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Gerrard “it’s been happening for seasons”


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6 hours ago, Siam69 said:

Tell you what's going to happen, Stevie's gonna tell it like it is, the taigs in turn will start hounding and abusing him on social media, blogs etc.

Other high profile football people amongst others will pick up not only on the lack of a level playing field when it's Rangers, but the abuse given out from the taigs to anyone who dares point it out.

Don't know where it will all end up, but you can be sure that's what will happen. 

Your right but to be honest it’s possibly the best thing that could happen. The more high profile cunts get involved and abused by they cunts can only be a positive 

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6 hours ago, eejay the dj said:

Agreed mate . They enemy will turn all around on him . Or try too . Although he is the man to take them on . And he will get as much bad press up here as needs be , from the taig loving media 

Actually an interesting prospect mate, the press up here as we all know are biased as fuck, would love to get in about him, but his status in World football and his media savvy, and the way the English press are into him could make for a very testing time for the tarrier cunts up here. 

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6 hours ago, Siam69 said:


Although I'd obviously much prefer a level playing field, i'm actually quite looking forward to plenty of the honest mistakes being pointed out, then the fall out and abuse being directed at Stevie for highlighting them, showing the taigs up for the disgusting cunts they are, the way we get treated in Scotland. 

When I used to try to explain here in London what happened with Whtye, the SFA etc, how we were the victims of a conman that they okayed, then punished us for what he did, people are astonished. 

Get them told Stevie, you're more than a match, and for the then abuse, get it highlighted as well. 

Poor Collymore won't know what what to say …

And bottom line, this team has the makings of a good side under Stevie, who instils confidence. No panic when went a man down, every game we're getting better. Not there yet, but already better than anything since Walter.

Spot on with the Whyte things, I was still living in London in 2012, my bosses at that time were good football men (Arsenal fans but I’ll not hold that against them) but once they knew the level of hatred and corruption we faced they were honestly disgusted, and I believe most real football fans down south are the sane. 

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7 hours ago, ben51 said:

Fucking into them, Gaffer!

Finally, since Walter we seem to have one worthy of the name, all he needs now is to get something this year, even a ceptic win and the wheels start to turn the other way, we will have hope, we just need him to perform as he has been since he has come in and not allow our corrupt officials and media to kill his spirit. Having said that, with Gerrard that is probably an advantage, he will happily go toe to toe with any player or official so I don't think the media are going to scare him one little bit.

It's going to be a fun season that is for sure.

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5 hours ago, Bluepeter9 said:

... and the one I quoted was out and out moaning! Just in case you missed it!

oh and we didn’t win - and on RM that always brings the experts out with their ‘constructive’ - criticism - which often turns very quickly to just criticism. We shall see. 

Not seen any cunt moaning today, aye everyone is disappointed after conceding late on, but to a man we were better than Aberdeen in every aspect today, they had one chance on target and scored. Frustrating and disappointing but we take it on the chin and move on. 

You however seem to look relentlessly for an argument with other bears for absolutely no reason and hit out with absolute bollocks,  I need to ask why ? 

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8 minutes ago, Iron Proddy said:

Collymore will be backhanded in his criticism of us going forward as he'll not want to piss the Liverpool fans off who he's always had a hard on for.

Galloway is just a freak. 

Oh it won’t bother mad Stan if he upsets Liverpool fans at all, the guy is that demented and his hatred is that deep for us it won’t matter one fuck. 

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6 hours ago, Siam69 said:

Tell you what's going to happen, Stevie's gonna tell it like it is, the taigs in turn will start hounding and abusing him on social media, blogs etc.

Other high profile football people amongst others will pick up not only on the lack of a level playing field when it's Rangers, but the abuse given out from the taigs to anyone who dares point it out.

Don't know where it will all end up, but you can be sure that's what will happen. 

Seems it's started already from the usual suspects in the media. 

No class, apparently, amongst other fine retorts.

Like any sane, non bigoted person who seen what happened today, Stevie's quite right response, it going to give any credence to the biased media up here. 

Gonna quite enjoy this, cunts getting exposed, and the double standards. 

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23 minutes ago, 1690tamRFC said:

Not seen any cunt moaning today, aye everyone is disappointed after conceding late on, but to a man we were better than Aberdeen in every aspect today, they had one chance on target and scored. Frustrating and disappointing but we take it on the chin and move on. 

You however seem to look relentlessly for an argument with other bears for absolutely no reason and hit out with absolute bollocks,  I need to ask why ? 

He loves Dinky Dave and uncle Fester, says it all really. Pretty sure he is an 1872 member as well.

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22 minutes ago, 1690tamRFC said:

Oh it won’t bother mad Stan if he upsets Liverpool fans at all, the guy is that demented and his hatred is that deep for us it won’t matter one fuck. 

He will be more worried about pissing Stevie off as the gaffer would go to his home and have a word.

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7 hours ago, Siwel said:

Rangers boss Steven Gerrard sensationally claims Scotland’s referees have had it in for Gers for YEARS

STEVEN GERRARD has sensationally claimed Scotland’s referees have had it in for Rangers for years.

The Gers boss was furious with decisions whistler Kevin Clancy made in his side’s 1-1 draw with Aberdeen.

Willie Vass

Alfredo Morelos is sent off by ref Kevin Clancy

Willie Vass

Gerrard reckons Scottish refs have had it in for Rangers

Gerrard felt an early red card for Alfredo Morelos was harsh.

And he was left staggered that Dons defender Dom Ball escaped a sending off after conceding a penalty.

Asked about a siege mentality within his dressing room, Gerrard said: “We need to try and use it to our advantage, but it’s not just today, it’s been happening for a while.

“It’s been happening for a good while.

“I believe it’s been happening for SEASONS.

“That’s my opinion, just my opinion.

“I don’t think we ever get anything to go for us.

“Everything we have seen today is about Rangers

“So someone should give me answers on that. Someone should give me the answers because if there’s anyone in his room thinks nothing should have happened after that penalty…

“It is what it is.

Willie Vass

Josh Windass indicates he was pulled back for penalty

“I can’t control if the issue is going to be ongoing. All I can do is give my opinion on it.”

Gerrard insists the red card for Morelos was too severe after clashing with Scott McKenna.

But he was more furious Dons defender Dom Ball wasn’t sent off for conceding a penalty.

Gerrard said: “With the sending off I think when you do stuff like that, when you react like that, you leave officials with decisions to make.

“So we will speak to Alfredo about the part he has played in it.

“But we feel hard done by because we felt he was provoked twice with violent barges.

“No way in the world was his kick-out violent so we didn’t think he deserved a red.

“At the same time, with the penalty there was no attempt to play the ball. So it’s beyond me how a card can’t be shown for that situation.

“It seems like the world is against us today.

PA:Press Association

James Tavernier celebrates scoring from the spot

“But we’ll make sure we get better for that. We’ll make sure we play better and try and put results to bed, because it looks like some more decisions will go against us as the season goes on.”

Asked if he felt Morelos has been targeted, Gerrard added: “Possibly. So he needs to learn and be ready for that.

“I can’t prove that’s the case but two violent barges by McKenna, it seems people are out to wind him up, yeah.

“What’s disappointing from our point of view is that the whole incident was two or three seconds but the assistant only saw one second of it.

“So he sees Alfredo’s instant in one second but not the two barges in the other two seconds.

“With the penalty incident there was no attempt to play the ball. That’s the rules, it doesn’t matter what my opinion on it is.

“The rules state that if you don’t make an attempt to play the ball, you should be punished. And there was no punishment.

“I had a chat with the referee about it. The assistant said he only saw one second out of the three with the Alfredo incident, which I find hard to believe.

Gerard was gutted to lose a stoppage time equaliser but was delighted with the way his side played.

“I’m disappointment for my players but I don’t go away from here sad.

“I actually loved what I saw.

“I think people are now starting to understand when I say Rangers are different now.

“We are a different team and the players are proving it.

“I go away reasonably pleased, but gutted for my players we never got over the line. It would have been a huge three points.”

What a fucking class act the man is. 

Absolutely spot on. 

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9 hours ago, KingKirk said:

The assistant only seen Morelos kick out :lol::lol::lol: Considering the last barge was not even a second before the kick out:redcard:

Aye, total fucking nonsense. 

Although he may not be lying, he maybe meant that he only "chose to see" the Morelos action.

That sounds about right. Cheating fucking bastards.

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12 hours ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

We had Windass, ojaria and Kent on at the sheep place 2nd half when we knew grit not flair was needed. Mccrorie or Candeais would have made more sense.

Neither subs offered anything.

I'm not blaming Gerrard, but his decisions weakened not strengthened us.

I was half expecting candeais and the big centre half sadiq to come on. Candeais would have been an an out ball for us as well 

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14 hours ago, eejay the dj said:

Agreed mate . They enemy will turn all around on him . Or try too . Although he is the man to take them on . And he will get as much bad press up here as needs be , from the taig loving media 

Any cunt who thinks Gerrard will take any notice of what the media say/write about him or what fans (Rangers or otherwise) say on social media about him are in for a rude shock. I can't wait to see his press conference when one of these pricks try and get him rattled with their stupid insinuations and questions.

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9 hours ago, 1690tamRFC said:

Not seen any cunt moaning today, aye everyone is disappointed after conceding late on, but to a man we were better than Aberdeen in every aspect today, they had one chance on target and scored. Frustrating and disappointing but we take it on the chin and move on. 

You however seem to look relentlessly for an argument with other bears for absolutely no reason and hit out with absolute bollocks,  I need to ask why ? 

The poster I originally responded to was having a right moan at the team and tactics. Perhaps you missed it whilst jumping on my second post! 

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Listening to talkSPORT fuckwit Brazil this morning 

Couldn't help but have a dig saying Rangers have been getting the decisions from refs since Tiny warton

We expect this from this tub of lard

As usual Sally sucking up and doing his appeasing job saying SG shouldn't be going there 

That is what we are up against 

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The no mark journalists are raging he’s creating a siege mentality of us against everyone else as that’s a part of how we’re so successful. Add into the fact these decisions will be broadcast across the world, we’ll have the majority of support from the media rather than here when everything is swepped under the carpet unless it suit an agenda 

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15 hours ago, Jamie0202 said:

Kent works like fuck and definitely did not weaken us as a defensive unit today.


You're statement we brought on less solid players is fucking ridiculous though, for a variety of reasons.

Sub 1. 70th minute. Murphy off, Kent on - Kent is more solid than Murphy IMO but naturally this is up for debate.

Sub 2. 82nd minute. Jack off. Ejaria on - No debate IMO as Jack was brilliant today but to criticise Gerrard for making a forced substitution is laughable.

* your statement.

Sadiq and Candeais to me would have offered more physicality than Kent and Ejaria. And done more graft and held defensive shape whilst also offering the legs than the 2 who came on did. Bizarre anyone thought the two who came on did that, or that either did so better than Candeais in particular would.

Murphy was rank yesterday other than holding his position well in the line of midfielders. He shouldn't have started and shouldn't have been on as long as he was. 

I really like Kent, he'd have been in my first 11 yesterday. But imo he offered next to nothing I can recall in 25 minutes.

And it's comments I'm making, not particularly criticing as other factors contributed to the outcome far more than subs. But if that's ridiculous in your eyes I suppose I'll have to live with it.

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