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The players will kneel before every game

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6 minutes ago, bluenoz said:

a thread that was started by the OP with the best of intentions has turned into one of the most embarrassing threads in recent memory.

And here it is on the main page of this forum,shambles and threads have been chucked away whats no been as bad as this 

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1 hour ago, Tiger Shaw said:

We don’t have to back anything  tbh just don’t fucking boo, if the players feel it’s the right thing to do let them get on with it, it’s all we’re asking, if you disagree with it just keep quiet for a few seconds then get on with backing the team it’s not hard fs  respect our players right to protest in whatever way they feel necessary.

Fair enough. I just want our players to know I'm behind them. :tu: 

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4 minutes ago, berkshirebear said:

Dont think the right to peaceful protest contains a caveat to be honest...

You should start up a totalitarian regime mate!! 

Still not answering the question 

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1 minute ago, EMRFC said:

Still not answering the question 

I dont know if you read what i said. I wouldnt boo. But I strongly believe in the following

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

But theres people on here critical of the snp hate crime bill but attacking people on here now. Bizarre.... 


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Couldn't the club publicly extend that taking the knee is not only an anti racist gesture but is also to acknowledge wounded and fallen soldiers, policemen killed in the line of duty etc etc.. It would solve the issue in a heartbeat. 

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It's a pointless discussion now. 

People are not going to change the minds of the moronic, no amount of posts and debate is changing anyone's views here. 

Lock it, if the club are serious they will weed out and ban those who go against the club and players wishes. That's the only way it will work

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1 hour ago, Ibroxholm said:

The players/club have the right to make any gesture they see fit but I’m afraid I think less of them for using this divisive politicised gesture created by the American race industry that has sadly been imported here largely at the behest of Sky TV American owners, Comcast.  Tav may say it’s only to show a stand against racism but it’s totally naive to ignore the baggage that BLM and taking the knee has.  

We, the Rangers support, have not had a racism issue since Mark Walters signed when. we saw the abhorrent treatment he received.  We have solidly backed the ‘give racism the red card’ and ‘kick it out’ campaigns, no one has an issue with these.  It’s only when this political racialised shite is brought in from USA that there is any issue.   It’s a great pity our club and players have been stupid enough to adopt gestures that cause division in the concensus we had previously.  If there is trouble in the stands because of this it’s down to them.

Finally, I won’t boo the players myself, I will try to come in late to  avoid seeing the club and players acting like the ‘useful idiots’  that they are.



Support the players or don’t support the players.

It couldn’t be any easier.

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We really need to stop falling out over this. Booing is wrong on so many levels. Taking the knee is not. Our captain clearly explained the reasoning.

The problem for many I’d say is it’s early association with BLM in it being divisive and having the opposite effect and so on and anecdotal evidence does reflect this. I get that, but it is still not an excuse to boo. Far better we gave the the lads a rousing cheer as they do it and just how good would that make them feel! If your personal view prevents you from that then just stay stoom.

LBH, governments and the footballing authorities are a fucking joke and paying lip service and indeed the root cause of some of it. Our club and our support could take a lead in this up here and demand more be done. Maybe prompt the authorities and government raise further awareness on this, because from where I’m sitting, the only publicity I’m seeing is that we are again the bad guys. We need to change that image and change the narrative, which sadly we have been traditionally poor at and it doesn’t help with so many haters around constantly peddling the fake news.

In the meantime it’s about rising above the politics and showing the pride we have in our own lads in the stance they are taking. We simply do the right thing and backing our players is all that.

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Better to generalise it a great deal. Water it down a lot so that it is much more inclusive to all, groups such as the disabled, wounded and elderly soldiers, injured public services - fireman policeman etc etc. Yes of course it will still involve anti racism but widen it out massively and it won't be booed. It will be much more acceptable. 

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9 minutes ago, DiamondDan said:

Because they associate it with the BLM movement.

Okay but our captain has come out and said it’s nothing to do with BLM (the organisation) and is an anti-racist gesture, nothing more, nothing less. Why aren’t people understanding this? 

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