance that this will not stop some people from the so called offensive chants, I feel this has been a big enough shock to bears that self policing at the match will end the chants at matches very quickly, 3000 bears will miss the game on Thursday that already had tickets and that has really hit a chord with many, 


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Sincerely hope that the mud slinging at our club this past few days makes our support more unified than ever in the coming weeks.

The corrupt scum that have targeted our club with this sanction  want us to fail so we miss out on the group stages cash windfall. We  need to triumph in the face of adversity here and sicken these bastards!

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4 hours ago, BouncyBluenose87 said:

Sincerely hope that the mud slinging at our club this past few days makes our support more unified than ever in the coming weeks.

The corrupt scum that have targeted our club with this sanction  want us to fail so we miss out on the group stages cash windfall. We  need to triumph in the face of adversity here and sicken these bastards!

I think once the dust settles you will see a more unified support. Results like today will help get us there 

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