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Another dud leaves

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Another million down the drain. Last summer has to go down as one of the worst windows for us financially and performance wise. I'm surprised we couldn't find someone to take Cardoso even on a cheap deal. 

Whoever selected Pedro and handed him free reign in the transfer market should be looking for a new job. 



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If it was any other type of company watching expensively acquired (and paid) assets being shipped out like this with no return on the asset there would surely be a ton of questions aimed at Directors from shareholders.  Write off on this scale should definitely not be the norm.   Yet for Rangers it is.  Will hard hitting questions be asked of a Chairman and his Board?   I doubt it.  Football, they may say, is not like any other business.

But the black fact is these players were acquired to do a job.  It's plain now they were not capable of doing that job.  Its as much a manager - and Directors - responsibility for that failing.  The manager responsible has gone and now the shakedown continues to extend to a number of the players brought in.   Surely Supporters - as well as shareholders - must insist that this sort of transfer-in then release without recovering a transfer fee must end.  

As for Cardoso, he really must be very poor if SG is so keen on signing another CH that Cardoso who was already on the books is ranked so low as to be discarded before a replacement actually arrives.   I suppose a signing is about to happen but like all signings its not a done deal until its done.   If it falls through and Cardoso has now been released then it unfortunately for Cardoso it demonstrates Rangers are simply prepared to do without him.    

Better he is gone than festering in the background knowing he is never going to get a first team game and with seemingly no options open to farm him out on loan in the hope of eventually getting a transfer fee.   

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He was completely garbage, terrible but how do we get left with so many duds that result in pay offs. Surely the way we off load players has to be looked at, i know you need other clubs to be interested but do we offer these players to anyone on the cheap or just hope someone notices them wasting away in the background of our club? like Bruno for example he clearly had Parma lined up, why couldn't we have come up with a cheap deal with them to save us a pay off 

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48 minutes ago, chris182 said:

Scandalous it hasn’t got to this stage. So many pay offs.

I know we’re not party to the arrangement but surely It’s got make business sense. No point otherwise.


We can't have it both ways 

The majority wants all the losers punted 

That takes pay offs sadly 

I'm happy another loser has gone 

Now Fod and Windass please 

Whatever it takes 

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12 minutes ago, Drumloyal said:

Why the fuck can't we even offer these guys to clubs for free with the condition of a 20/30/40% sell-on?

Why do we always just pay them off only for them to sign up with another mob a week later? 

Boils my fuckin blood. 


That's no use to the player mate

There is no control in it for them 

They would be better sitting tight on present contract and still being paid 

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1 minute ago, eejay the dj said:

That's no use to the player mate

There is no control in it for them 

They would be better sitting tight on present contract and still being paid 

I'm sure there were two scum players who refused to leave a few years ago and it cost those cunts a fortune by the time they fucked off. Players have certainly got the upper hand these days.

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59 minutes ago, Bakbear said:

Mind boggling that we signed a guy for over a million and settle with him 12 months later. 

I don’t do the boardroom section but it’s things like this that really highlight what a fucking shambles our board are 

Not the fault of the board. They  appointed a manager and then backed the manager as they are doing with Gerrard   The blame lies at the door of Pedro and the 3 muppets who recommended him to the board ie the football committee  Park Dickson and a Robertson  these are the ones to blame

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2 minutes ago, Ozblue said:

I'm sure there were two scum players who refused to leave a few years ago and it cost those cunts a fortune by the time they fucked off. Players have certainly got the upper hand these days.

Yes Oz 

The bottom line .They are being shifted 

That is all I care about for season ahead

The less losers hanging around to come back in and haunt us the better 

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So now he has a payoff from us and will probably now sign for a Portuguese diddy team and pocket a signing on fee there. I think he could rebuild his career back home and still make a decent living in an environment that suits him, some guys just aren’t mentally and physically strong enough for hammer throwing Scottish football. Which says more about Scottish football than foreign footballers.

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Hopefully not as costly as the other duds because we could at least make the argument that staying here and not playing will hurt his future earning prospects. A lot of these other wasters would genuinely be better off collecting a big wage here and they know it. He’ll want to go back home and get his career back on track - Hodson, Halliday and that lot know there’s not much for them after us except a couple of years at the foot of the SPL. 

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45 minutes ago, cushynumber said:

yes i mean even getting £250k for some of these guys would help - yet we dont seem to bother

If it's a case of having to free up wages though we don't exactly have time on our hands before the window closes. 

If there's been zero interest it's probably better to cut our loses, free up another probably decent wage, and get someone in before the season starts. 

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31 minutes ago, eejay the dj said:

We can't have it both ways 

The majority wants all the losers punted 

That takes pay offs sadly 

I'm happy another loser has gone 

Now Fod and Windass please 

Whatever it takes 

Surely you wouldn’t pay off Fod and Windass?

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41 minutes ago, Drumloyal said:

Why the fuck can't we even offer these guys to clubs for free with the condition of a 20/30/40% sell-on?

Why do we always just pay them off only for them to sign up with another mob a week later? 

Boils my fuckin blood. 


Fuck knows how much Cardoso was on, but Pedro being Pedro, I imagine it was pretty hefty. 

Might not be a case of struggling to find a club to take him, but one willing to pay him anything close to what he was on. 

It's a bastard we were left with all these wasters

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58 minutes ago, BlueKnight87 said:

Another million down the drain. Last summer has to go down as one of the worst windows for us financially and performance wise. I'm surprised we couldn't find someone to take Cardoso even on a cheap deal. 

Whoever selected Pedro and handed him free reign in the transfer market should be looking for a new job. 



That full season was one clusterfuck after another 

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