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6 hours ago, Willis said:

No offence to the Dude,  I've agreed and disagreed with him plenty of times on here without falling out with him and I think he's a nice enough guy and a genuine bear

But I think anyone on here who admits to being a writer for mainstream media be it the daily record or the wall Street fucking journal should be immediately banned. 

Myself personally have had my social media accounts exposed by the media and my picture put I  the paper. Allowing mainstream media on here will ruin this forum and jeprodises every member on here

Get this shite to fuck. I like the dude but he should now be banned and his IP banned

Not trying to give It the big yin but good bears have been shafted off the media from this forum and I'm not posting again and likely deleting my account tomorrow if we're allowing admitted journos on here now

It's a public forum...

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6 hours ago, Willis said:

No offence to the Dude,  I've agreed and disagreed with him plenty of times on here without falling out with him and I think he's a nice enough guy and a genuine bear

But I think anyone on here who admits to being a writer for mainstream media be it the daily record or the wall Street fucking journal should be immediately banned. 

Myself personally have had my social media accounts exposed by the media and my picture put I  the paper. Allowing mainstream media on here will ruin this forum and jeprodises every member on here

Get this shite to fuck. I like the dude but he should now be banned and his IP banned

Not trying to give It the big yin but good bears have been shafted off the media from this forum and I'm not posting again and likely deleting my account tomorrow if we're allowing admitted journos on here now

You do know it's an open forum that anyone can view without a log in? ?

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He posts in line with how most Record readers think and will fit in better there he has been chosen as his style suits the record. Similar to why the guy McFarlane was chosen to write for them.




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10 hours ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:



If he raises the paedo cover up,. challenges obvious bias and double standards for fans etc then I'll commend him fully.

Given he's already said on this thread he won't be touching paedo stuff as it's not Rangers related, and isnt interested in their state aid benefits I'd hang fire on that whole integrity thing....


10 hours ago, Bobby Hume said:

I hate to be the one to burst your bubble mate ..... but unfortunately the topic first in bold .... that you think he will do justice to? ...... is actually not one he wants to touch with a ten foot barge pole or challenge his new employers with.

If you actually believe that he will earnestly challenge the status quo at the daily retard .... then I'm afraid you will be as disappointed as the victims of the crimes the scum have covered up for so long ...... along with the help of their compliant business partner of course. 

On the second bold part ..... He has also said he is only working for them because he needs their payment to pay his bills, food, rent etc  ..... so even though he has tried to gain back ground with this patent attempt at bravado ..... I think it's safe to say he will keep his head down and not bite the cloven hoof that feeds him. 


To be fair, it's a blog about Rangers, so I never thought he would raise the paedo cover up, nevermind his own views on bringing it up, which he has 'debated' many times on here.

That was more my reason for mentioning it, that even when it seems every man and his dog is in disagreement with @The Dude, he'll still stand by what he believes in, so I think he'll bring the same integrity to the Record, write how he sees it, not what they want him too write.

Look forward to a bit more balance in regards to Rangers, not just team matters, but whatever situations/incidents happen, as they happen, like double standards re banners or behaviour of fans etc ...

But reserve judgement ...

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15 hours ago, The Dude said:

Some of the stuff I've not touched is down to some of the facts still being up in the air. Stuff like the EBTs, if the tax tribunal says we done nothing wrong, you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be coming out all guns blazing towards those who fucked us over. Conversely, if we are 'guilty' SDM will be getting both barrels. I'd rather sit it out and wait and be in a position to be right than end up with egg on my face down the line.


I think we are winning two 1 - so surely at this present time we are still not guilty. You could blog on the fact of the history of the 3 judgements so far - and the 1 we lost, was partial - especially the claim by one of the judges that EBT's are a means to avoid paying tax.  Whether that is the case or not, it does not make it illegal.  Most layman know that tax avoidance is legal and tax evasion is illegal.

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Only a matter of time until he uses his new platform to put the boot into sections of our support, just like he has done on here in the past. 

We need somebody in main stream media that actually gives a fuck about our fans heritage, culture and traditions not someone who opposes it.


Doubt this will end well.

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15 hours ago, The Dude said:

Some of the stuff I've not touched is down to some of the facts still being up in the air. Stuff like the EBTs, if the tax tribunal says we done nothing wrong, you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be coming out all guns blazing towards those who fucked us over. Conversely, if we are 'guilty' SDM will be getting both barrels. I'd rather sit it out and wait and be in a position to be right than end up with egg on my face down the line.


When it's proven harm was caused to Rangers, please will you do a HMRC time line and how much this has cost the club over the years in court fees, brand damage, loss of players etc  and whether the club could claim compensation. 

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12 minutes ago, OhW said:

He's not the editor of the daily record. He took some money to write a piece for them. If he comes out "all guns blazing towards those who fucked us over" it simply won't be printed. 

Which is why he comes on here as Johnny Big Baws making the statement. He will fall back on "I did write about it; they just didn't print it". Look forward to his article about the lies told about Rangers' fans post-SCF.

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8 hours ago, William McBeath said:

Have a look in the mirror yourself. We do know a lot about him. He finishes fifth in most leagues and wins Mickey Mouse ones by coming eighth. He talks catchy sounding nonsense but none of it has translated onto the pitch. That has nothing to do with being foreign and is more to do with being rubbish on the training pitch. Of course it's early doors but given how shite we have been is it so wrong to say I think the dude is going overboard describing the guy as a good capture? 

I haven't really judged him on the tarrier games. It's more on watching us struggle to contain the mighty Motherwell and Kilmarnock. You applaud him for making us more attacking whilst I see a team playing hoof-ball and unable to make four passes. I could make us more attacking by getting the keeper to lump the ball into the opponents box. Would you applaud that? What's the point in being more direct if it's kick-and-rush when good teams lap that shit up? It might work against the rest but we need to progress towards winning titles and so it will never be good enough for us. It's wasting time trying to achieve second whilst playing junk football? We have went backwards so fast it's unbelievable so I'm rightfully worried about this appointment.

I'll give him time but it doesn't mean I won't tell it like it is. What is it apart from the lump forwards that you have enjoyed so far about our play?

Jose has all sorts of trophies from real tournaments behind him. Can't actually believe you think he is comparable to Pedro in any way. It sounds like you who's on the crack :lol:

 I usually defend managers to the hilt but no one can say they have seen anything on the pitch that makes them believe in Pedro. It's blind faith.

I don't see the Scottish rags but I know they get our backs up when they criticise our own. That's not enough for me to make shit up though about Pedro sounding good or the team not being good enough to hold onto the ball against Kilmarnock.

We need to progress each season towards a title not second. What have you seen from us under Pedro or in his previous record that makes you believe we will have even a sniff of a chance of 55 under him. 

His record is concerning enough but look at his kick-and-rush tactics. We'll get beat by any decent side because they will lap that junk up. I'm dreading playing a decent European outfit or they fuckers again. It's been fucking embarrassing.

Hopefully Pedro proves me wrong but until we start playing football again I will be calling it what it is. We may nick goals and win enough games to convince some things are sweet but the type of football Pedro seems to like will win us nothing and see us being completely outclassed by good sides.

Everything about the guy has been rank. People say he needs time but his record when given time speaks volumes. Even the board said they gave him the job because he was good in the interview. Who does this with somebody who has a shit record. The whole thing stinks and it will be a miracle if this guy delivers.  

Sorry, but we are just not going to agree on this.

We are skint, or haven't you noticed? What manager were you expecting? Pep G?

Could anyone's catchy rhetoric translate onto the pitch with this shower of abject dross who have proven time after time in the last year to be exactly that?

I am on record at the time as saying if we were going for the untriried and untested, I would have preferred one of our own. We had MW, a fucking career stockbroker and youth team coach, who had never managed at the top level anywhere, but he did have a magic hat, didn't he?

As you well know, I'm not comparing his record to Jose, but his manner of  speech and you would do better without the hyperbole.

As for the daily rhebel, yes we are all aware exactly what they are, but it appears from this mornings rantings in the BR it does have it's uses when it suits the agenda on reporting matters that we support. So much for not fucking reading it.

Fickle fans and hypocrisy spring to mind.

Fuck, if fans devoted half as much passion in holding this board board to account or doing something about our real haters, we'd be in a much better place,  but here we are again, personallly attack a poster en mass for trying to earn a crust and better himself. It's not that what he wrote was controversial imho, but we appear to be world champions at picking over the bones to find fault and point score in a very dehumanising manner to the innocent. Is the Dude that much of a threat to our future and very existence? I doubt he has an agenda about anything, other than bettering himself and perhaps winding me up no fucking end as he does. I can't condem him for that ffs.

Not that anyone would notice, but my own personal agenda to the point of obsession is clear, to hold this board to account and the removal of king and his trough guzzling acolytes, who imho are indeed a threat to our very existence, but then again maybe I'm reading all the evidence wrong, but I just feel by comparison that this tsunami of criticism against Dude is just way OTT.

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4 minutes ago, bluewhitevanman said:

Nail on the head dude u want PAID to watch and write about Rangers just another trough guzzler. 

Why wouldn't I want paid for working? Do you do your job for free? 

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I don't read any newspapers and haven't done for years I am interested why people  claim to hate the Daily Record. Are they reading it or are their views being led by others who do. Is it really so bad that we don't want anybody putting our views across on it and anyone who is must be held in contempt. Is it worse than The Sun? 

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17 minutes ago, bluewhitevanman said:

No but I don't work with snakes for snakes. U have seen a wee opening of following Rangers for free and pounced on it 

Following them for free? Like the season ticket I've just renewed? I've been getting paid to write about Rangers for a while now. Funny it wasn't a problem before.

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18 minutes ago, OhW said:

Yes, everyone expected Guardiola.

Going by the posts, we did and the bad news is, even he couldn't deliver, our expectations are that outlandish and illogical in the context of our current predicament and the tools at our disposal.

Thing is, our expectatiions clearly do not align with that of the board.

Oh well, at least we've found another fall guy, because none of this can be down to the illustrious team we have.

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47 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

Sorry, but we are just going to agree on this.

We are skint, or haven't you noticed? What manager were you expecting? Pep G?

Could anyone's catchy rhetoric translate onto the pitch with this shower of abject dross who have proven time after time in the last year to be exactly that?

I am on record at the time as saying if we were going for the untriried and untested, I would have preferred one of our own. We had MW, a fucking career stockbroker and youth team coach, who had never managed at the top level anywhere, but he did have a magic hat, didn't he?

As you well know, I'm not comparing his record to Jose, but his manner of  speech and you would do better without the hyperbole.

As for the daily rhebel, yes we are all aware exactly what they are, but it appears from this mornings rantings in the BR it does have it's uses when it suits the agenda on reporting matters that we support. So much for not fucking reading it.

Fickle fans and hypocrisy spring to mind.

Fuck, if fans devoted half as much passion in holding this board board to account or doing something about our real haters, we'd be in a much better place,  but here we are again, personallly attack a poster en mass for trying to earn a crust and better himself. It's not that what he wrote was controversial imho, but we appear to be world champions at picking over the bones to find fault and point score in a very dehumanising manner to the innocent. Is the Dude that much of a threat to our future and very existence? I doubt he has an agenda about anything, other than bettering himself and perhaps winding me up no fucking end as he does. I can't condem him for that ffs.

Not that anyone would notice, but my own personal agenda to the point of obsession is clear, to hold this board to account and the removal of king and his trough guzzling acolytes, who imho are indeed a threat to our very existence, but then again maybe I'm reading all the evidence wrong, but I just feel by comparison that this tsunami of criticism against Dude is just way OTT.

I'm not arsed about the Dude or the record. If he uses his blog to defend the club then good on him but I seen his OTT comments about a manager with a poor record who is supposedly costing Rangers a lot of money and just thought they were baseless and a bit snide towards people who can see we have went backwards these last few weeks. It seems they are based upon speaking to fans of that Mexican team who he won the league with by coming eighth. It's not surprising they would think that Pedro is good given they won something under him. So to act informed and denigrate his critics because of that was a bit snide for me. He's said it was a dig at Jackson. I don't know what that plonker has said so fair enough.

The same goes for Warburton. He's away now and in the past. I just think we have went backwards under Pedro and can see it on the pitch where it matters. It stands out in nearly every game.

We will no doubt improve and beat most sides up here but I have real doubts as to his ability to make us anything much more than Aberdeen at five times the cost. So I have posted my opinions on here. I don't see what is wrong with that. Especially when you consider most people who disagree with me are using blind faith rather than the available evidence. You spoke about using logic when it's me who is doing so and added that it's embarrassing and farcical to hold my view on the guy. You even mentioned crack but the truth is it's me who is using available evidence. This guy looks like he will flatter to deceive. It's what he's done so far and most of his career. Other excuses like he's foreign or that the players are not good enough to dominate Motherwell or Thistle are what's hyperbole. We have outplayed all these teams easily for most of the season and are/were a decent striker away from beating them well.

Now we have went backwards and I'm calling it as I see it. We will not progress towards a title under this guy from what we have seen and read about him. His history shows he's not good enough.

You mention Pep G. Is that not more hyperbole? We may be skint but I expected a better appointment than this. His record is the poorest of all the candidates mentioned. Being critical of this appointment is being critical of the board. It looks like a poor appointment and that it will be a massive slice of luck if he manages to win a title. We have no choice now but to back the guy but I'm gutted that the board have taken such a gamble at this crucial time in our history. We all should be.

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