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6 minutes ago, gogzy said:

trying to find other bears addresses publicly is one of the most horrible things I have seen today, and I include the wee jay posts in that.

Trying to name, shame, DOX, and get other bears sacked, over fucking posts on an internet forum, is way way worse than a couple of off taste, offensive posts.


please, someone tell me Im wrong?

you're 100% correct. It's basically looking at the screws getting involved and these people who posted having their address and or work place in the public domain. So these guys have to have tarriers trying to track them down.

Honestly the posts may be low but Marshall and Huston have dropped way down my estimations. Marshall more so. Absolute scum behaviour

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1 minute ago, The Beast said:

If your father wants to make points in a personal capacity and wants to keep the pub out of it then maybe he should change his fucking username 

To be fair, the post was made by his father on his personal facebook, using his own name.

the louden tavern doesn't post on here, and only Louden_Greg does.

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10 minutes ago, Louden_Greg said:

I've just read it.


My dad has made a comment in a personal capacity of displeasure at the posts - some of which are crossing the line. The pub hasn't come out backing any of this and I wouldn't want the pub to be involved in anything to do with this. 

Lets be clear here. I have clear issues with the posts and if I'd seen them I'd likely have reported them as i don't think it's good for us as Support. But equally I think voicing displeasure in the manner Craig has done doesn't benefit us either as it's clear that the appropriate channels haven't been followed on here and all it does is make this rare occurance seem a greater issue than it is. 

Two wrongs don't make a right and both sides really need to think about how their actions make the support look 

Come on mate, I understand what you're trying to do, but people posting sick shit online is an every day occurrence. People wanting fellow fans details made public is not.

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10 minutes ago, Louden_Greg said:

I've just read it.


My dad has made a comment in a personal capacity of displeasure at the posts - some of which are crossing the line. The pub hasn't come out backing any of this and I wouldn't want the pub to be involved in anything to do with this. 

Lets be clear here. I have clear issues with the posts and if I'd seen them I'd likely have reported them as i don't think it's good for us as Support. But equally I think voicing displeasure in the manner Craig has done doesn't benefit us either as it's clear that the appropriate channels haven't been followed on here and all it does is make this rare occurance seem a greater issue than it is. 

Two wrongs don't make a right and both sides really need to think about how their actions make the support look 

Personal capacity using his pub as his profile picture..

P.s. has he,got names n addresses yet...

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1 minute ago, Rfc52 said:

I made a joke the other day towards you mate and you batted it back brilliantly. a few others did also and then everyone wished you and your daughter all the best.

not one person "hates" or wishes Ill on your daughter and I'm.sure you gathered that instantly.

I'm sure 99% of people who have made a joke regarding wee Jay hate the wee boy FFS. He's seen it as a way to hammer RM and get a few internet likes from terriers. To think I used to stick up for the dick on here 

I think its shocking. Its all patter, banter what ever you want to call it and if someone doesn't like it they are free to report it or log out. There are some programs on TV that I don't like so I don't watch them and change channel if they come on, I certainly wouldn't run to the press though if I found that program offensive. They have just shown themselves up IMO and I for one am glad I can have a laugh with good decent fellow bears like yourself. Like I said its not for everyone but I hate grasses and public shaming. They are not real men, they hide behind everyone, if one of them was called out they would turn up mob handed because they are shit houses of the highest order.

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Can I just take a moment to clear up a recurring misconception. The General Football & Sport Forum (where the offending posts were made) is NOT private and can be viewed/screen-shotted by anyone, not just members.


Whether it should be private is another matter....

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Just now, Louden_Greg said:

From Robert Marshall his own name?

Ok fair enough. I was wrong about that.

Doesn't change the fact that trying to get fellow fans named and into trouble with the law and their employers is bang out of order, irrespective of what they said.

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7 minutes ago, Louden_Greg said:

I'm sorry you think that it's playing a card but it's not. 

I was just providing some context as to why such things would cause a reaction. 


You gotta admit it was some reaction

Names, addresses and workplaces posted all over the internet

Have you any idea of the ramifications of that?

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1 minute ago, Siam69 said:

Agree with this in regards to abusing a disabled kid, here's a post I made about it at the time on the actual thread -


See where I come from, people taking the piss out a disabled child would end up getting hurt, and quite rightly so, fucking wankers would deserve it as well. What kind of sick fuckers make pics like on here and call a disabled child a mongo etc purely because he supports Celtic.

Is it good PR by Celtic, of course it is, but doesn't take away from the obvious pleasure that poor wee man gets which is much more important. Have a go at Celtic, not the child ffs!

And i'll tell you this, if my wee daughter was disabled, the smile of her face that that wee lad gets from going supporting his team, and obvious pleasure when meeting players etc would far, far override any thought I had he was being exploited. I wouldn't think that anyway, I'd be more than happy that my child was getting so much pleasure from something, I don't think I'd understand any parent who wouldn't, and from a team I already support if it was Rangers doing it. My child being happy would and is the most important thing to me.

I mean, give Celtic abuse all you want if you think they are exploiting him, but to mock and take the piss out of a disabled child, what sort of sick fuckers are you!!

Pathetic and embarrassing, and I'm very happy to say if anyone started mocking a poor wee disabled child in my or my mates company, they'd end up with a sore jaw at the very least. I really don't understand anyone who would find mocking a disabled child funny or indeed acceptable at all.


And then one this morning responding to the above post, as predictably this all blew up -


I stand by this post 100%.

Also, anyone who thinks sick stuff like abusing a disabled child wasn't going to get picked up on by the taigs reading this forum, and them running with it to try to damage us is naive in the extreme. 

Houston's a Wanker for highlighting it as well, though I think that is more of a damage limitation exercise, as this was always going to get picked up on by the taigs straight away, and anyone who thinks it hadn't been already, is even more naive. 

The whole thing is embarrassing and very predictable how it would end up. I'm not going to say anymore about it, head shaking stuff. 


Definitely  saying no more, except it was so predictable it ending like this, head shaking stuff indeed ...



Yes we all saw your posts.

What is your view on the way Greg's father has went about this by asking for names, addresses and so on?

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5 minutes ago, Ger_onimo said:

Come on mate, I understand what you're trying to do, but people posting sick shit online is an every day occurrence. People wanting fellow fans details made public is not.

My dads opinions on people who post sick stuff about disabled kids are his own and tbh I think many most would express severe displeasure with those posts. 

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Just now, bombaybadboy08 said:

There seems to be a new breed of 

'Look at me, I'm condemning my own fans' type of supporter, desperate to be loved by the neutrals.

I don't have to get on with or agree with fellow Bears but the day I call for them to lose their job and bring trouble to their front doors is the day I lose my morals and become no better than the lads who frequent Kerrydale street desperate to get Bears the jail for anything whatsoever.


Exactly the point I was making to a boy in work there.

If I had an issue I felt that strongly about, I'd want to speak to the person 1 on 1 rather than post it all over social media.

I'm not Craig Houston though...

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Ive been commenting back and forth with Houston for a few hours today. Pretty quickly it was obvious his beef wasn't with the comments but this site as a whole.

It sticks in my throat cunts like this have any kind of authority amongst our support, more so the cunts that pander to him and take the moral highground. The stock response I received from his followers were "you're defending them!!!". I wasn't, I was taking issue with a fellow bear happily sticking his own in the shit for nothing other than a pat on the back.

My advice to the people that run/moderate this page is keep doing what you are doing, as a support as a whole if we can weed out these fame hungry Wankers that put the club second behind their ego our rise to the top will come much quicker, and be much sweeter ??




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