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Second Statement

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The fact that the agent returned to the Board trying to defer the resignations tells you all you need to know. They were not fully commited to the club. Correct call by the board. Warburton always banged on about how he couldn't ask the players to commit if he wasn't committing himself. Well, he hasn't asked many players to commit this season by way of new deals, has he? 2 loans to end of the season adds weight to this. He'd still want a 2nd place finish because it would at least give him something to argue against the thrashings from Celtic and Hearts and defeats to Hibs, Falkirk, Aberdeen etc along the way.

I for one am glad. However, its all about the direction the club takes with the next appointment. Intrigued by the de Boer quotes but he NEEDS financial backing.

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6 minutes ago, julescotia said:

I have issued a select number of statements to give supporters a reliable update on the progression that your board committed to almost two years ago.

Some of the content relates to a subject matter that the Club would normally only deal with at our AGM or results announcements. However, under the circumstances, I feel that inclusion is appropriate to ensure that supporters are properly informed and don’t have to rely on uninformed media speculation.

For the avoidance of doubt, I repeat the key elements;

We would invest sufficient resources to ensure immediate promotion to the SPFL.

In season two we would further invest to be competitive in the SPFL and qualify for Europe at the end of the season. Our realistic expectation was to come second. This was to be achieved by signing five or six players of a quality that improved the squad that won the Championship.

In season three we would again invest in five or six players that further improved the squad to compete for the title and progress in Europe.

I personally estimated that we would require an investment of £30 million over that period to achieve our stated objectives.

I now comment on each of these elements;

We hired, at short notice, a relatively untested management team that recruited a number of players and introduced a style of play that was pleasing to our supporters. Significant investment was made on and off the park and the Championship was ultimately won in some style. The season was an unqualified success and the management team was rewarded with a vastly improved contract.

This season we did not stick to our plan of signing five or six players because the manager appealed to the Board for additional signings. Despite the concern about departing from our plan of prudent phased investment, the Board backed the manager’s request for accelerated investment. This placed us significantly above the football resources available to our competitors (other than Celtic) and was expected to ensure that we finished a strong second in the league and had a squad that could be added to, close season, to make a strong impact in the Europa League qualifiers. While I still believe that we can finish a strong second, I am stating the obvious to admit that we are not where we anticipated we would be at this stage of the season and we have not repeated the success that we had with our signings from the previous season.

Following from the above it is clear that we are behind our target for next season but, given that we recognise this, it is the duty of the Board to take steps to get things back on track. That is what our supporters trust us to do and rightly demand that we do. We remain 100% committed to the plan we commenced with and that the supporters continue to endorse resoundingly.

£18 million of the originally estimated £30 million investment has already been made. Ultimately, the overall investment in any football team is driven by the net player spend and, given that we are behind target with our squad, there may be a further need to accelerate investment at the end of this season. It is my present personal view that we will, in all likelihood, invest more than £30 million before we are where we want to be but this will be revisited once we have a new permanent management team in place.

The vagaries of running a football club are not new to your Board. It is our job to react to and manage these as they arise during any season – and from season to season. Despite the relative disappointment of this season so far, the bigger project remains firmly on track and we will take whatever corrective measures are necessary. On this point, I want to deal with one issue that has recently received wide coverage in the media.

It is a vital obligation and fiduciary responsibility for any Board to continually monitor the progress of the company’s financial and operating performance against its budgets and plans. This is done at regular Board meetings where all aspects of the company’s business is reviewed and evaluated. What is stated and dealt with during those meetings is confidential and governed by a number of rules, regulations, laws and ethics. Put simply, what is said in Board meetings stays in Board meetings.

Ahead of the Board meeting at the end of January, I advised the manager that the Board wished to review our recruitment plan and performance over the previous two windows. This was a routine request and was timely given the concerns that everyone at the Club has with regard to the high level of wages we were paying relative to the performance on the pitch. In particular, a large portion of our wage bill was not even seeing regular playing time.

Under normal circumstances such a review would remain confidential. However, in this instance, your Board’s routine questioning of management was leaked to the media and conveyed as being a negative reflection of the Board’s attitude to the manager and the recruitment department. It was confirmed to me that the leak did not come from a board member.

Irrespective of who leaked confidential information, it is clear from subsequent media comments that the manager did not respond well to the Board reviewing his recruitment activity. This is a strange position to adopt and, in my personal experience, is not a position that a more experienced manager would adopt. No manager in the world can reasonably expect to be beyond scrutiny.

Things moved quickly from that point. There were rumours that the management team (presumably their agent) was negotiating with English clubs and, in one instance, I was informally approached to ask if the Club would waive compensation if the management team was to leave. While this was unsubstantiated by direct confirmation from the Club in question, I was alert to a conversation that Mark Warburton had with me after joining the Club in which he advised me that his long-term ambition was to manage in the EPL and he viewed Rangers as a stepping-stone to achieve this. His comments to the media simultaneously reinforced his present unhappiness at the Club.

I was therefore not surprised when the management team’s agent approached the Club’s Managing Director Stewart Robertson to request a meeting which was held in Glasgow on Monday this week. The outcome of this meeting was that the agent subsequently offered that Mark, David and Frank would resign with immediate effect without compensation as long as the Club, in turn, agreed to waive compensation from any new Club that they signed for. After discussion the Board accepted this offer and employment was immediately terminated. In order for us to achieve our ambitions we need employees that, like your Board members, will always put Rangers first.

While we were dealing with the admin and press releases relating to the resignation the agent again contacted us and asked to defer the resignation until the management had secured a new club. I assume that the new deal had somehow collapsed at the last minute. The Board met to consider this request but resolved to hold them to the original agreement.

We are now in the process of reviewing the best interim and long-term solution for ensuring that a modern and robust footballing structure is put in place that will continue with and entrench the footballing philosophy that we have in place. We also must protect and support the marvellous work that has been achieved by the Academy over the last two years.

Dave King
11 February 2017

Article Copyright © 2016. Permission to use quotations from this article online is only granted subject to


Fucking cringe worthy. This mendacious fucker has totally lost the fucking plot.

If any Director issued a statement of that content, he wouldn't only be fired, he would be shot at dawn.

Talk about treating your paying customers with utter contempt.

This fucker remains one fucking uneducated corner boy that should NEVER be near any business. He would be a bigger danger to steel than rust.

How any fan can think that King's position is not untenable, they are supporting the wrong club.

We ARE in deep shite!

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Guest Lloyd72

Happy with that statement, wonder if him talking about keeping the footballing philosophy in place hints at us getting someone like De Boer who has similar views to our philosophy of attacking football.

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So from what I read the £30m was to allow us to achieve targets. Well imo that would mean player budget along with scouting network setup and youth programme setup. But it seems like the board are also using it to sort out other things aswell. That is also a drop.of upto £20m aswell. 


Also.reading that it seems like the resignation was tendered on Monday then why wait till Friday and have Warburton attend a press conference if his contract was terminated earlier in the week. But like king says if anyone doesn't want to be at the club they are free to go. Well maybe he should heed his words and go as he is a fleeting shadow around OUR club and only makes the odd appearance when summoned. 


The statement doesn't actually clarify anything and is hinting at there won't be a big name or major signings in the summer going by the mention of the budgets. Looks like we are in for a ahrd long slog

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Under normal circumstances such a review would remain confidential. However, in this instance, your Board’s routine questioning of management was leaked to the media and conveyed as being a negative reflection of the Board’s attitude to the manager and the recruitment department. It was confirmed to me that the leak did not come from a board member.

Who else is present at these meetings? Why is there still a fucking mole at our club?


Irrespective of who leaked confidential information, it is clear from subsequent media comments that the manager did not respond well to the Board reviewing his recruitment activity. This is a strange position to adopt and, in my personal experience, is not a position that a more experienced manager would adopt. No manager in the world can reasonably expect to be beyond scrutiny.

Bit of a "fuck you" statement to the ex-manager and his team. Clearly no love lost between Dave and Mark eh?

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surprised that he said we've had 18m invested...doesn't feel like it. i think warburton definitely played a part in wasting the money. shite signings all around. 

i'm not king's biggest fan but i think this was a good statement. disgusted at warburton saying we are just a stepping stone. thank goodness he's gone.

the board need to get someone in quick to get us on track.

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6 minutes ago, legalbeagle said:

People who choose to not believe it will never believe anything and should probably stop demanding statements. It seems a pretty comprehensive statement about the whole situation.

As it did yesterday, it seems that our management team thought they had a better offer, it collapsed and they tried to hang on while clearly not having full commitment.

Oh yes, this clears up everything, fucking NOT!

Look past the "three", we are in the brown stuff. We are going nowhere!

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4 minutes ago, Jamie0202 said:

Why didn't we hear until 9pm on a Friday night that this was the case? Why fucking 9pm?

Why was Mark taking training and press conferences up until Friday?

This was the first thing that took my attention, as you say if this was done on Monday why was it not made public then, all very strange to me. :headscratch:

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