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McCrorie was good before his injury in the 2 aberdeen games and tim 0-0 game. Outwith that, and especially in defence, he's as bad as the rest. I think everyone just wants him so badly to be great and go on to do us a turn. The great excuse the now is he's out of position. But that really doesn't excuse his non-existent decision making, or ability to control/pass a ball. He's fucking brutal. Not any worse than any others as such, but brutal none the less.

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4 minutes ago, Supersonic said:

McCrorie was good before his injury in the 2 aberdeen games and tim 0-0 game. Outwith that, and especially in defence, he's as bad as the rest. I think everyone just wants him so badly to be great and go on to do us a turn. The great excuse the now is he's out of position. But that really doesn't excuse his non-existent decision making, or ability to control/pass a ball. He's fucking brutal. Not any worse than any others as such, but brutal none the less.

Mccrorie is a terrible defender, remember watching him a couple of times in the reserves and thinking he will never make it

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1 hour ago, Je99 said:

Don't think there will be cash to end their contract early.   Hopefully any clubs can take some players away from Rangers for a smaller fee.   I'd take that cash than spending weekly wages on players right now.  Just like that £8m offer for Morelos, but very stupid to reject that.....

Agreed mate the Morelos offer must have had strings attached no way did we reject £9m straight.

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Yes, there is a lot of over-rated dross in our squad. But a decent manager with half a brain could have taken this shower and moulded them into a team that would be consistently the second best in Scotland.

We cannot compete with them because we have no belief and no backbone and in the recent OF games we have defended (from the midfield back) like a bunch of fucking jessies.

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we need to stop signing mediocrity. The players coming in are not really better or worse than the ones we have - apart from Martin - who is an absolutely shocking defender. I am amazed we let bates go and brought him in.

We improve the squad a bit but we arent improving the first team at all and that needs to stop. Cummings isnt that good, neither is Murphy, neither is Docherty. I actually thought it was a decent transfer window at the time, but in hindsight, there's no improvement at all. in fact we seem to have almost collapsed as a team from January onwards.

One quality player is better for us now than 3 average joes.

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5 minutes ago, cushynumber said:

we need to stop signing mediocrity. The players coming in are not really better or worse than the ones we have - apart from Martin - who is an absolutely shocking defender. I am amazed we let bates go and brought him in.

We improve the squad a bit but we arent improving the first team at all and that needs to stop. Cummings isnt that good, neither is Murphy, neither is Docherty. I actually thought it was a decent transfer window at the time, but in hindsight, there's no improvement at all. in fact we seem to have almost collapsed as a team from January onwards.

One quality player is better for us now than 3 average joes.

Quality of player is rightly a thing that needs to be addressed.  But unless there is proper, effective, competent leadership in the form of a manager who really does know how to lead and motivate a squad then all that happens is a happening,  Which is why, in the timescale you mention, it has spun out of effective leadership, control and motivation.   Players had already reached the end of the season in their minds and spirits and are just playing out time not giving a proverbial shit about how it turns out as they know the manager is already history and that a lot of them won't be around next season.

What an absolute mess this Board and its DOF has conspired to create for the Support to have to endure.   What a fucking rancid mess it is.   

It'll take some quality of manager coming in to start to put things right.  

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There is no more excues for the majority of these player's. They had failed time and time again.

They don't have the mentality for the big games. I don't think a new manager can change that. It's too ingrained now. 

We need to spend this summer getting the foundations right for a new team.

Getting a quailty spine of GK, CB, CM and CF.  Once thats in place look to flesh out the rest of the sqaud. 

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Today was the biggest test of all for our professional players, and management staff, and most of them not only failed but failed in a bad way. 

Alnwick: Any goalie losing 5 goals is technically a failure. Big games need a big save and early on he provided none, then was suddenly three down. Credit to him second half, if not for him would have been 8 or 9, yes that' how bad we were. A failure yes, but partly a victim of hopeless circumstance around him.

Tavernier: Our captain, let the game get to him, ran around clueless, basically lost the plot. A half decent player, but not a captain, especially when the play gets tough.

Martin: Failed, not good enough or quick enough, none of the  leadership quality we need.

McCrorie: Young and rash, thrown in to a team with no real support around him, and left to flounder. Potential still waiting to come through.

Halliday: Should never have been on the park, especially after shambles last time. Sums up everything bad about our management.

Holt: Tried to play, was half decent at times. let down by lack of support, ability and commitment from rest of team and inability to inspire.

Dorrans: Just why ?

Murphy: Decent runs, some good final balls, some bad, simply not effective enough.

Candeias: There's a player there, but not physical enough for Scottish football, and no support from those around.

Windass: One trick pony, takes the ball runs and shoots. But not very successfully against better teams. 

Cummings: Lightweight with no supoport, allegedly a big game player and scorer, not in my opinion.

Morelos: For all his apparent physicallity he comes across as lightweight too. Maybe bit young and naive, a confidence player with potential, but he's not been showing it at all recently.

Docherty: Who knows, needs a few more games in a settled midfield. 


So we'll keep Morelos for the potential sale, Tavernier, at a push, though not on what he did today, Candeias who could fit in a decent team, and let McCrorie and Docherty prove themselves next season, and that's it.




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2 hours ago, K.A.I said:

He went head to head with him in the 0-0 and stood upto him, the only one I've seen do it since the penalties game at Hampden.

He's shite in defence, I agree ... but if you tell me he wasn't playing well pre-injury in midfield then I'm gonna say your blinded by something.

He should never play in defence again, Murty is ruining him.

Agree, he was much better with Bates behind him in defense.  

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25 minutes ago, cushynumber said:

we need to stop signing mediocrity. The players coming in are not really better or worse than the ones we have - apart from Martin - who is an absolutely shocking defender. I am amazed we let bates go and brought him in.

We improve the squad a bit but we arent improving the first team at all and that needs to stop. Cummings isnt that good, neither is Murphy, neither is Docherty. I actually thought it was a decent transfer window at the time, but in hindsight, there's no improvement at all. in fact we seem to have almost collapsed as a team from January onwards.

One quality player is better for us now than 3 average joes.

We've now had 4 windows where this has been the case and we haven't brought in 1 player of genuine quality who has improved our first 11 dramatically. 



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To be fair the Keeper and Mccrorie are the only ones I would keep.

As for the others they are so far gone now psychologically that there is no way back. They have disgraced our club with there so what attitude for the last time hopefully. 

I didn't think I could see worse than the semi but I was wrong, we will avoid European football which would have been nice but saves futher embarrasment.


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If King wants to start getting any credibility then tomorrows headline should be that the entire Rangers squad is up for sale. If these bastards won't play for our team make them play for their careers. He then should tell us he is ready to spend what is required to give us a team worthy of a 50k average crowd side. Getting rid of Murty goes without needing said.

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We have a couple of players if coached well would be good enough for a spot on the bench/challenge for a starting spot and that's it. 

I'm actually appalled at what I saw today. If Murty isn't papped today then we as fans may as well pack up for the season. 

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