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1 minute ago, Gaz52 said:

I hope the virtual pat on the back the homophobe CH got from all his Celtic pals today was worth it. 

Even before this I've always said I can't believe people like him have this sort of 'superfan' status. What makes him any better a fan than you or I? Nothing. He's an empty-heid who's going after his own pals in order to score brownie points with Celtic fans and the rhags. That's no Rangers fan in my eye. He's an embarrassment who should shut up and stay away from Ibrox (if he even goes). No-one appreciates a mole within their own ranks and I wouldn't hesitate for a second to tell him that to his face. I'd take pleasure in giving him a verbal mauling in-front of all his eyes wide-shut pals. 

The Rangers fans I grew up with have followed the club everywhere all their lives and have never needed an intellectually-challenged shitebag to talk for them - "aw we gonna be safe in the Scottish cup." - I've seen a stronger backbone on a hamster. 

Absolute idiot who should do the fans he has tried to take down the decency of a face to face meet to explain his motives. 

Thats all I'll say on this matter before I say something unacceptable in Police Scotlands eyes. Btw, as a tax-payer, I have a right to question the service your force provides, it's despicable, you'd rather pay officers to sit on the internet looking for sectarian buzzwords than go out and find culprits who hit two very young kids with bottles. Utter shambles. 

I hope everything works out for you mate.

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4 minutes ago, Gaz52 said:

I hope the virtual pat on the back the homophobe CH got from all his Celtic pals today was worth it. 

Even before this I've always said I can't believe people like him have this sort of 'superfan' status. What makes him any better a fan than you or I? Nothing. He's an empty-heid who's going after his own pals in order to score brownie points with Celtic fans and the rhags. That's no Rangers fan in my eye. He's an embarrassment who should shut up and stay away from Ibrox (if he even goes). No-one appreciates a mole within their own ranks and I wouldn't hesitate for a second to tell him that to his face. I'd take pleasure in giving him a verbal mauling in-front of all his eyes wide-shut pals. 

The Rangers fans I grew up with have followed the club everywhere all their lives and have never needed an intellectually-challenged shitebag to talk for them - "aw we gonna be safe in the Scottish cup." - I've seen a stronger backbone on a hamster. 

Absolute idiot who should do the fans he has tried to take down the decency of a face to face meet to explain his motives. 

Thats all I'll say on this matter before I say something unacceptable in Police Scotlands eyes. Btw, as a tax-payer, I have a right to question the service your force provides, it's despicable, you'd rather pay officers to sit on the internet looking for sectarian buzzwords than go out and find culprits who hit two very young kids with bottles. Utter shambles. 

What's wrong with x hamsters?

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1 hour ago, STEPPS BOY said:

Sat and read through all the pages..


Think we can all agree on one thing.


Bring back the old emoticons..

And that I should have unlimited likes.  @bluepeter how do i get more than 50 likes per day...this is an outrage.

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58 minutes ago, Rfc52 said:

I need to send you a scotzine article mate apologies. See if you can crop his twitter posts and videos from.it and extract it.

Craigy was Andy haliday fantastic and Scott Allan a poofter?

Is it only mocking the disabled that offends you?


In the case of Scott Allan it is even more offensive as he fits both categories.

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4 minutes ago, eskbankloyal said:

Nobody denied that. Only 1 of the above has put posters from a private section of this site in danger of police charges. That's my point ?

Which is 100% fine by me, no one should be at risk of that.

But Fury posted something online, prior to his Rangers posting, that was deemed offensive and cost him a role.

If CH has done the same in a sexuality context then potentially faces the same issue.

So similarities yes but in reflection not hypocrisy. But stilupidity.

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Mocking a disabled child is for wankers, cunts sitting with weans of their own probably, but mocking septics continuing exploitation of disabled children (Thai tims) is fair game.

The Frankie Boyle/ Harvey price thing was disgusting, if your so untalented as a comedian that you have to resort to making unfunny jokes about a blind disabled child just for the shock value then re-evaluate your career choice, mind you sickest part of that tale was his mother getting paid of the back of it to do an exclusive for a tabloid to express her outrage, I have got said cage fighter to re-arrange Frankie Boyle if I was her no cash in.

Grassing on your own but...:justno:

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1 hour ago, Ger_onimo said:

What the fuck is this shit anyway, saying he sat on it for 24 hours and agonised what to do? I, along with hundreds of others, read it a week ago. Didn't particularly like it but at no point did I consider that I was "sitting on it", as if I held some sort of power and had to decide what to do before passing judgement.

He talks as if he's a journalist who's been passed top secret information which could bring down a government or something, rather than another nobody on the internet who's read some dodgy jokes. His self-importance is off the scale.

The man is a egomaniac. He laps up the obsequious praise of his acolytes and it feeds his self importance. 

I used to think that Dingwall was the most divisive and dangerous among the rabble rousers but Houston makes fat Mark look like a rank amateur. 

This man is a cancer in our support. A leech, a parasite, a barnacle on the arse of Rangers fans. 

He's far from clever but he's cunning and he knows exactly how to manipulate a few hundred drones into mobilising and voting him into office when general apathy rules the majority. 

He courts the MSM and feeds them with damaging information thinking he's using them all the while they are using him as a useful idiot.

He is a conivining dangerous individual who, given time and enough rope will hang himself but I fear the damage he will cause before this happens.


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1 minute ago, Blue Nosed Babe said:

Telecommunications act most likely with hate crime aggravation. Proving it would be tricky. Social media stuff is a nightmare.

Social Media is a minefield.

See when people post and are charged but plead not guilty. Do the crown have a good conviction rate? 

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1 minute ago, Ger_onimo said:

Would if not be something to do with "malicious communications" or some such nonsense.

I was thinking that but if its just a post then I'm not sure because I thought communication was sending someone a dodgy message lutonblue style rather than just posting a comment on a forum. I could be and probably am wrong but I just find it difficult what the charges would be

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