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Rangers FC statement

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4 minutes ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

This is bullshit from English, I listened to his comments on BBC radio today, don't know if it's on playback but it was on around noon today, although he condemned the hivs support to a point he wasn't slow to blame the Bears for their reactions to the goading, he maintained there were hundreds of Bears on the park although he didn't actually see them, he brought up us singing TBB as though this was somehow as bad as a mob charging at a support with violence in mind. Chick Young who was there told the truth but English still defended the indefensible.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing

Heard it aswell mate driving to Inverness. Actually shouting at the radio. Utter cunt!,

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I am fucking overjoyed at that statement. I'd just read a sickening account on the BBC site about the game that completely glosses over the scum and was coming on here to vent when I was pointed to the statement and immediately felt better.

Knowing that the club are coming out swinging really makes the difference. 

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 "Any attempts to attach blame to our supporters for the disgraceful and violent behaviour, which led to our players and fans fearing for their safety, will not be accepted or tolerated by this Club"


We will not be antagonised, nor will we be bullied. The Club is ready to fight back the same as our fans. We will always defend our own.

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Our board have seriously raised this up a notch and rightly so. I will guarantee poison dwarf nicky is preparing her statement for release tomorrow and it will NOT be complimentary to us. I suspect she will go on the attack and deflect onto other matters related to us, as in sectarian singing and the likes. She is a little vindictive cunt of a women and an enemy of the state and she won't rest on this and her scum fc supporters will be making sure she puts the pressure on, so I hope our board have factored this in and are well prepared.

If she got ran over with a bus tomorrow it wouldn't be too fuckin soon.

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It is interesting how views are changing 

Last night this man was quite fair and helpful posting pictures of Waldo getting attacked and I thought thank you for coming out



Then today totally different, can't believe  he tweets this.. 



How can he possible use the word 'attack' when our players were being literally punched (that's an attack) not us actually calling out journalists who are reporting all of this completely inappropriately???

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1 minute ago, JCS said:

An accurate, comprehensive and hard-hitting statement from the club. But make no mistake, this is just the beginning of the 'fight' yet to come.

Neither the SFA, Hibs, or the plethora of Rangers hating bigots in the media, police and politics will roll over and acknowledge the sectarian hatred, animosity and vindictiveness that clearly motivated the disgraceful behaviour of the thousands of thugs, bedecked in green (and, in many instances, in green, white and gold), who invaded the pitch yesterday and assaulted our players and staff. 

It took the SFA/SPFL nine months to dimiss the Motherwell pitch invasion as a mere 'aberration' and conclude that punishment was unnecessary, and I have no doubt they will seek to delay and procrastinate as long as possible in this case to ensure that time will dim memories and blunt the outrage and anger that all decent people must feel at this time.

The SFA 'waggons' will be corralled, and Reagan, Petrie et al will ready their political, police and media allies to 'spin' the falsehood of provocation and intimidation by the big, bad Rangers support. In fact everything clicked smoothly into gear even as the disgraceful scenes were being played out on the Hampden pitch.

This is no longer just the 'thin end of the wedge', or just another attack to be endured by our club then quickly forgotten. This has got to be the final straw - this is where we must make our stand! Lose this one and we will be forever the 'whipping boy'  of Scottish football.

Our representations must be forceful and determined and embrace not just the SFA,  but the european football authorities and, if necessary, the local and european courts. If we permit violence and intimidation to subdue and silence us, then we might as well close our doors forever.

Yes, this statement is an excellent one - but our actions from this point onward, must speak louder than our words. 

Well said Sir...Demanding the Independent Inquiry is something we should ensure happens..An impartial judge from outwith football in this bigoted Country is a MUST..

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4 minutes ago, The_Blue_Flash said:

It is interesting how views are changing 

Last night this man was quite fair and helpful posting pictures of Waldo getting attacked and I thought thank you for coming out



Then today totally different, can't believe  he tweets this.. 



Journalists Union, wagons circling as we speak 

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4 minutes ago, The_Blue_Flash said:

It is interesting how views are changing 

Last night this man was quite fair and helpful posting pictures of Waldo getting attacked and I thought thank you for coming out



Then today totally different, can't believe  he tweets this.. 



How can he possible use the word 'attack' when our players were being literally punched (that's an attack) not us actually calling out journalists who are reporting all of this completely inappropriately???

Unsurprising mate. Remember how the Journos rallied together when Speirs was sacked ? Two cheeks of the same arse when they are called out.

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8 minutes ago, The_Blue_Flash said:

It is interesting how views are changing 

Last night this man was quite fair and helpful posting pictures of Waldo getting attacked and I thought thank you for coming out



Then today totally different, can't believe  he tweets this.. 



How can he possible use the word 'attack' when our players were being literally punched (that's an attack) not us actually calling out journalists who are reporting all of this completely inappropriately???

But, but, but, you are not allowed to critcise 'journalists', even when they are biased fans with mics and laptops who spout crap on a daily basis. 

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That statement was perfect, I'm glad they waited to see what all the usual suspect would say and react.

I'm really happy that the BBC, Sturgeon, English, Petrie and Cosgrove got special mentions, because they've made a career out of making anti-Rangers statements.

Cosgrove and English should be removed from national radio as well as the septic supporting producer of sportsound and sportscene.

They have to pay for their part in building up this Rangers hatred which, along with booze, fuelled these crazed Irish catholic immigrants to attack us, our players and the club in general.

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English on Twitter trying to deny everything - heard his drivel on th eradio myself yesteday after the game - my lad has just been calling him a fuckin liar ...bastard! :mad:

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7 minutes ago, The_Blue_Flash said:

It is interesting how views are changing 

Last night this man was quite fair and helpful posting pictures of Waldo getting attacked and I thought thank you for coming out



Then today totally different, can't believe  he tweets this.. 



How can he possible use the word 'attack' when our players were being literally punched (that's an attack) not us actually calling out journalists who are reporting all of this completely inappropriately???

Perhaps a named individual is having à relationship with him?

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10 minutes ago, The_Blue_Flash said:

It is interesting how views are changing 

Last night this man was quite fair and helpful posting pictures of Waldo getting attacked and I thought thank you for coming out



Then today totally different, can't believe  he tweets this.. 



How can he possible use the word 'attack' when our players were being literally punched (that's an attack) not us actually calling out journalists who are reporting all of this completely inappropriately???

Must be great being a journo, say anything you like, lies, misinformation, anything but as soon as you are challenged and named its wrong and must not happen.

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5 minutes ago, The_Blue_Flash said:

It is interesting how views are changing 

Last night this man was quite fair and helpful posting pictures of Waldo getting attacked and I thought thank you for coming out



Then today totally different, can't believe  he tweets this.. 



How can he possible use the word 'attack' when our players were being literally punched (that's an attack) not us actually calling out journalists who are reporting all of this completely inappropriately???

The facts of yesterday's events are now irrelevant, as the club has since come out and attacked the mhedia in no uncertain terms. The line in the sand is drawn and the sides are now taken. It's now us against the rest. This is going to be one down and dirty campaign and if we think the mhedia gave us a hard time previously, I think we have seen nothing yet. The words from the club could not have been any harder and our club and the fans need every bit of resolve that can be mustered as I am thinking this is going to get bad. I say, bring it on. We will no longer be fucked with, in being a source of entertainment for our haters and the punch bag of the nation. 

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