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Reply to Stewart Robertson from Susan Aitken


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8 hours ago, Dave Donnellan said:

I've had enough of the halfwits on this board and will now go back to supporting Stoke. A proper football tam rather than a half-arsed pseudo-religion.

You idiots are unbelievable - not a life between you other than taking affront at every perceived slight.  Grow up and join the 21st Century rather than being stuck in the 17th.

There's been one or two reasonable folk I've swapped posts with but the neanderthals are starting to outstrip the normals.




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8 hours ago, Dave Donnellan said:

My dad was from Glasgow so I had some idea of the sectarian divide.  I just don't understand it.

It is not hard to understand - there is a religious divide mainly in Glasgow - there are the indigenous Protestant Scots and then there's the 7th generation immigrants, from 1845.

Neither side trusts each other - especially children when it comes to the immigrants.

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31 minutes ago, Moody Blue Legend said:




Yes I was maybe a bit OTT last night.  I apologise for calling big blue Fin a cunt - some things are better left unsaid.

But read back through this thread and you'll see a fair number of comments that would get people the jail if they said them in any other forum or in public.  Limond went to the clink for less.

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9 hours ago, GM80 said:

This could be a convenient smokescreen to take attention away from the Salmond allegations and talk of a rift in the Party.

The SNP are a disgrace.

I think it more a smokescreen to hide the fact they are ' selling ' c.....c a fair chunk of land accepting no other offers than theirs . This is just a deflection for that . I think ultimately we will get some sort of arrangement to ' buy ' our silence . 

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2 minutes ago, Dave Donnellan said:

Yes I was maybe a bit OTT last night.  I apologise for calling big blue Fin a cunt - some things are better left unsaid.

But read back through this thread and you'll see a fair number of comments that would get people the jail if they said them in any other forum or in public.  Limond went to the clink for less.

Only in Scotland would he have been jailed for what happened. If you really do live in England you have no idea what its like in Scotland. 

Try living there before you spout the shite you were coming out with last night. I did for long enough and witnessed first hand the actions of the SNP and the taig rabble that infest GCC. They are a cancer, regardless of gender and are being called out now our manager has attracted the attention of people outside Scotland. Their days are numbered.

As for misogyny, you should be grovelling to jinty for your disgusting comments last night.


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1 hour ago, thehost said:

When you read that letter you can only think


national socialist bigot


anyone who votes for these cunts needs hounded


the cow also needs a good backhander 

Watch out @thehost taigy davey from stoke will be calling you a mysogynistic Neanderthal.

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27 minutes ago, RFC Eagle said:

Only in Scotland would he have been jailed for what happened. If you really do live in England you have no idea what its like in Scotland. 

Try living there before you spout the shite you were coming out with last night. I did for long enough and witnessed first hand the actions of the SNP and the taig rabble that infest GCC. They are a cancer, regardless of gender and are being called out now our manager has attracted the attention of people outside Scotland. Their days are numbered.

As for misogyny, you should be grovelling to jinty for your disgusting comments last night.


You feeling oppressed, petal?

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9 minutes ago, Dave Donnellan said:

You feeling oppressed, petal?

Quarterwit, maybe you should put the crayons down your carer will be in to feed you soon.

You are, quite obviously, a taig and wouldn't have a clue how to find Stoke with a SatNav. 

You really shouldn't try to talk on an empty head. I retract my quarter wit comment, you're much less bright than that.

Why would I feel oppressed when, unlike you, I live in Staffordshire and haven't got a taig surname?:UK:

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10 hours ago, Dave Donnellan said:

I've had enough of the halfwits on this board and will now go back to supporting Stoke. A proper football tam rather than a half-arsed pseudo-religion.

You idiots are unbelievable - not a life between you other than taking affront at every perceived slight.  Grow up and join the 21st Century rather than being stuck in the 17th.

There's been one or two reasonable folk I've swapped posts with but the neanderthals are starting to outstrip the normals.

You are weak. Stay and fight. No surrender and all that. 

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55 minutes ago, Dave Donnellan said:

I apologise for calling big blue Fin a cunt

Water off a ducks back but surely if you wanted to apologise to me you should have directed your post to me directly, and if you think I need an apology how about @jintybear do you not think you owe her an apology?

As far as I'm concerned your apology is merely an attempt to cover your either woeful or willfull ignorance about the state of Scotland in general and Glasgow in particular and the division that runs through this country like a cancer. In the meantime do us all a favour, stick to supporting Stoke City. 

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9 hours ago, islanderbear84 said:

Too funny. Jumped in for a read. Mysoginist, neanderthal, all being banded about because you don't agree with his views yet he has to get into the 21st century. Oh the irony.

To be fair, I do like the 17th century. Now there was a time when you could pull on your red coat pick up your hanger and musket and go out and shoot or stab a few Catholics then have a beer with your mates afterwards, had to be beer, we hadn't found out how to make Irn Bru yet?.

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2 hours ago, Dave Donnellan said:

Yes I was maybe a bit OTT last night.  I apologise for calling big blue Fin a cunt - some things are better left unsaid.

But read back through this thread and you'll see a fair number of comments that would get people the jail if they said them in any other forum or in public.  Limond went to the clink for less.


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11 hours ago, geronimoo said:

If anyone on here lives in the Ibrox or Cessnock they should be attending these meetings, I find these people start to get scared if someone stands up to them. If we had a few folks at these meetings letting their voice be heard things would be different.


Good post mate .... Where's Inigo when you need him? .... he's from the area is he not? .... perhaps he could start a petition and round up support to take to local Community leaders and change their minds on this worthwhile project.


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12 hours ago, Dave Donnellan said:

You're a cunt anaw.

It's a football forum and the language and comments can be colourful.  I include myself in that so why would I complain?  But Not once, ever has one of the forum called me a cunt. (Not that I've seen anyway :lol:)



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