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PRESS CONFERENCE - Steven Gerrard / Ryan Kent


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5 minutes ago, born a blue nose said:

Gerrards digs at cunts are as cutting as they come, I don't even know if they are calculated digs, or its the fact they are coming from Steven Gerrard, but fuck me they are cutting. 

This is going to sound mental, but there's only 3 guys I can think of off the bat that have that type of put down. Sir Alex, Walter and Souness.

He's excellent at it.

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I think Gerrard has just about stopped just short of calling a spade a fucking shit shovel.    His use of the word 'careless' (in relation to the treatment of Jack by the SFA) just stays this side of a damning outright accusation of blatant professional malpractice.     Then again maybe what he says is exactly that.  It's clear enough to me that he has zero acceptance or respect for the way that Clarke and his SFA coaches have gone about treating a top flight footballer.     The question that comes to mind after hearing Gerrard's seething condemnation is whether this really was just carelessness or was it wilful on the part of Clarke and the SFA coaches.  

Either way they clearly lack the competence needed to properly manage international football players.  They have manifestly failed to take all reasonable and proper duty of care when the player was under their management.   They should be punished accordingly.    I'm not buying into any excuses they come up with.  The damage - quite literally - is done.

You just knew that when it became known that Jack was withdrawn at Rangers request something very bad had happened during his stint with the Scotland squad.    

Gerrard has every right to be angry.    Would this sort of fucked-up training nonsense be happening in an England squad, or a Welsh squad, or an NI squad.   I doubt it.    But here in Scotland is looks like a bunch of SFA dinosaur training goons from are running a training asylum regime led by a manager who clearly knows fuck all about how to properly manage top athletes. 

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45 minutes ago, bluenoz said:

St Mirren manager now backing him up re : Jack

Going to be interesting to see which side the MSM are going to jump on here. 

Will they put the boot into Clarke because his coat is on a shuggly nail and it gives them more ammo to fire supplied by someone of Stevies standing. 

Or are they going to go down the usual road and just get get tore into the moaning Rangers even if that means they are ripping Stevie a new one when it’s clear he is in the right here. 

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4 minutes ago, Courtyard Bear said:

Going to be interesting to see which side the MSM are going to jump on here. 

Will they put the boot into Clarke because his coat is on a shuggly nail and it gives them more ammo to fire supplied by someone of Stevies standing. 

Or are they going to go down the usual road and just get get tore into the moaning Rangers even if that means they are ripping Stevie a new one when it’s clear he is in the right here. 

It's the latter, they can't afford to replace Clarke so soon nor do they want to.

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5 minutes ago, bluenoz said:

It's the latter, they can't afford to replace Clarke so soon nor do they want to.

Dangerous move going after what I consider one of the best backroom teams in the UK never mind scotland. 

Then again it’s Scotland and all things Rangers is fair game, will be interesting to see if the English press pick this up and run with it. 

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4 minutes ago, pollok-bear said:

Call me fucking paranoid but I think this was deliberate from these taig bastards to get one of our players injured.


If they have been given strict instructions on how to handle Jack, which going by Stevie they have then if I was Rangers I would be talking to the lawyers. 

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42 minutes ago, Courtyard Bear said:

Going to be interesting to see which side the MSM are going to jump on here. 

Will they put the boot into Clarke because his coat is on a shuggly nail and it gives them more ammo to fire supplied by someone of Stevies standing. 

Or are they going to go down the usual road and just get get tore into the moaning Rangers even if that means they are ripping Stevie a new one when it’s clear he is in the right here. 

Found Thompson's quotes

Former Scotland international Thompson suggested that it was in Jack's 'discretion' to know how to handle the situation when he was told to do the 11k run because he felt he could have 'taken it back a bit' if he felt 'stiff'.

Speaking to Sportsround on BBC Scotland (12/08/2019), Thompson questioned how the session actually went and what Jack was asked to do by Scotland's staff

"It all depends on what the 11k session was doing," Thompson told Sportsround. "If it was just running, for that period of time without the ball then that's fine.

"If he has put the yards in and he's running about during that training session then that's his discretion for putting in that amount of effort instead of taking it back a bit if he felt stiff after a game or whatever - I'd be surprised if he had been given conditioning work away from the national team. 

"For me, it would all be about, what was the intensity of the 11k he did? If he just went for a plod and plodded for an hour and got the lactic acid out of your legs then that's entirely different from doing an 11k where you are having an awful lot of sharp change of direction and high-intensity runs."

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2 hours ago, johanhentze said:

Were players seriously doing 11k runs??? The players are fit this time of the season and  need conditioning.. absolute madness to do that. I can also guarantee you that Belgium werent doing 11k runs days before the game. They were more than likely working on a fucking game plan. SFA are absolute dinosaurs!

Agree about the retards at the SFA but do not think he meant an 11K run --- believe the 11k was the amount of running during training remembering that these guys workload is constantly monitored.  Basically every step during games and training is counted.  Average distance run during a game is 7 miles which converts to just over 11K.  So I 'd say he had a 90 minute training session - too much certainly. 

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12 minutes ago, Laudrup1984 said:

Found Thompson's quotes

Former Scotland international Thompson suggested that it was in Jack's 'discretion' to know how to handle the situation when he was told to do the 11k run because he felt he could have 'taken it back a bit' if he felt 'stiff'.

Speaking to Sportsround on BBC Scotland (12/08/2019), Thompson questioned how the session actually went and what Jack was asked to do by Scotland's staff

"It all depends on what the 11k session was doing," Thompson told Sportsround. "If it was just running, for that period of time without the ball then that's fine.

"If he has put the yards in and he's running about during that training session then that's his discretion for putting in that amount of effort instead of taking it back a bit if he felt stiff after a game or whatever - I'd be surprised if he had been given conditioning work away from the national team. 

"For me, it would all be about, what was the intensity of the 11k he did? If he just went for a plod and plodded for an hour and got the lactic acid out of your legs then that's entirely different from doing an 11k where you are having an awful lot of sharp change of direction and high-intensity runs."

Well going by Stevie the 11k session was totally against what the Rangers fitness coaches told the SFA team to do with Jack. 

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10 minutes ago, Courtyard Bear said:

Well going by Stevie the 11k session was totally against what the Rangers fitness coaches told the SFA team to do with Jack. 

Thomson was distracted at the time the question was asked --- he had Stewart's cock in his mouth at the time. 

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27 minutes ago, siddiqi_drinker said:

Agree about the retards at the SFA but do not think he meant an 11K run --- believe the 11k was the amount of running during training remembering that these guys workload is constantly monitored.  Basically every step during games and training is counted.  Average distance run during a game is 7 miles which converts to just over 11K.  So I 'd say he had a 90 minute training session - too much certainly. 

Yea.. realised that. Id say that is still mental! 

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I just cannot get my head around why the SFA/ Scotland management team would think its necessary to put a squad of players through a gruelling 11 km training run. These players have been picked because they have been playing good football with their clubs, good enough to be selected, which to my simple brain says they are fit. What they need more than anything is game time in training sessions, playing together to try and gel styles before a very important couple of games.

Is it just me or is the Scottish management team inept?


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I love that we have got RK back and now permanent but remember he is not winning us this on his own. The managers team selection and line up in arguably our biggest game to date, we had already qualified for Europa, were poor by a long shot, look on here and FF before the game and we were all saying pretty much the same thing regards that and SG then does that???

I am still annoyed by the needless points dropped, we have the players, admittedly not all the players played well, would you if thrown into a must win game playing in an unfamiliar formation and style?, anyway we fucked it big time so onwards and upwards he is a great acquisition but do not put all the weight of a league title on his performances, he is not a Laudrup or Gascoigne.


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Am I the only one concerned about what injury Jack is managing? 

I mean  I am pissed off at the national team but if he is managing an injury why is he even going to Scotland squads, why are we not addressing the injury or limiting his exposure  



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