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Miller and Wallace Suspended

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Personally I’d have played Miller. Not because he’s great but he always does well against them and it was a game where we needed experience. Kenny Miller’s wife seems to agree given she complained about it on Twatter. Maybe she should pick the team. Terrible selection or not though, it is clear our dressing room is not secure and the manager is being undermined/hung out to dry. 

How far we have fallen. In the glory days we loved hearing how our players fought after bad results. Now we suspend them. Difference is stuff wasn’t being leaked constantly. Our players used to fight openly in training, Souness punched players! We had a squad of men. We were winners on and off the park.  Now we have weak management that allow this to happen, and people that are happy squealing to anti-Rangers media when they don’t get their own way.  From the very top down, people at all levels need to take a long look at themselves regarding the standards of behaviour, levels of desire and football expected of our club. 

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10 hours ago, JukeBoxJohn said:

I remember folk saying the same thing after the Old Firm results last season mate, the Progres disaster, the Caixinha nightmare to name but a few.

They just don't give a fuck and I can't see that changing sadly.

I think the board do care.........they are just totally incompetent and don't have an idea of how to fix this clusterfuck.

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2 minutes ago, graeme_4 said:

Not really Murty’s fault. He’s been dropped in a situation way over his head, although I’ll be delighted when he’s gone. 

The players need to take some fucking responsibility for their actions. We haven’t beaten the filth in 10 games, and they absolutely half arsed it at the weekend. 

No one knows what’s gone on, but there’s a clear theme of players failing to deliver, undermining managers, and particularly in Miller’s case, going into business for yourself. 

We’d be better shot of senior players who contribute fuck all, and think they’re bigger than the club. 

It's 100% Murty's fault he couldn't motivate a Rangers team for a semi final against them. 100% agree the players need to take responsibility, they're just as much of a disgrace.

You've no idea he 'went into business for himself' or that they think they're bigger than the club

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3 minutes ago, graeme_4 said:

Not really Murty’s fault. He’s been dropped in a situation way over his head, although I’ll be delighted when he’s gone. 

The players need to take some fucking responsibility for their actions. We haven’t beaten the filth in 10 games, and they absolutely half arsed it at the weekend. 

No one knows what’s gone on, but there’s a clear theme of players failing to deliver, undermining managers, and particularly in Miller’s case, going into business for yourself. 

We’d be better shot of senior players who contribute fuck all, and think they’re bigger than the club. 

I’ve genuinely never seen an entire Rangers team, all 14 of them, look so appallingly ill-prepared and unmotivated for such a huge game. Is it a coincidence they they all happened to turn up like that on that particular day? Or were they disgracefully mismanaged in the build up? I know which my money is on.

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3 hours ago, BridgeIsBlue said:

Miller and Wallace have a fucking cheek in having a go at anybody :lol:

They’d actually look interested rather than the 11 mongos that played

3 hours ago, Cedrick said:

At least Declan John won’t be shafted now , was inevitable going to happen when Wallace was fit and johns miles better than him 

Fuck him anaw, shite cunt

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So we're in a situation where senior players, including the Club Captain,can't voice their concern over what's happening wi the team?

Murty has failed but on Sunday he more than failed,he surrendered.

I would normally support the Manager in this scenario but we have a total failure at the helm and we're headed for the iceberg under this Board.

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If we get rid of players in this way then it is going to be played out in the press in full public view. This should never be happening and if we had strong management throughout the club then this situation would have been handled in-house and the 2 players would have not played for the club again and bulleted in the summer, something is seriously wrong if Wallace seems to be refusing to play. He has stayed through all the divisions and 7 different faces in the managers chair so why refuse to play now? The guy has carried himself impeccably at Rangers for him to be thrown under the bus like this is nothing more than a smokescreen so that fans are arguing about this rather than WTF are the board going to do now.


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21 minutes ago, Goosetav said:

Really worrying that the 2 people who 'get it' are being forced out for expressing this isn't good enough

We've got a loser mentality and that starts at the very top

Do they get it? Cause they’ve contributed fuck all. Can moan all they like, Miller especially, but they are as bad as the dross at the weekend. 

Miller is absolutely done as a footballer, and worse than that, he goes into business for himself. Plays where he wants, makes a cunt of it and the points the finger at the younger guys. 

Our non existent captain has been posted missing for months again this season, and even when he was ‘fit’ his fat arse looked like he was towing a caravan. 

Clearly there’s ongoing issues with them believing they’re the top dogs at the club, when it’s the manager that MUST hold that position. 

Id get rid of them before whoever we get in gets in and they begin to undermine him like the last 3 managers. 

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Even putting this incident aside miller and Wallace have contributed nothing this season (Wallace less than miller) and are probably the top earners at the club so we should be looking to get rid anyway possible 

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2 minutes ago, Goosetav said:

It's 100% Murty's fault he couldn't motivate a Rangers team for a semi final against them. 100% agree the players need to take responsibility, they're just as much of a disgrace.

You've no idea he 'went into business for himself' or that they think they're bigger than the club

And youve no idea they dont. But it seems odd theres a history of this surrounding a player who best days were years ago and only seems to have gotten better to some the longer hes not pkaying to show how shite  hes is. Managers clueless but gttrandstanding has beens arent the solution. 

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It's two separate issues here - saying that miller and wallace should fuck off for lack of respect and undermining a series of managers is not the same as supporting murty.

The board need to show that they will back a manager, otherwise no cunt will even consider taking the job this summer, who's going to want to come into a fucking massive job, knowing players who have contributed fuck all in a season are applauded for shouting at the manager about a game they weren't involved in, in front of the rest of the squad.  They think they are bigger and better than they are, easy to say when you're sitting about on the sidelines and not actually contributing on the pitch.

But at the same time, the board need to address the bigger issue of the weekend, which was just how fucking shite we were, if there was an ounce of fight and passion on the pitch it would have been much more palatable to have players reacting off the pitch. Murty is to blame for being scared of celtic, there's no doubt that the team was never set up to try and have a go at them, trying to sit back and let them have the ball in the middle of the park is a fucking stupid tactic, especially in a cup game. If you are going to get beat at least have a fucking go, we're shite at defending so trying to defend for 90 mins is never going to work against anyone, never mind a team with decent attacking options.

All three of them should be at home tending to their gardens

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4 minutes ago, Goosetav said:

It's 100% Murty's fault he couldn't motivate a Rangers team for a semi final against them. 100% agree the players need to take responsibility, they're just as much of a disgrace.

You've no idea he 'went into business for himself' or that they think they're bigger than the club

A team filled with ‘Rangers men’ shouldn’t need motivated. 

Murty is rank rotten, and I can’t wait until he’s gone, but the lack of effort and respect for paying fans from the majority of players was fucking disgusting. That’s not his fault.

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8 minutes ago, theweebluenose said:

If they really had no confidence in Murtys ability they should have been rallying the team despite him. Sick of this shite, hopefully Murty is gone along with them shortly. 

This is an important point. If Wallace and Miller cared so much about the club they'd be rallying the players and giving them a kick up the arse to perform better instead of acting like spoilt children and making things even worse. 

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29 minutes ago, DBBTB said:

Dissent from four players and two fighting among themselves. When the dissent is on that scale the players aren’t the problem.

The only spineless bastard is the guy sitting in the dugout. If he’s the softest cunt in the room then he shouldn’t be in the job.

Murty is not the man, but ffs please don't let your hatred of him cloud better judgement. 

There wasn't a spine between those players on Sunday, but that's ok, aye? Those bitches were owned for 90 minutes and not a glove laid in response. Don't hear the two judas bastards taking it out on them.

Murty shares the blame, but the big picture is, this inept board appointed him, but I don't hear calls for their head and supporting odious and spineless cunts like Miller and Wallace is much that is wrong with our support. 

None of it should be personal and all about the principle. Over step the mark and your toast, wether it's Rangers or any other business. To suggest anything other, well it does show limitations and to support two odious badtards with previous says it all!




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People jumping on bandwagons left right and centre. 

I despise Kenny miller and I think lee Wallace is just about as big a wet blanket as Murty however we just don't know what was said and what happened. We can't condemn or support anyone until we know the facts, and will we ever?

Could be they've had a go in the way all of us would and they should be supported.

Could be they're well out of line. 

All I can say is that Miller has previous for thinking he's more important than he is and to be actually "sacked" surely something well out of the ordinary must have occcured. 

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4 minutes ago, graeme_4 said:

Do they get it? Cause they’ve contributed fuck all. Can moan all they like, Miller especially, but they are as bad as the dross at the weekend. 

Miller is absolutely done as a footballer, and worse than that, he goes into business for himself. Plays where he wants, makes a cunt of it and the points the finger at the younger guys. 

Our non existent captain has been posted missing for months again this season, and even when he was ‘fit’ his fat arse looked like he was towing a caravan. 

Clearly there’s ongoing issues with them believing they’re the top dogs at the club, when it’s the manager that MUST hold that position. 

Id get rid of them before whoever we get in gets in and they begin to undermine him like the last 3 managers. 

Miller's contributed more to Rangers than any other person at the club right now, that's an undeniable fact and I say that as someone who's never liked him


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3 minutes ago, Captain Hilts said:

This is an important point. If Wallace and Miller cared so much about the club they'd be rallying the players and giving them a kick up the arse to perform better instead of acting like spoilt children and making things even worse. 

Exactly, but don't let the morons know of such logic and good leadership qualities or they'll be back to self harming.

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