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Warburtons strengths & weaknesses


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11 minutes ago, markem said:


Transformed the culture at our club which was embarrassing and ingrained over many a year 

Built a league winning team in a short space of time with very little money

Has us looking like a professional team who trains and eats/diets like athletes

Has tried and at times succeeded in delivering fantastic football to the club (to easily forgotten, simply fantastic at times, Celtic chased shadows and it was a wonderful sight)

On that - he masterminded a OF win which will live long inane memory.

Is able to identify and attract young talent or employ others that are able to so

Speaks fantastically well and represents the club in  a manner fitting of a Rangers Managers

Has given us (certainly me) back our pride - a team that we can be proud of (no more overweight, over paid, over rated, lacking values players undeserving of a Rangers strip)

Is able to identify those not good enough and take the tough decisions to let them go.

Personally I cannot speak highly enough for the man, its easy for the bitter defeat at Hamden to dominate our thoughts (last game/1st remembered) however I never expected him to have the impact he has had on and off the field.   I thoroughly enjoyed that season.  Sure he is still learning and will make mistakes however I dread the day he's not our gaffer.


Talks a lot about respect I felt earlier in the year he could have been more assertive in dismissing roles he was liked to out of respect for us as fans and the club - he was only months in and he could have stamped on the speculation.

The failure to defend set pieces or address the situation has to be mentioned.  It could have cost us a old firm we bossed and did cost us a Cup Final.

I am hesitant to knock the guy for much else until he has a full pre-season and is able to work with a team that he didn't have to throw together.


Oh strength

He has a magic hat.

Did well right up to the 'magic hat'  :D  

If I had one criticism he seems to be tactically naive at times, then again Scot Symon was accused of the same and he got us to two European finals .

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Just now, BluesClues said:

The buck stops with the manager though.

I've no idea why we haven't strengthened more in that area...

I think, overall, Kiernan and Wilson have done okay. When we signed them both in the summer I was quite pleased and they were both certainly an improvement on previous years IMO. I think there's been games over the season where they have individually been fantastic but there have clearly been times when their defending has defied belief. Very simple mistakes, the type you wouldn't expect in the school playground. 

I'd have thought we would have been looking for defenders in the January window but it may simply have been the case that the right player/players were not available for the correct price. We probably also thought, and correctly so to an extent, that we had enough to get through to the end of the season without further recruitment in that area. The end to the season obviously exposes our defensive deficiencies even more so but we achieved our main goal.

It's imperative we sign at least one top defender this summer, ideally more, and i'm sure the management team are all over that just now. That said I think Wilson and Kiernan are capable, and can still play a part for next season. They have shown against Killie, Dundee, C*ltic etc that they have it in them to play well. They probably haven't been helped with how offensive we are but basic mistakes and a lack of consistency must be eradicated if they want to have any future with us. It's up to them. They have something about them but will need to up their game if they're going to be 1st team regulars. Personally, i'd be amazed if Kiernan and Wilson are 1st choice next season but they are very decent squad players to have.

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The proper time to discuss this is the end of next season or end of the year at earliest. He had little time to do what he did and he was instrumental in our achievements this year. Next year is the acid test for him in many ways, or maybe even the following one, but I've nothing but praise for The Hat right now and we will discover his weaknesses (if any) soon enough. I'm sure he's learned a fair bit.

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The only weakness of note I have seen is the central defence pairing. You can't get every signing or selection right and he was working within a tight budget and squad so that's understandable.

The proof will be this season. If Mark persists with the central defence we currently have I will be astounded and annoyed, and it will answer the question the OP asked.

The shape, tactics and attacking approach are brilliant and I don't want that to change. But he MUST bring in at least 1 quality CH who has bags of recovery pace to play alongside either Wilson or Kiernan. If he doesn't do this we will struggle this season.

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16 minutes ago, Laudrup1984 said:

I think, overall, Kiernan and Wilson have done okay. When we signed them both in the summer I was quite pleased and they were both certainly an improvement on previous years IMO. I think there's been games over the season where they have individually been fantastic but there have clearly been times when their defending has defied belief. Very simple mistakes, the type you wouldn't expect in the school playground. 

I'd have thought we would have been looking for defenders in the January window but it may simply have been the case that the right player/players were not available for the correct price. We probably also thought, and correctly so to an extent, that we had enough to get through to the end of the season without further recruitment in that area. The end to the season obviously exposes our defensive deficiencies even more so but we achieved our main goal.

It's imperative we sign at least one top defender this summer, ideally more, and i'm sure the management team are all over that just now. That said I think Wilson and Kiernan are capable, and can still play a part for next season. They have shown against Killie, Dundee, C*ltic etc that they have it in them to play well. They probably haven't been helped with how offensive we are but basic mistakes and a lack of consistency must be eradicated if they want to have any future with us. It's up to them. They have something about them but will need to up their game if they're going to be 1st team regulars. Personally, i'd be amazed if Kiernan and Wilson are 1st choice next season but they are very decent squad players to have.

True, and as you said, it was enough to see us win the championship.

The fact that they can have a good few 'off games' and Tav forgetting at times he's a defender first and foremost, I'd really hope we sign a good quality defender or two for next season.

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We will start to find out his real strengths in the upcoming season - a proper transfer window, a squad to build on, his own full preseason and a year under his belt where he really realised what it means to manage our club. Yes defence was weaker than we expect, let's see what he changes to fix it! He also seems to have relaxed a bit on squad depth and depth of experience! Good ! 

Plan B? Plan A better! Obviously ! 


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His strengths are just sbout everything he has done since he came to our club.

He has dragged the club back to where we belong,playing football that is a joy to watch at times.

He seems to take no passengers and doesn't shy away from letting a boy know if he isn't going to feature see McGregor,Gasparatto,Tom Lang and so on.

His dealings with the press and his all round class shines through everytime he speaks.

Also the fact that he seems genuinely humbled to be at our magnificent club.

If i had a criticism it would be the subs,but in his defence that should be better next season with better players to choose from.

Also the basic defending at set peices we seemed to suffer from time and time again,but yet again with better players in the team we will improve i'm sure.

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For me his recruitment is his biggest strength,

He demands the best people for the jobs available both on the pitch and off. 

As for weaknesses, as others have said i would like to see a good solid plan B for when things aren't quite working out.

I'm also not keen on how predictable our substitutions are i.e the timing of them rather than the personnel 

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Very good eye for a player. Has made some great signings so far.

Calm and collected with regards to the mhedia. Very astute. 

Forward thinking manager. Has introduced some much needed new thinking. 


No plan B.

Pointless substitutions. Sometimes made just for the hell of it.



8.5 out of 10

Good effort from Mark, hard worker in class, popular and we'll liked pupil. Some room for improvement next term but overall very good.



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Ive noticed s few mentions of subs during the season and to an extent I agree, however you've also got to look at the subs we had available last season. I'd hope with the quality were bringing in that our subs bench will be much stronger and in turn make these decisions better.

MW has us playing better football than we have seen in s long time, Each and every manager will bring positives and negatives, thankfully we seem to have one who's poison ices outweigh the negatives. I don't think any of us could've seen such a huge transformation in such a short space of time. 

I think the biggest compliment I could give is over the past few years Rangers games were tough to watch and now you genuinely look forward to match day,also if there's other football on I've found myself thinking "we play better football than that" which I think is s big thing.

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I heard he can elevate himself 2 inches from the ground to make himself look taller - this helps when he wants to look more intimidating, he also can slow his heart rate right down and uses this during press interviews.

Weaknesses? I heard he doesn't know anything about agriculture and sheep confuse him.

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5 hours ago, Smile said:

What have we found out about Warburton after a season at us? What do you think he has done well at, what do you think he's not done as well at and could maybe do better.


Strengths for me is he seems to be very hard working as a manager and has done a great/ excellent job on a very tight budget.

Weakness is  the lack of fight or being unable to motivate our players at the end of the season after the league was won.




I kind of agree with that .As much as I like him .He has definitely got weaknesses

The whole end to the season was a massive disappointment for me as standards that were reached plummeted rapidly after the high of OF win 

.Next season will be a big one for him

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For me it's pretty much all positives, he has come in and not only transformed the running of th3 club but the football we play is just brilliant.

The only criticism I can see is the refusal to change it up a little if we are struggling to break teams down, it's only a slight criticism because I think he is brilliant but sometimes being a little more direct might work if we are facing a brick wall.



Oh I almost forgot and think this one is important. I was a little disappointed in some team selections when it was clear we couldn't use the likes of King, O Halloran and Forrester. He stuck with pretty much the same 11 when we should have been using the other guys who would have been unavailable for the cup final. Could also have given more game time to the likes of Law, Clark and Shiels etc as it was clear he was going to have to use them........Lack of game time hampered their impact I feel and could have been managed a little better given our circumstances 

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I was told Ronny Delia bought three magic hats, one from Disney Land, one from Tam Shepherds and one from Paul Daniels before he died. None of them worked, so it's not all down to the hat, the magic comes from inside the man.

Further to the Tam Shepherds purchase, Ronny bought a farting cushion, stink bombs, trick dog shite and  a Werewolf mask. Wtf was going at their training sessions?

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I honestly don't see too many weaknesses.

His strengths are obvious, his ability to find good quality young players from areas we, as a club, never really tapped into previously. Also the ability to motivate these players to improve and believe in themselves i.e. Barry MacKay.

Weakness may be inability to structure our back four, when defending set pieces, that SDW may have to take some responsibility. Overall our style of play, the fact we won the league, the Petrofac and played in the Scottish Cup final.

Compared to the previous four years he has been a revelation.

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I will start by saying that we got the right man for the job. His strengths are much lauded in here and rightly so. He has been a revelation at our club not seen since Advocat came in and brought a European flavour. He has been brilliant and I can't wait for the new season. 

Now is tin hat time 

i am gravely concerned about his tactical nous.

Much of what he has achieved has been done through solid business management principals. He has defined the strategy, he has put a structure in place. He has brought in good people and has developed a process. He has laid out annual targets and provided regular feedback to employees, always being fair and measured. His whole approach could have been lifted directly from a business management book. And that's been greatly effective.


I have been watching the euros and I see the way managers adjust their teams not only at the outset of a game but throughout the game depending on opposition and depending on how the game is going. A good football manager has to be adaptable, has to be able to make changes in both personnel and tactics as a game is unfolding before him. Alex Ferguson is arguably the best football manager to have lived and it was interesting reading his book on management, he talks about how he changed tactics, personnel and style of play to suit opponents. He talks about how he would make changes during the game if things weren't going right. 

My only concern about Warburton is just that. I simply do not subscribe to his "do plan A better" philosophy. If that's all football management was about then it wouldn't be so hard to find world class managers. Warburton is relatively new to the footballing world and he is a smart man. I really hope he can become more adaptable and learn that he needs to mix it up a bit, he needs to be less predictable , he needs to be able to surprise teams by doing something a little different. toward the end of last season teams had figured out how to nullify our one dimensional approach. In the old firm game they came expecting to steam roller us and that was their downfall. I don't think they will make that mistake next season.  

This is my only concern about warburton and I think it's a common concern.  

In the words if the man himself. If we do that, we'll be in a good place. 

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To take an absolute shambles of a team playing shite football and in one year turn it into the most exciting football team in scptland, playing superb tactics with virtually nothing to spend. WOW!

We are very lucky bastards to have this brilliant manager, and i cant wait to see what he does when we give him some coin to wotk with.


Hardly any. Offensive and defensive corners weak. Midfielders capable of covering Lee and Tavs overlaps.

But that's more player ability issues than tactics. eg.. why the fuck can't McKay, with all the talent he has, put an outside spin on the ball and whip it into the 6 six yard area with pace when he does take the occasional long corner.

Mark's critized for the cup final game.Look at the size and quality of the bench he had to work with in the cup final. Give him the money for the size and quality of the squad he  wants.

And as for plan B.... plan a is not one dimensional. The beauty of it is the multiple formations that occur during a game because of constant interchanging, with each player playing multiple positions. Lee plays left back, left wing, and inside left during a game. One minute Wags is a right winger, next he is inside right, and then he's a rhrough the middle striker.

There"s 20 different formation plans in plan A. The same plan A used by Barca had Sir Alex, arguably the best British  manager of this generation totally dumfounded by what he called the merry go round.

Give Warbs the players, the squad, to implement his vision.



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Currently his weakness is that he doesn't have the players good enough to play to his system. Mostly that's defensive players. We could beat anyone with this system.

His next weakness might well be if his family continue to live in London.

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Excellent with media


Astute signings and loans


Which has led to promotion and the feel good factor returning .


Was unable to stop the team taking an early holiday once the league was won.

which in turn led to a Cup defeat and no European Football next season- which may prove a blessing in disguise.

However... What a 1st Season and what a difference a year makes.

As others have said- next season will be the acid test. We had 2 really big games last year. Won 1 Lost 1. The opposition next year is going to be a lot more challenging. Warbs will need to raise the team to another level. His signings suggest that is happening. Interesting / exciting times ahead. It is good to know he is in charge. The first few games are going to be pretty critical to maintaining the feel good factor- but we also need to give him time- for next year is whole new ball game.

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2 hours ago, baxterboy said:



To take an absolute shambles of a team playing shite football and in one year turn it into the most exciting football team in scptland, playing superb tactics with virtually nothing to spend. WOW!

We are very lucky bastards to have this brilliant manager, and i cant wait to see what he does when we give him some coin to wotk with.


Hardly any. Offensive and defensive corners weak. Midfielders capable of covering Lee and Tavs overlaps.

But that's more player ability issues than tactics. eg.. why the fuck can't McKay, with all the talent he has, put an outside spin on the ball and whip it into the 6 six yard area with pace when he does take the occasional long corner.

Mark's critized for the cup final game.Look at the size and quality of the bench he had to work with in the cup final. Give him the money for the size and quality of the squad he  wants.

And as for plan B.... plan a is not one dimensional. The beauty of it is the multiple formations that occur during a game because of constant interchanging, with each player playing multiple positions. Lee plays right back, left wing, and inside right during a game. One minute Wags is a right winger, next he is inside right, and then he's a rhrough the middle striker.

There"s 20 different formation plans in plan A. The same plan A used by Barca had Sir Alex, arguably the best British  manager of this generation totally dumfounded by what he called the merry go round.

Give Warbs the players, the squad, to implement his vision.



I'm with on the corners thing . For years that has been a big problem . The scum will have that as their first signing .

Someone who can whip a dead ball into the box causing mayhem .

We constantly float a flat ball into the box where it's easy for a defence to get under it .

Other than the short corner ,there is never any variation .

Needs sorted

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7 hours ago, Bakbear said:

I will start by saying that we got the right man for the job. His strengths are much lauded in here and rightly so. He has been a revelation at our club not seen since Advocat came in and brought a European flavour. He has been brilliant and I can't wait for the new season. 

Now is tin hat time 

i am gravely concerned about his tactical nous.

Much of what he has achieved has been done through solid business management principals. He has defined the strategy, he has put a structure in place. He has brought in good people and has developed a process. He has laid out annual targets and provided regular feedback to employees, always being fair and measured. His whole approach could have been lifted directly from a business management book. And that's been greatly effective.


I have been watching the euros and I see the way managers adjust their teams not only at the outset of a game but throughout the game depending on opposition and depending on how the game is going. A good football manager has to be adaptable, has to be able to make changes in both personnel and tactics as a game is unfolding before him. Alex Ferguson is arguably the best football manager to have lived and it was interesting reading his book on management, he talks about how he changed tactics, personnel and style of play to suit opponents. He talks about how he would make changes during the game if things weren't going right. 

My only concern about Warburton is just that. I simply do not subscribe to his "do plan A better" philosophy. If that's all football management was about then it wouldn't be so hard to find world class managers. Warburton is relatively new to the footballing world and he is a smart man. I really hope he can become more adaptable and learn that he needs to mix it up a bit, he needs to be less predictable , he needs to be able to surprise teams by doing something a little different. toward the end of last season teams had figured out how to nullify our one dimensional approach. In the old firm game they came expecting to steam roller us and that was their downfall. I don't think they will make that mistake next season.  

This is my only concern about warburton and I think it's a common concern.  

In the words if the man himself. If we do that, we'll be in a good place. 

I don't buy into this "do plan A better" thing.. I know he says it, but he DOES change his tactics throughout the games.. its pretty obvious. He sometimes resorts to a very direct game.. long balls to our we players etc.. 

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