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Club 1872 full interview with Traynor


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Just now, Blumhoilann said:

Whether we like Traynor or not he made valid points there,especially at the end of the interview,Fan-power.Maybe we should all consider with-holding the licence fee and make it public as to the reason for the action?

That’s what it sounded like he was saying, without actually saying it :sarcasm:

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'We can demand the BBC respect us and our club'.....absolutely agree.

We have a significant  role to play in taking the BBC to task  in their treatment of our club  on TV, radio and other platforms like  Twitter and their  'selectivity' and clearly evidenced bias and negativity about all things 'Rangers'.

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5 minutes ago, BLUEDIGNITY said:

It's good that they are explaining things to Rangers fans that are maybe not aware of what is going on with the bbc but that's all it is an in house video. We need to get to the greater British public, Christ the bbc had the hag of all people on in how to tackle sectarianism in Scotland, the bheggars had brenda putting the boot into the OO in the papers, that's just today from these people. We need to wisen up, too nice !

We keep taking a knife to a gun fight. We better start getting nasty soon. 

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4 minutes ago, BLUEDIGNITY said:

It's good that they are explaining things to Rangers fans that are maybe not aware of what is going on with the bbc but that's all it is an in house video. We need to get to the greater British public, Christ the bbc had the hag of all people on in how to tackle sectarianism in Scotland, the bheggars had brenda putting the boot into the OO in the papers, that's just today from these people. We need to wisen up, too nice !

If the media are complicit ( which they are) then getting someone on those broadcasts to give our side of the story won't be allowed.

That's not how propaganda campaigns work.  If we ever get someone on to give some of our side, I can gaurentee they bring in some nutter who can't speak properly and looks like a howling moon unit.

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37 minutes ago, Blumhoilann said:

Whether we like Traynor or not he made valid points there,especially at the end of the interview,Fan-power.Maybe we should all consider with-holding the licence fee and make it public as to the reason for the action?

Thousands of Gers fans marching from Ibrox to protest (peacefully off course) outside their Glasgow Quayside offices would get their fucking attention.

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4 minutes ago, Bears r us said:

Excellent post mate and I agree with it all.

Why to fuck was that not done by RTV and put up on the website and then made sure all media outlets here and in England were informed it was there. We are absolutely hopeless at PR.


Yep , hopeless . 

The frustrating part is JT is more than capable of responding , but is seldom seen . Whether that's down to JT himself , or a wider ' dignified silence ' approach from the board I don't know , but it's not working whatever it is . 

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Hope his next interview is with a National news outlet and let them know the fenian who started this has had to apologise for telling lies.
The tramp Clarke has made an apology in the DR when he was called out about the Rangers mangers position.
Who would believe a fuckin liar.
Still think the manky looking cunt should be getting a lawyers letter to force him to retract his other whopper that Rangers didn't sign catholics.
he is a self confessed LIAR.

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1 minute ago, gmcf said:

Yep , hopeless . 

The frustrating part is JT is more than capable of responding , but is seldom seen . Whether that's down to JT himself , or a wider ' dignified silence ' approach from the board I don't know , but it's not working whatever it is . 

Yes he was good in that interview, and yes he also has written a lot of shite about our Club and fans in the past, BUT he should be let loose now through the RTV channel and give some much needed fight back. 

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