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1 hour ago, Mr Soprano said:

Maybe time to start limiting access to certain parts of the forum for people under x amount of posts.

Shit that it's come to this but hey ho.

Sure VB forum is set up like this, have to give a lot of details about how you get to games and who could vouch for you etc sadly just more work for admin though would be good to have something like that here. 

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2 minutes ago, Badger said:

The police have not been in contact.

As said the first time these posts were highlighted to the admin team of this site is when they were posted on the Sons of Struth Facebook page.  

Can you not take the thread down ? 

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The comments were disgusting tbh but, as it has already been mentioned in the thread, they could have been reported.

Sharing them on his Facebook page is just another attempt at trying to make himself look like some sort of hero and the gullible bastards that follow his page are all sucking it up as usual. 

A man who has followed Celtic abroad to watch them playing in the Champions league and who is now trawling Rangers forums and posting screenshots of offensive comments on his Facebook to "shame" the posters. And still some believe he's actually a Rangers fan.

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5 minutes ago, Badger said:

The police have not been in contact.

As said the first time these posts were highlighted to the admin team of this site is when they were posted on the Sons of Struth Facebook page.  

You'd think if someone was so concerned about image they'd go to the admin first 

Or (as we all know anyway) is it really about attention seeking? 

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19 minutes ago, Badger said:

Generally we are a bit anything goes on here. We don't strictly moderate things, but that's our thing as a forum. If we go staunch and strict we are no longer RM. It's a free internet - if people don't like the way we do things, go and try VB, FF, GersNet, etc. They are all fine forums each doing things a bit different from each other thus appealling to different types of internet fan.

That said, we generally remove anything we see that I think could get people into trouble and/or we don't think is appropriate. We generate anywhere between 7000 and 30,000 posts in a day and well..... we don't read them all - especially over the festive period.

The nature of a forum is we have to moderate it reactively. Somebody posts something inappropriate, a moderator either sees it, or the content gets reported to us as being inappropriate. If nobody reports it, there is a reasonable chance (particularly on a busy thread), that we will miss it.

This is where I am annoyed, if this content was highlighted to us be it via a PM, via a report, whatever, we could of reacted to it. If we had it reported then never reacted..... yeah we are fair game. 

It wasn't reported.

Is it really a surprise that content posted on Hogmany and New Years day gets missed and swallowed up in the thousands of posts since.

Yeah, but nobody on the forum felt it was reportable or wanted to report it. Anyone that had an issue with it said their piece and that was that. So basically the likelihood is this will all happen again at some point through no real fault of admin and no real fault of the posters reading the 'offending' posts.

The only real annoyance at the lack of reporting to Admin should be if SOS have an account on here.

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Slapped this on his page, running against the grain of the insipid nauseous shit he is getting, over 200 "Attaboys" 

Very disappointing.

As a member of Rangers Media we both know that the post could be reported to Admin , you chose to bypass that route for nothing more than self gratification

Giving oxygen to this, which has since gone viral, damages reputations, including your own and causes serious distress to young Jay.

You didn't have the common decency to speak to the young lad before embarking on your crusade further demonstrating that absolutely nothing is off limits with you when sanctimony, hypocrisy & publicity appear on the horizon

You're a disgrace,  thankfully nothing like any Rangers supporter I have met in over 40 years 



Alan Hunter The website they were on should be shut down, why did the moderators not take them down and barred posters

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Had it been reported, one click to do so, it would have been removed, closing down Rangers Media ?? Really ? had the report post option have been clicked, well that would see the poster banned and content deleted, but doing it this way,, that gets Craig Houston in the spotlight, go figure

Doubt he will give it a second thought, fuck him 

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4 minutes ago, CF2 WINNIE said:

Sure VB forum is set up like this, have to give a lot of details about how you get to games and who could vouch for you etc sadly just more work for admin though would be good to have something like that here. 

VB is a fine forum, and run brilliantly in that regard. The guys there are passionate, proactive and dedicated in ways we simply are not. 

If RM does what VB does.... it becomes an imitation of VB..... another forum comes along and does what we do.

If you want that type of thing from you Rangers internet experience, and are happy to give out the info they want, VB is the forum for you.

The way we do things does carry risk of things like this happening from time to time.

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1 minute ago, Badger said:

VB is a fine forum, and run brilliantly in that regard. The guys there are passionate, proactive and dedicated in ways we simply are not. 

If RM does what VB does.... it becomes an imitation of VB..... another forum comes along and does what we do.

If you want that type of thing from you Rangers internet experience, and are happy to give out the info they want, VB is the forum for you.

The way we do things does carry risk of things like this happening from time to time.

Don't you think that the OT and GS etc could be off limits until you reach a certain amount of posts though?

Given, there would be some nappy rippers that would break through that threshold but it's surely a decent idea?

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22 minutes ago, Badger said:

Is it really a surprise that content posted on Hogmany and New Years day gets missed and swallowed up in the thousands of posts since.

Even the match day threads, it starts slow (unless it's a old firm) get's to about 5 or 6 pages come match day and then it explodes to about 23+ in the space of those 90 minutes. or 55+ in the case of the recent old firm match thread.


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4 minutes ago, Inigo said:

Yeah, but nobody on the forum felt it was reportable or wanted to report it. Anyone that had an issue with it said their piece and that was that. So basically the likelihood is this will all happen again at some point through no real fault of admin and no real fault of the posters reading the 'offending' posts.

The only real annoyance at the lack of reporting to Admin should be if SOS have an account on here.

Guests should be able to report content. You can also contact us via email, I dare say our facebook page also, although not sure how well monitored that is for messages - we do get a lot of spam.

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