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Where do we go from here?

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I honestly don’t know where we go from here. 

They know we’ll plough money into the Club no matter what. 

There have been so many red flags…Giving Clement a new contract when he’s yet to prove himself; the delayed Copland Rear works and ‘that’ interview; introducing MyGers to shaft the fans even more; implementing a Fans Advisory Board which is entirely reliant on the board for meetings, communications etc so is therefore pointless; last year’s AGM disaster etc etc.

Failure and incompetence is so ingrained in the club. The worse thing is, if you ask them, they'll think they’re doing a good job. 

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1 hour ago, Badger said:

As hard as it is, I think we need to forget about competing with Celtic for a couple of years and impliment a 3 to 5 year plan. Get the foundation right and build from there. If we don't do that, I'm afraid this is the norm.

Frustrating as we probably had that foundation there just over 2yrs ago, but we've squandered it

Don't think people will accept that tbh. 

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6 minutes ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

We need a takeover, we need huge investment in the team

The board need to admit they’re not up to the job of taking us forward and look for buyers willing to splash the cash.

They are spending - but then have managers not improving players or not selling assets at value. 

Money spent in just this window- without adding we have to buy Cortez.


Not Insignificant ammount....

Then pittance brough in...


Sure the figures won't be exactly right but we spend more than we bring in far to often. Bring in high wage player on over inflated contract lengths.

Obvious just on of the failings along with paying off players ans managers who just can't cut it here.

Will to win every fucking game is imperative. 

Can you win the league if not - not good enough to be here 


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1 hour ago, Redmond7 said:

Tbh I think I've seen enough to be able to judge him. He's not going to replace Tav as captain and until he does we're winning nothing. The guys all over the place as a manager. But the reality is we have a board that couldnt pick their noses never mind another new manager. 

Aye I feel the same about him tbh, it's more the fact if we bring in new manager now and he can't get a tune out these players then the pressure quickly mounts on him aswell

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11 minutes ago, Professor_Chang said:

Only way we're laying a glove on them is if this court case goes against them and they need to pay millions out in compensation. They're going to win 55, 56, 57 with ease

They can handle paying out millions.

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1 minute ago, Inigo said:

The only way is for a new Board to be appointing a new CEO and hope to fuck they're imaginative and smart. There's a financial gap between us and them that's unlikely to be bridged short term, so we need to be lucky enough to find people at the top that can make us a smarter football club than theirs. Given theirs is a fairly effective operation, that's going to be tough.

Exactly and with the European landscape changing dramatically the chances of either team in the champions league looks quite slim- so time to cut cloth according- thie lr saving grace is they sell players at huge profit.

(Spend a lot too on shite - that loses money)  Have shareholders to appease also. 

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we're going to be forever a 2nd or even 3rd place diddy team and if nothing changes we'll no longer be premiership title record holders. just think about that. makes u sick.

this board isn't fit to run the club and need to go. squandering money on edminston house, not taking money for players who need to be punted, fucking up ibrox, etc. 

what we gonna do otherwise? sack the manager, bring in another manager who is useless but give him a free pass because "its no his team", shift a bunch of players because the new manager wants his own, wait about twiddling our fuckin thumbs for them to get up to speed OR show how incompetent they are. rinse and repeat. 

it's a shit show already but if we carry on any longer it's going to be a disaster. the board needs to start looking for buyers. if they don't want to do that then we need to make them. I know it's difficult and we all love the club but don't give them the money. get them to fuck the lot of them. the entire club needs gutted top to bottom. 


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14 minutes ago, RossS1873 said:

People are accepting what's going on now and it's not working. It needs to change and change fast

We are? I don't think we are. We're starting to see the beginnings of restlessness. Only way a long term plan is anything like acceptable to a fanbase like ours is if a completely new group takes over at the top. Even then, 2 or 3 more years of being behind them isn't going to pass without drama with a fanbase like ours. 

Bearing in mind there are no guarantees from a 3-5 year plan. You could just end up being even further behind.

We're in a really bad position. As classic a catch 22 as you'll find.

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Just now, Inigo said:

We are? I don't think we are. We're starting to see the beginnings of wrestlesness. Only way a long term plan is anything like acceptable to a fanbase like ours is if a completely new group takes over at the top. Even then, 2 or 3 more years of being behind them isn't going to pass without drama with a fanbase like ours. 

Bearing in mind there are no guarantees from a 3-5 year plan. You could just end up being even further behind.

We're in a really bad position. As classic a catch 22 as you'll find.


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The basics. Football is a team game. The 11 players need to function as a coherent entity, not 11 individuals. We have all seen managers come in and get performances from players even for a short time that tells me there is some ability there. They cannot ALL be bad players unless we are going out of our way to sabotage our chances by signing generations of rubbish repeatedly. 

We need to give these players some reason to expect better performances and results. In other words we need to change something in the team that gives them confidence and an expectation of improvement, that some weaknesses have been resolved.

For me, given that a wholescale clearout is not possible and not desirable anyway given the money situation, I would work on the following:

FITNESS - costs little to fix this given we already have Auchenhowie. I actually would have them back to gullane however for solid intense but low impact fitness work. If their weight etc is not already monitored/managed then it should be.  We looked fucked early doors. Whether that was genuinely physical or more mental remains to be seen but it is about giving these guys confidence and a reason to expect to compete. They need to be able to move to space when team mates have the ball just to distract opposition players to help the ball player create something.


Tav - goodbye. Now. This minute. Not having a viable , fit fullback on that side is glaring, needs others to cover for him and drains energy from other parts of the team. We want fast flowing football. He cannot supply that.  Likewise, having inadequate leadership on the pitch IS hurting us. Tav is not the role model for the other players to look up to. I seriously would try sterling at RB. 

Dessers - Benched for use against the dross of the league. We have seen his pathetic performances so often now none of us can see him as the man to rely on when the chips are down. Our front line needs pace across the whole line. Oppositions need to fear them. Dessers lack of pace alone means that does not happen. They can therefore play their game unhindered by what we may do to them.

Motivation -

Captaincy - we dont have many candidates. It cannot stay with Tav however. Try soutar or even Propper who has done it before. The lack of aggressive bastards in our team is worrying tho. Would love more scots in our midfield if I am honest.




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Glass very much half empty at the moment but I genuinely worry where this is going.

Chances are we are consistently 2nd best for years moving forward. The difference this time to post 2012 is just the sheer apathy I feel. 

Let’s say they get up to 6/7 iar again. It’s a real probability. They will be going for 10 again (obliterating our record in process) and I really worry our crowds start to dwindle. 

These are dark predictions but we’re relying on snookers for it not to happen.

It’s on the board, they need chased pronto. 

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22 minutes ago, Nk89 said:

Aye I feel the same about him tbh, it's more the fact if we bring in new manager now and he can't get a tune out these players then the pressure quickly mounts on him aswell

Yeah I mean we simply cant keep changing managers mid-season its catch 22

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Our problems run so much deeper than just “dropping this player” or “change the formation to that”.

We need a competent CEO as a starting point. That CEO then needs to bring a competent DOF in and the DOF needs to have carte blanche to make whatever changes they see fit to take the club ahead because the people running departments at the moment are failing in every area.


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12 minutes ago, crazy bob swollenbaws said:


FITNESS - costs little to fix this given we already have Auchenhowie. I actually would have them back to gullane however for solid intense but low impact fitness work. If their weight etc is not already monitored/managed then it should be.  We looked fucked early doors. Whether that was genuinely physical or more mental remains to be seen but it is about giving these guys confidence and a reason to expect to compete. They need to be able to move to space when team mates have the ball just to distract opposition players to help the ball player create something.






Dont disagree with any of your points, however I doubt our frail players could cope with being put through their paces at Gullane.

All this shite Clement spouted about fitness under Beale and it doesnt appear to have changed at all.

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3 minutes ago, BlueSuedeSambas said:

Our problems run so much deeper than just “dropping this player” or “change the formation to that”.

We need a competent CEO as a starting point. That CEO then needs to bring a competent DOF in and the DOF needs to have carte blanche to make whatever changes they see fit to take the club ahead because the people running departments at the moment are failing in every area.


And another area for me is the so called academy, it needs gutted as well. Our issues are so deep rooted it feels like it could take years to root out and rebuild - reality is it could be changed quicker with the right decisions and right people in place. Personally, cant see it happen any time soon.

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