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Rangers fans for yes


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NO one is being forced to leave the British Army, Passport Office have already said your British passport can be renewed in an indy Scotland, no ones being forced to call themselves Scottish and no one is forcing anyone to take down their Union Flags and the queen will still be head of state BUT we will be able to have political policies that suit this country as opposed to the wider UK which is different all over hence why there is Devolution talks for regions of England .....

And how long for a republic vote? It will be the beginning of the end if we become independent.
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NO one is being forced to leave the British Army, Passport Office have already said your British passport can be renewed in an indy Scotland, no ones being forced to call themselves Scottish and no one is forcing anyone to take down their Union Flags and the queen will still be head of state BUT we will be able to have political policies that suit this country as opposed to the wider UK which is different all over hence why there is Devolution talks for regions of England .....

They got to you, didn't they. Kim Jong Salmond's stormtroopers got to you.

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Totally agree, Why would any Rangers fan vote against the union? They can stick their flyers where the sun does not shine

Anyone who votes purely based on a football team should not be allowed a vote. Ffs...

Is this not a little bit more important than that......

I would hope that every Rangers fan votes for whomever they want based on their own personal beliefs and from making a balanced decision rather than "I support Rangers so I vote no"

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NO one is being forced to leave the British Army, Passport Office have already said your British passport can be renewed in an indy Scotland, no ones being forced to call themselves Scottish and no one is forcing anyone to take down their Union Flags and the queen will still be head of state BUT we will be able to have political policies that suit this country as opposed to the wider UK which is different all over hence why there is Devolution talks for regions of England .....

Glasgow traditionally votes Labour but we are stuck with an SNP Gov in Edinbugh....should Glasgow become independent?

In terms of actual votes, the SNP have NEVER received a majority (51%) and we are stuck with them.

Vote No to separation

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Totally agree, Why would any Rangers fan vote against the union? They can stick their flyers where the sun does not shine

Imagine voting for what is best for your family and your country, and not what colour of football top you have hanging in your wardrobe. Nutters.

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already voted YES on thursday.

oh wait, was i supposed to vote NO cause i support rangers?

i'm also supposed to be protestant but i'm not. i'm not religious at all.

politics/religion shouldn't be based on what team you support or vice versa.

i love my team and my country. i'm just doing what i think is right. if you don't agree with me then that's fine.

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Imagine voting for what is best for your family and your country, and not what colour of football top you have hanging in your wardrobe. Nutters.

I'm voting NO because I wont gamble with my kids futures.

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So the fastest growing economy in the Western world "can't get any worse than it is now"???

So when a currency union is denied and Scotland starts using the pound with no central bank and no lender of last resort, forcing many businesses, especially UK-wide businesses to leave the country, ensuring the economy declines, investment declines, jobs decline and inevitably the Scottish budget declines... how daft will your "well it can't get any worse" comment seem then?

If Scotland votes Yes it will already have a £6bn+ hole in its budget so things will get worse before they improve, if ever. Salmond intends to lower corporation tax also. How will all that be paid for? Public spending would have to be reduced or YOUR taxes would have to be increased.

What would an independent Scotland have done during the banking crisis in 2008? Who would have provided the bailout funds? What would the interest rate have been? Would they have even been bailed out at all?

Who would have saved the Grangemouth oil plant in 2013 had the UK not provided £150m at short notice?

The great thing about being part of a wider union is that if one bit fails, it has many other parts to back it up until the failing bit gets back on its feet. It's like an insurance policy. An independent Scotland wouldn't have that.

Of course the United Kingdom is better together.

Spot on, I just can't get my head round why anyone in the right mind would even think about seperation. Cutting their nose off to spite their face comes to mind.

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It goes against everything Rangers stands for, if there was actually a strong logical case for Yes then perhaps I could accept some going against that but the same questions are still not getting answered after three years and the case is based on blind optimism. Therefore it makes no sense for a Rangers fan to be for independence.

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Im assuming after the vote that these "Rangers fans" voting yes will sit quietly at Ibrox when we sing Rule Britannia, Born Under a Union Jack, Derrys Walls, The Sash, King Billy On the Wall, or any other loyalist/pro union songs? If not then theyre just gloryhunting imo,

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Imagine voting for what is best for your family and your country, and not what colour of football top you have hanging in your wardrobe. Nutters.

Then you would still be voting no then.

Anyway, nice fishing trip Mr C, got a lot of bites.

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"Nationalism is an infantile disease, the measels of mankind"

No place for the Racist Yes promoters near or in Ibrox,

Do we not have enough issues going on at the minute.

The whole fabric and roots of being a Rangers supporter is embedded within the United Kingdom & Northern Ireland.


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Billions have just been spent on Glasgow for the commonwealth games.

£1.5B is being spent on a new Forth Bridge (based on lies that the existing one was at the end of its life)

Billions have been spent on building aircraft carriers in Rosyth even though Belfast had a better yard for doing the job

all this during a UK recession caused by two Scottish left-wing politicians, Brown and Darling, and two Scottish banks.

Some poor whipping country.

Privileged Scotland has 15 universities compared to Northern Irelands 2. These Scottish universities discriminate against students from the rest of the UK by charging them £36k for a degree while their ain folk pay nothing.

Why the hell would the rest of the UK continue to support thousands of financial service jobs, civil service jobs and ship building jobs in a foreign country that discriminates against their people.

Why would their bad nuclear powered armed forces do anything to assist when Mr. Putin sends his bombers and war ships back to test the new liberal lefty Scottish defence system?

Too negative?

Hoy! We've got fishing boats that will head oot to face the Enemy ships and we will fly kites to feck up their radar system. Sorted at minimum cost!

I hope the Shetlands push for a vote to secede from any independent Scotland. Be hilarious to see Wee Eck and co deny them that right. Considering Shetlanders are more Scandanavian/ Viking and have very little Scottishness in them, then they could make a case to leave or go their own way and stay with England, Wales and N.Iron in a Union. Oh, the oil would be their's too surely. No denying it, they own the oil.

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