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Dorrans left camp (injury?)


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The guy is done. He’s poor and has had one good game. Another 30+ signing that hasn’t worked out. 

Barton, Senderos, Dorrans, Alves, Kranjcar. Blowing wages on players who were good at least 5 years ago clearly isn’t working, it’s becoming a recurring theme for us. 

You’re talking millions of pounds for they 5. It has to stop now. 

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2 minutes ago, Prso's headband said:

The guy is done. He’s poor and has had one good game. Another 30+ signing that hasn’t worked out. 

Barton, Senderos, Dorrans, Alves, Kranjcar. Blowing wages on players who were good at least 5 years ago clearly isn’t working, it’s becoming a recurring theme for us. 

You’re talking millions of pounds for they 5. It has to stop now. 

Don't talk sense, mate. 


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14 minutes ago, plumbGER said:

Abysmal signing so far, seems to getting the sympathy vote possibly because he is a Bear or because he was decent a good few years ago, he has nowhere near lived up to expectation and is helluva injury prone.

His wifes tidy. Thumbs up from me

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22 minutes ago, Prso's headband said:

We’ll continue to blow wages if we go near Fletcher or McAuley as well. Seems to be some sort of perfect ideal the club are chasing with a few 30+ pros mixed with young hungry players. 

It hasn’t worked in 2 years and I’d hope we’d stop hoping for it too. 

We will not sign Fletcher guys worse than MOH ffs and was never good just shoehorned into a man Utd team as SAF dreamt he was next Beckham. 

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Strangely enough I was thinking about this today. I was wondering how Gerrards fitness regime and high intense training would impact on the older guys in the team and did think Dorrans might struggle as will Lee Wallace. 

Got to admit when I look at the midfielders we have imo Dorrans wouldn't get a game. He's not lived up to the status that he came with and unfortunately has been a waste of money.

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If its true that its his ankle again then this could be the end for him. A real shame I reckon cos he still has more ability than most in our squad and this would mean we need to sign a creative midfielder, a lot on here didn't rate him but I thought that if he could've got back to proper full fitness then he would've been a player who would've flourished under Gerard. Not to be unfortunately.

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14 minutes ago, Band of Brothers said:

We will not sign Fletcher guys worse than MOH ffs and was never good just shoehorned into a man Utd team as SAF dreamt he was next Beckham. 

Not sure whether I'm backing you to be right again or not 

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1 hour ago, Prso's headband said:

The guy is done. He’s poor and has had one good game. Another 30+ signing that hasn’t worked out. 

Barton, Senderos, Dorrans, Alves, Kranjcar. Blowing wages on players who were good at least 5 years ago clearly isn’t working, it’s becoming a recurring theme for us. 

You’re talking millions of pounds for they 5. It has to stop now. 

Could see it coming a fucking mile off though and was surprised when cunts were jizzing their nuts over him signing. 

Fucking dogshit and robbing a wage. Nothing personal, I'm sure he's a good bear and wants the best but so are we all. We need better if we are going to stop these mucky fucking scumbag tarrier cunts getting 10. 

Sorry Dorrans but if you're first of all injured and then secondly shite when played it's time to get to fuck.  We need cunts to hit the ground running 

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So let's get this right....

EPL standard player, starts well with us then gets deliberately  maimed by an opponent.

Leaves the training camp for unknown reason and he's shite, get him to fuck, injury prone blah fucking blah?

When did we start hating players so much before we'd even given them half a chance???

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18 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

So let's get this right....

EPL standard player, starts well with us then gets deliberately  maimed by an opponent.

Leaves the training camp for unknown reason and he's shite, get him to fuck, injury prone blah fucking blah?

When did we start hating players so much before we'd even given them half a chance???

See when these shower of bastards grow some balls and stop the tims making us a laughing stock then they will get half a chance.

Dorrans is powder puff, let Brown laugh in his face and make him look like a Sunday league diddy. 

These guys are paid a fortune and have continually let us down 

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