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The Greatest Rangers Quote?


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Great Rangers Quotes

1. Mr Struths "Let the others come after us, we welcome the chase"

the wives of celtic fans used to send me letters thanking me for sending their husbands home early --- Jim Baxter

3. When Rangers come knocking, you dont turn things like that down." Neil Alexander

Ive played for some big clubs but Rangers is a proper football club ------Graeme Souness

5. My only regret was coming too late and leaving too early. Mark Hateley

Jimmy Millar
(1955-67; 317games 162goals) quote

"When a chap loses his heart to an ideal, there's no going back. It grows and grows within him, growing stronger as the years slip past.

That is why, when people ask: "Would you rather play centre than in the half-back line?" my answer comes off my lips as though from a tape recorder:

I don't care where I play so long as I wear the Rangers colours." God bless Jimmy Millar

7. '
The Spanish police did what was natural to them. The Rangers fans did what came naturally to them and charged.' Big Jock Wallace on the pitch invasion in Barcalona

8. Bobby Shearer: 'How you feeling son'

Young player making his debut: 'I'm a bit worried Mr Shearer'.

Bobby Shearer: 'When you pull on a Rangers jersey it's them who'll be worried'.

9. 'Sorry, Mr Chairman, but this is the earliest I have been late for some time.' Coisty who was famous for bein late, to SDM who was waitin for him at the front door

10. 'I always said that the team who drinks together, wins together.' Richard Gough.

11. Pele on Jim Baxter: "I wish he had been Brazilian.
that is just how good Baxter was.

12. 'I still think about those people every single day of my life.' John Greig on the fans who died in the disaster.

Ian Ferguson: "I only ever have a drink when we win a trophy. That's why people think I'm an alcoholic."

14. 'I played for the team I loved' - Davie Cooper

16. Hateley on returning for his second spell,

Reporter at Glasgow airport - 'How do you feel about coming back Mark?'

"I'm not coming back - I'm coming Home"

17. The Goalie against Marseille in France when asked if he was nervous,........"Pub Team"

18. "My kind of manager...he didn't go over the top tactically, he knew my ability on the ball and let me go out and play my natural game."

Davie Cooper on Jock Wallace

19. "I do feel a little bit frustrated that these good and exciting times at Ibrox have come a little too late for me. But against that frustration is the realism that I have enjoyed a marvelous career that others would give their right arm for so I can't be greedy."

Davie Cooper

20. "I hated leaving Rangers, but I wanted to go somewhere where I could keep playing."

Davie Cooper

21. "What do I like about Rangers?i like winning"-Mark Hateley

22. I would do those 2 years over and over again for the rest of my life" - Paul Gascoigne

23. "Glasgow Rangers.. God I loved playing for them" - Gazza again

25. "I'll play for Rangers as long as I can, then spend the rest of my life being depressed" - Super Ally

26. "£4 million? That's an awful lot of money for a sub" - Mark Hately on Duncan Ferguson

27. " At Rangers you are never more than 2 defeats away from a crisis! "Walter Smith

28. "Never fear, inevitably we shall have our years of failure, and when they arrive, we must reveal tolerance and sanity. No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome." - Bill Struth

29. After beating Celtic 3-2 in a Cup Final.

V Reporter : 'As you went into extra-time were you confident' ?

Jock Wallace : 'I was confident before it started, son'

30. "when i play, i am like a soldier going into battle. my team mates are my commrades.we will never give up, no matter the opposition" - Dado Prso

31. 'Police officer: ''Mr McCoist, do you have a police record.'' Ian Durrant: ''Walkin On The Moon' . .'' ' From wee Durrants autobiography.

32. 'You can put on my gravestone that Andy Goram broke my heart.' Tommy Burns.

33. 'It was a fantastic achievement, made even more special by the fact it was won at Parkhead.' Donald Findlay on Rangers winning the Treble at our rivals' ground!

34. "the helicopter is changing direction" - Helicopter Sunday

35. "I hope to be here so long they have to kick me out!" - Andy Goram

36. "From now on their must be No Surrender!" - Stefan Klos

37. "Rangers like the big strong powerful fellows, with a bit of strength and solidity in the tackle, rather than the frivolous, quick moving stylists like Jimmy Johnstone, small, tiptoe-throughs the tulips type of players who excite people." - Willie Waddell, Rangers manager 1972

8. 'Rangers have treated me so well, the fans have become like a family to me. 'No matter how much money was put in front of me, I would never sign for Celtic.' - Nacho Novo

39. "Celtic could offer me all the money in the world, I'd never play for them, I simply wouldn't do that to Rangers, my fans and to myself"---Rangers legend Jörg Albertz

"In Scotland, I have to say I'm more fond of Glasgow Rangers - not Celtc - and there is a great player who played for them , and who is still alive today, Willie Henderson, I met up with him recently when Benfica played Celtc again" - Eusébio da Silva Ferreira

41. "See you next year" - Dick Advocaat on his winning acceptance speech at the Manager of the Year Awards.

Some quotes from opposition players on the Ibrox Atmosphere

Didier Drogba (Chelsea)

"All I can say when I try to imagine what it will be like at Ibrox is Ooh la la!' I played against Rangers at Ibrox with Chelsea in the summer and we lost 2-0, I have told Perrin that the atmosphere at Ibrox is absolutely magical. To my way of appreciating football, its truly really beautiful. That's how to support your team!"

Drogba goes on "Lyon played at Celtic a couple of seasons ago but Ibrox will be completely different!"

Thierry Henry (FC Barcelona)

"I know the atmosphere that's generated here and that makes it tough for any team. I thought the fans were unbelievable again.

"They were not swearing or shouting stupid things, they pushed their team forward and that's great to see."

Frank Lampard (Chelsea)

"The Rangers fans were awesome, all the lads were talking about it," said Lampard.

"The reception I got when I went to take corners during the game, and after when we were going off, was really nice.

"They certainly love their own team, but it was very special to get that welcome. It was amazing really, and a very good game to play in for us, certainly the best friendly we've had.

"With that kind of backing from their crowd, they will be hard to beat. And I expect to see Rangers in the Champions League.

Hernan Crespo (AC Milan)

"I've played at Ibrox --the atmosphere in Scottish stadiums is sensational."

Lionel Letizi (PSG)

"I'd been told about the incredible atmosphere but could not believe how loud it was.

"When we arrived and walked out on to the pitch, the stadium was empty because we were early.

"We went back inside to change and when we walked into the tunnel we could hear a rumbling noise.

"And when we went back on to the pitch I could not believe my ears. The sound was terrifying and the game had not even started yet.

"I then had to walk to my goal and when the referee blew his whistle to start the match the sound which came from the stand at my back almost knocked me over.

"It was amazing and I am really looking forward to experiencing this again - as a Rangers player."

Henning Berg (When at Rangers)

"The atmosphere was better than anything I experienced at Old Trafford, even better than playing Juventus there. I will never forget this night.

Dado Prso (Monaco)

"The atmosphere was incomparable, and I had goosebumps throughout the match," he said of the 2-2 draw, despite spending the first 56 minutes on the bench.

Since then, I have never experienced anything as intense in any of the other European stadia I've played football in. Rangers are the club I needed to join. They are a club in my own image, and their ambitions are on the same level as my own."

Gary Neville (Manchester United)

"This was the loudest atmosphere that I have known, compared to any English ground away from home.

"There have been certain nights at Old Trafford in European games - the ones against Juventus comes to mind - when the atmosphere was incredible.

"But this was definitely up there with the best. It was fantastic.

"When we came out at the start I was looking around me and I saw people in the directors' box jumping up singing and I was wondering what was happening. It is not usually like that.

"The crowd beating us was never going to happen - but thank goodness they didn't score."

Ruud van Nistelrooy (Manchester United)

"I'll never forget that night we played there. The atmosphere was unbelievable, very hostile.

Villarreal will think they've experienced a lot of good atmospheres but I really think the Rangers support could startle them.

Marcos Senna (Villarreal)

"Usually players don't even hear supporters when we play but it was impossible to ignore the crowd in Glasgow.

"When they scored, the noise was amazing, incredible. It was a very beautiful spectacle.

"I could almost say I was not totally sad when they scored - that crowd deserved it.

"It seems there will be 6000 Rangers fans here but only 4000 will get into the stadium. Well, it's going to be noisy inside and out.

"Their fans are great and it will help them but it was a lot noisier at Ibrox than it will be at our ground. The Madrigal fans support us a lot but in a different way."

Giovanni van Bronckhorst (Barcelona)

"It is not just made up that players can suffer from an intimidating atmosphere when they play at visiting grounds.

"I know from Ruud (Ruud van Nistelrooy) that when we beat PSV at Ibrox in the Champions League he thought it was very frightening. He said it was one of the most atmospheric matches he had ever experienced - and now he has to face it again. For him to come back to Ibrox it will be the same experience.

"I know that Manchester United's players face all the biggest games and full stadiums everywhere, but I think most of them will find this Wednesday night at Ibrox a really different atmosphere.

"I've played in England and I don't think that any stadium in the Premiership can compare with Ibrox for its intimidating atmosphere - it is far above them."
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"The Helicopter is Changing Direction!"

I read the above post, went on YouTube and watched a wee re run of helicopter Sunday, it gave me goosebumps watching it again.

I hope to get the emotion of that day again soon.

One of the best days ever

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"Brace yourself Manchester, Rangers are coming, and you know what, it might not be big enough" or words to that effect after Novo slotted the pen v Fiorentina.

This for me still gets me going along with a video on YouTube where the guy is saying please please please nacho yaaaaaaaaaaaaas

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Great Rangers Quotes

1. Mr Struths "Let the others come after us, we welcome the chase"

the wives of celtic fans used to send me letters thanking me for sending their husbands home early --- Jim Baxter

3. When Rangers come knocking, you dont turn things like that down." Neil Alexander

Ive played for some big clubs but Rangers is a proper football club ------Graeme Souness

5. My only regret was coming too late and leaving too early. Mark Hateley

Jimmy Millar
(1955-67; 317games 162goals) quote

"When a chap loses his heart to an ideal, there's no going back. It grows and grows within him, growing stronger as the years slip past.

That is why, when people ask: "Would you rather play centre than in the half-back line?" my answer comes off my lips as though from a tape recorder:

I don't care where I play so long as I wear the Rangers colours." God bless Jimmy Millar

7. '
The Spanish police did what was natural to them. The Rangers fans did what came naturally to them and charged.' Big Jock Wallace on the pitch invasion in Barcalona

8. Bobby Shearer: 'How you feeling son'

Young player making his debut: 'I'm a bit worried Mr Shearer'.

Bobby Shearer: 'When you pull on a Rangers jersey it's them who'll be worried'.

9. 'Sorry, Mr Chairman, but this is the earliest I have been late for some time.' Coisty who was famous for bein late, to SDM who was waitin for him at the front door

10. 'I always said that the team who drinks together, wins together.' Richard Gough.

11. Pele on Jim Baxter: "I wish he had been Brazilian.
that is just how good Baxter was.

12. 'I still think about those people every single day of my life.' John Greig on the fans who died in the disaster.

Ian Ferguson: "I only ever have a drink when we win a trophy. That's why people think I'm an alcoholic."

14. 'I played for the team I loved' - Davie Cooper

16. Hateley on returning for his second spell,

Reporter at Glasgow airport - 'How do you feel about coming back Mark?'

"I'm not coming back - I'm coming Home"

17. The Goalie against Marseille in France when asked if he was nervous,........"Pub Team"

18. "My kind of manager...he didn't go over the top tactically, he knew my ability on the ball and let me go out and play my natural game."

Davie Cooper on Jock Wallace

19. "I do feel a little bit frustrated that these good and exciting times at Ibrox have come a little too late for me. But against that frustration is the realism that I have enjoyed a marvelous career that others would give their right arm for so I can't be greedy."

Davie Cooper

20. "I hated leaving Rangers, but I wanted to go somewhere where I could keep playing."

Davie Cooper

21. "What do I like about Rangers?i like winning"-Mark Hateley

22. I would do those 2 years over and over again for the rest of my life" - Paul Gascoigne

23. "Glasgow Rangers.. God I loved playing for them" - Gazza again

25. "I'll play for Rangers as long as I can, then spend the rest of my life being depressed" - Super Ally

26. "£4 million? That's an awful lot of money for a sub" - Mark Hately on Duncan Ferguson

27. " At Rangers you are never more than 2 defeats away from a crisis! "Walter Smith

28. "Never fear, inevitably we shall have our years of failure, and when they arrive, we must reveal tolerance and sanity. No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome." - Bill Struth

29. After beating Celtic 3-2 in a Cup Final.

V Reporter : 'As you went into extra-time were you confident' ?

Jock Wallace : 'I was confident before it started, son'

30. "when i play, i am like a soldier going into battle. my team mates are my commrades.we will never give up, no matter the opposition" - Dado Prso

31. 'Police officer: ''Mr McCoist, do you have a police record.'' Ian Durrant: ''Walkin On The Moon' . .'' ' From wee Durrants autobiography.

32. 'You can put on my gravestone that Andy Goram broke my heart.' Tommy Burns.

33. 'It was a fantastic achievement, made even more special by the fact it was won at Parkhead.' Donald Findlay on Rangers winning the Treble at our rivals' ground!

34. "the helicopter is changing direction" - Helicopter Sunday

35. "I hope to be here so long they have to kick me out!" - Andy Goram

36. "From now on their must be No Surrender!" - Stefan Klos

37. "Rangers like the big strong powerful fellows, with a bit of strength and solidity in the tackle, rather than the frivolous, quick moving stylists like Jimmy Johnstone, small, tiptoe-throughs the tulips type of players who excite people." - Willie Waddell, Rangers manager 1972

8. 'Rangers have treated me so well, the fans have become like a family to me. 'No matter how much money was put in front of me, I would never sign for Celtic.' - Nacho Novo

39. "Celtic could offer me all the money in the world, I'd never play for them, I simply wouldn't do that to Rangers, my fans and to myself"---Rangers legend Jörg Albertz

"In Scotland, I have to say I'm more fond of Glasgow Rangers - not Celtc - and there is a great player who played for them , and who is still alive today, Willie Henderson, I met up with him recently when Benfica played Celtc again" - Eusébio da Silva Ferreira

41. "See you next year" - Dick Advocaat on his winning acceptance speech at the Manager of the Year Awards.

Some quotes from opposition players on the Ibrox Atmosphere

Didier Drogba (Chelsea)

"All I can say when I try to imagine what it will be like at Ibrox is Ooh la la!' I played against Rangers at Ibrox with Chelsea in the summer and we lost 2-0, I have told Perrin that the atmosphere at Ibrox is absolutely magical. To my way of appreciating football, its truly really beautiful. That's how to support your team!"

Drogba goes on "Lyon played at Celtic a couple of seasons ago but Ibrox will be completely different!"

Thierry Henry (FC Barcelona)

"I know the atmosphere that's generated here and that makes it tough for any team. I thought the fans were unbelievable again.

"They were not swearing or shouting stupid things, they pushed their team forward and that's great to see."

Frank Lampard (Chelsea)

"The Rangers fans were awesome, all the lads were talking about it," said Lampard.

"The reception I got when I went to take corners during the game, and after when we were going off, was really nice.

"They certainly love their own team, but it was very special to get that welcome. It was amazing really, and a very good game to play in for us, certainly the best friendly we've had.

"With that kind of backing from their crowd, they will be hard to beat. And I expect to see Rangers in the Champions League.

Hernan Crespo (AC Milan)

"I've played at Ibrox --the atmosphere in Scottish stadiums is sensational."

Lionel Letizi (PSG)

"I'd been told about the incredible atmosphere but could not believe how loud it was.

"When we arrived and walked out on to the pitch, the stadium was empty because we were early.

"We went back inside to change and when we walked into the tunnel we could hear a rumbling noise.

"And when we went back on to the pitch I could not believe my ears. The sound was terrifying and the game had not even started yet.

"I then had to walk to my goal and when the referee blew his whistle to start the match the sound which came from the stand at my back almost knocked me over.

"It was amazing and I am really looking forward to experiencing this again - as a Rangers player."

Henning Berg (When at Rangers)

"The atmosphere was better than anything I experienced at Old Trafford, even better than playing Juventus there. I will never forget this night.

Dado Prso (Monaco)

"The atmosphere was incomparable, and I had goosebumps throughout the match," he said of the 2-2 draw, despite spending the first 56 minutes on the bench.

Since then, I have never experienced anything as intense in any of the other European stadia I've played football in. Rangers are the club I needed to join. They are a club in my own image, and their ambitions are on the same level as my own."

Gary Neville (Manchester United)

"This was the loudest atmosphere that I have known, compared to any English ground away from home.

"There have been certain nights at Old Trafford in European games - the ones against Juventus comes to mind - when the atmosphere was incredible.

"But this was definitely up there with the best. It was fantastic.

"When we came out at the start I was looking around me and I saw people in the directors' box jumping up singing and I was wondering what was happening. It is not usually like that.

"The crowd beating us was never going to happen - but thank goodness they didn't score."

Ruud van Nistelrooy (Manchester United)

"I'll never forget that night we played there. The atmosphere was unbelievable, very hostile.

Villarreal will think they've experienced a lot of good atmospheres but I really think the Rangers support could startle them.

Marcos Senna (Villarreal)

"Usually players don't even hear supporters when we play but it was impossible to ignore the crowd in Glasgow.

"When they scored, the noise was amazing, incredible. It was a very beautiful spectacle.

"I could almost say I was not totally sad when they scored - that crowd deserved it.

"It seems there will be 6000 Rangers fans here but only 4000 will get into the stadium. Well, it's going to be noisy inside and out.

"Their fans are great and it will help them but it was a lot noisier at Ibrox than it will be at our ground. The Madrigal fans support us a lot but in a different way."

Giovanni van Bronckhorst (Barcelona)

"It is not just made up that players can suffer from an intimidating atmosphere when they play at visiting grounds.

"I know from Ruud (Ruud van Nistelrooy) that when we beat PSV at Ibrox in the Champions League he thought it was very frightening. He said it was one of the most atmospheric matches he had ever experienced - and now he has to face it again. For him to come back to Ibrox it will be the same experience.

"I know that Manchester United's players face all the biggest games and full stadiums everywhere, but I think most of them will find this Wednesday night at Ibrox a really different atmosphere.

"I've played in England and I don't think that any stadium in the Premiership can compare with Ibrox for its intimidating atmosphere - it is far above them."

Its been a hard couple of years but your post cheered me up and I'm sure we will be able to add many more great quotes to the list in several years time. The next time we win the top domestic title I am going to be in an alcohol induced coma

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"That is the story of the Rangers. They have had good times and bad times, critical times and times of exultation. No club with the same modest origin can claim so distinguished a record of achievement. They were not born in the lap of luxury. They have been the architects of their own fortune, and, simply because of that, they have become equipped with the moral resistive force to grapple with adversity, which is better than being coddled in the cradle and whining when the wind blows cold. May all who look upon the old club with a friendly eye stand prepared, by precept and example, to protect its interests and its good name."

- John Allan

That's mine as well. By a long long way.

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