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3 minutes ago, Perth_Campsie_Ger said:

The fact Rab Marshall wanted the posters employers I really hope the fans make him feel what it's like having no income by avoiding the Louden for a few games. Yes be shocked but don't call for people to be sacked from their job for doing  somthing outwith their work

As much as Rab Marshall's comment on the matter was a disgrace, I'll still be going to the Louden. Me and my old man always have a enjoyable time in there having a pint for games and I'm not going to let a disgusting comment by the pub's owner ruin that for us.

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15 minutes ago, Smile said:

Sometimes you have to ask yourself why do i ublic isnlways need to do this. I get his dads opinionated but naming and shaming Rangers supporters on a website a step too far.

Im not disagreeing but even so anyone thinking he should throw his Dad IN an opeN forum ISnt right. Without defending or even trying to defend his Dad as I cant see anything good coming from his suggesting I agree with his boy trying to get the point of his Dad doesnt know how to talk on the INternet and thinks he IS talking amongst pals.

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1 hour ago, theblueoysterbar said:

Maybe people would have pointed out that they were maybe unacceptable, but the fact is that no cunt fucking noticed.

"Why not decry those vile clowns..."

Why not talk like a real person and not some jumped-up Facebook SJW?


I don't do facebook so i'll speak as i find if that's ok with you. Tell me this, if no one has noticed why has this thread turned into a 30 pager.  Whichever way you or anyone else tries to dress this up the fact is that it is repugnant to ridicule a young lad who has such a disability, or maybe that is beyond your way of thinking.

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1 minute ago, piperpete said:

Im not disagreeing but even so anyone thinking he should throw his Dad IN an opeN forum ISnt right. Without defending or even trying to defend his Dad as I cant see anything good coming from his suggesting I agree with his boy trying to get the point of his Dad doesnt know how to talk on the INternet and thinks he IS talking amongst pals.


I'd honestly take that point on board if I wasn't a member of FF for years previously and know he's been active on there a while.

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1 minute ago, George McLean said:

I don't do facebook so i'll speak as i find if that's ok with you. Tell me this, if no one has noticed why has this thread turned into a 30 pager.  Whichever way you or anyone else tries to dress this up the fact is that it is repugnant to ridicule a young lad who has such a disability, or maybe that is beyond your way of thinking.

Fuck all to do with that, why did he not mention the posters who said pretty much the same as him? No mention of the guys who lambasted such posters into making they comments, and I can think of CumnockBear and Siam who pointed it out

This is his hatred of RangersMedia and that's it, I wanted this locked because it just proves that any good comments are overlooked, especially by CH

Man is never a bear

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4 minutes ago, bluepeter said:

Our Mods and Admin can say what they like though. I can tell you that Craig Houston's claims to have had his IP address banned from here are lies. I can tell you that his claim that he had a problem signing up due to RM not accepting his email address were lies. I can tell you that I offered, through @North Rd, to make sure he could sign up and he made some pitiful excuse and refused.

I can also tell you that there are some people who have been banned from here who hold a grudge against the place.

That's all though, it's way past my bedtime here... 

So his claim is tha he only ever uses one device from one location  via one ISP to access the internet AND doesn't know how to fake out his IP.  Oh well stupid is as stupid does.

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3 minutes ago, George McLean said:

I don't do facebook so i'll speak as i find if that's ok with you. Tell me this, if no one has noticed why has this thread turned into a 30 pager.  Whichever way you or anyone else tries to dress this up the fact is that it is repugnant to ridicule a young lad who has such a disability, or maybe that is beyond your way of thinking.

I dont think anybody is trying to dress it up. Nobody is suggesting its ok to ridicule the lad. How many times do different posters have to say it though before your happy with the response?

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1 minute ago, K.A.I said:

Can you show me one post (just one) where anyone has said it's fine to mock a young lad with a disability? your typical of Houston's army of fuds that miss the point. 

I'm not a member of SOS, so you're way out there.  As for showing any post my original post was in reply to a post that iny stated 'stead of condemning this sort of thing it only stated' watch what you say', maybe condemning this sort of behaviour would be a lot more becoming of decent Rangers fans but instead we have a thread of 30 pages at least trying to defend it as humour. Behave yourself,ffs.

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9 minutes ago, George McLean said:

I don't do facebook so i'll speak as i find if that's ok with you. Tell me this, if no one has noticed why has this thread turned into a 30 pager.  Whichever way you or anyone else tries to dress this up the fact is that it is repugnant to ridicule a young lad who has such a disability, or maybe that is beyond your way of thinking.


I never even saw the post in question and I'm on here a lot, You have to wonder if what Craig Houston said is true that someone from here posted him the screenshots, why he didn't contact the Admin to get the thread shut down or point out how he felt it was offensive, why did the guy taking the screen shots not also report it rather than send them to Houston.

Why did he then post it to his SOS page. Why did Robert Marshall feel the need to say he wanted posters named and shamed and their place of work posted, why did he not just talk to Greg a member on here and tell him to report the thread to Admin.

If they were so concerned about the Kids welfare why make the threads/post a bigger story.

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4 minutes ago, siddiqi_drinker said:

So his claim is tha he only ever uses one device from one location  via one ISP to access the internet AND doesn't know how to fake out his IP.  Oh well stupid is as stupid does.

You beat me to it. 


How can anyone say about one ISP when we mostly have access to this site via a computer and/or phone and/or tablet and/or library computer and/or work computer...


Each with individual IP addresses etc etc

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9 minutes ago, George McLean said:

I'm not a member of SOS, so you're way out there.  As for showing any post my original post was in reply to a post that iny stated 'stead of condemning this sort of thing it only stated' watch what you say', maybe condemning this sort of behaviour would be a lot more becoming of decent Rangers fans but instead we have a thread of 30 pages at least trying to defend it as humour. Behave yourself,ffs.

We have 30 page thread discussing why a Rangers fan is trying to get other Rangers fans doxxed ya fucking idiot.

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2 minutes ago, Ryju84 said:

You beat me to it. 


How can anyone say about one ISP when we mostly have access to this site via a computer and/or phone and/or tablet and/or library computer and/or work computer...


Each with individual IP addresses etc etc

multilpe devices using a single internet connection all use the same PUBLIC IP address typically

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3 minutes ago, George McLean said:

I'm not a member of SOS, so you're way out there.  As for showing any post my original post was in reply to a post that iny stated 'stead of condemning this sort of thing it only stated' watch what you say', maybe condemning this sort of behaviour would be a lot more becoming of decent Rangers fans but instead we have a thread of 30 pages at least trying to defend it as humour. Behave yourself,ffs.

There's no trying to defend it as humour going on - IT WAS HUMOUR ... humour takes all forms i.e sick and close to the bone.

Grassing your own fans and wanting their names, addresses and work places mentioned is sicker than anything I've ever seen about Wee Jay.


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You can't condone mocking the afflicted, but they bastards abused and covered up the abuse and no action whatsoever has been taken against them and now they are the bastions of righteousness and another spin doctor stick to beat Rangers fans and portray us as twisted mocking sub humans.

The said posters have been dealt with, lets move on and as for the louden, I've never been in it and now never will, that also goes for the SOS, how anybody could like or support these trouble stirring arseholes is beyond me.

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7 hours ago, plumbGER said:

This is convenient for them as the child abuse story re-surfaces in the media.

No football for a few weeks means all focus would be on the on-going abuse allegations and alleged cover ups.

Maybe Craig has thought he would help his pals out by bringing the attention onto the Bears in question, he has given the media something else to talk about, shocking from him.



Anything that draws attention to us makes us look bad. This will give the media an excuse to have a sob story and go on about the good work Celtic do. No doubt the posts about them using the wee guy won't be published. But well done Craig Houston bringing bad publicity on us and good publicity for them.

Imagine publishing jokes in poor taste on face-book and moralising about it to the support. Is that not the SNPs job? What a guy, who or what does he think he is? Some kind of Rangers Plato :rofl:

I hope to fuck people can't be done for these posts. Not just for guys themselves but because the media will have a carnival at our expense again. Did Saint Houston not run around with a former hooligan and drug dealer? Surprising a Rangers supporter would do this. Thread title is bang on.   

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