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Vaccine Passport Enforcement Delayed


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5 minutes ago, jintybear said:

Yes I would say you were wrong because double vaccinated people do still die. It’s like any other vaccination. Most children get their MMR when they are babies. That’s not to say they will never get any of these illnesses but the vaccination would help minimise the effects but ultimately children unfortunately still die of complications from these diseases the same as people will still die from covid.

I said before I am very pro vaccine and believe that people should get it but I don’t believe that people should have their choices taken away from them. If someone doesn’t have the vaccine then it’s themselves they are putting at risk and that’s a choice for them. 

I cant agree with the first bit of this im afraid.

The vaccine has stopped lots of people from dying, it has also stopped lots of people becoming infected.

Even when looking at things like the MMR as you mentioned, one of the key drivers for that is to reduce the overall number of cases, reducing the spread and basically reducing the outbreaks to small localised clusters.

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1 minute ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

I cant agree with the first bit of this im afraid.

The vaccine has stopped lots of people from dying, it has also stopped lots of people becoming infected.

Even when looking at things like the MMR as you mentioned, one of the key drivers for that is to reduce the overall number of cases, reducing the spread and basically reducing the outbreaks to small localised clusters.

"small localised clusters"

Treating people like data again I see.

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2 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

I cant agree with the first bit of this im afraid.

The vaccine has stopped lots of people from dying, it has also stopped lots of people becoming infected.

Even when looking at things like the MMR as you mentioned, one of the key drivers for that is to reduce the overall number of cases, reducing the spread and basically reducing the outbreaks to small localised clusters.

Yes it has stopped people from dying. I agree with that 100%. However what me and my husband had was 100% covid so the vaccination didn’t stop us getting it. Many many other double vaccinated people have or have had covid and some will still die from it. 

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5 minutes ago, born a blue nose said:

Nae hero about it. You used to be a decent poster you've turned into an absolute whopper through this 

Mind you used to slag blue avenger...

To be honest, ive stayed pretty much  the same through all of this. Ive got a little bit more politically correct, but other than that, been doing pretty much the same stuff.

One of the biggest changes is that the landscape has changed from being all pro the vaccine, well done the scientists to actually wanting to push false information about the vaccine not working and misrepresenting the risk of side effects vs the benefits of the vaccine.

What do you think is different about what im doing now? You if you dont mind me saying, used to praise it when i posted rebuttals to claims on here and backed up my stance with scientific papers showing why I was doing so. I do that same thing today and you decide im being an arsehole and misrepresenting the facts?

Can you honestly say that it is me who has dramatically changed, or do you not think that my stance has remained the same throughout and now its just not fashionable on here?

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1 minute ago, jintybear said:

Yes it has stopped people from dying. I agree with that 100%. However what me and my husband had was 100% covid so the vaccination didn’t stop us getting it. Many many other double vaccinated people have or have had covid and some will still die from it. 

Agreed and I never said it would stop everyone getting covid. Like I stated earlier, what you had was what is called a 'breakthrough infection', (im glad you are on the mend by the way!).

At risk of sounding like a smart arse, have another look at your first sentence above, then look at the question I asked.

"If I was to say "The vaccine stops people from dying from covid" would you object and say that I am wrong?"

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2 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

Agreed and I never said it would stop everyone getting covid. Like I stated earlier, what you had was what is called a 'breakthrough infection', (im glad you are on the mend by the way!).

At risk of sounding like a smart arse, have another look at your first sentence above, then look at the question I asked.

"If I was to say "The vaccine stops people from dying from covid" would you object and say that I am wrong?"

A better way to word it would be “the vaccine can help stop people from dying” The way you worded it looks like nobody will die from it. That’s my interpretation of the way you have worded it. 

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54 minutes ago, jintybear said:

 Vaccinations do not stop you catching illnesses and viruses. What they do is minimise the effects of the virus, for example I might have died had I not been vaccinated. 

Sorry, but that's wrong, well, stop you getting infected, some do, not even talking about the Covid vaccine. I used to deliver training on BBV's.

Some have even eradicated some viruses.

46 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

@jintybear what you and your husband had was called a breakthrough infection. These can and do happen.

The vaccine does stop people becoming infected. Not all people, but some people. This still means that the vaccine can stop you becoming infected.

Correct, it can, not to say it always will, depends on the person.

Not sure why people are getting upset here by the truth being told.

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25 minutes ago, crazy bob swollenbaws said:

Whatever floats your boat mate. Your choice. I just want the state fucking with my life as little as possible. Especially when that party that wanted hitler to win ww2 and wants to make some speech illegal in ur own house.

It doesn't float my boat in anyway at all, it's just not something that annoys me in any way, can I see your vaccination status sir? Aye if you want m8, thanks sir enjoy the match , don't know why that would make anyone angry or upset, I really don't give a fuck about any of this. 

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3 minutes ago, RFC55 said:

It's crazy jinty.

I honestly think our club and all others effected are only doing it as they'll be threatened with under 10k attendances or closed doors games again.


Llke you say as well if the cunts are working they dont need to be vaccinated but those paying to go do :lol:

fucking hate the SNP

People won't need a vaccine passport for the Christmas sales in Braehead, Silverburn etc and they won't even know who or how many people are in there yet Rangers have our seat details so this could be used for track and trace if need be. 

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10 minutes ago, Bluekev said:

People won't need a vaccine passport for the Christmas sales in Braehead, Silverburn etc and they won't even know who or how many people are in there yet Rangers have our seat details so this could be used for track and trace if need be. 

Nightmare mate genuinely.

Bkueve it or not with the wording of both clubs I don't think us or they tramps want this 

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So say a 9000 seater stadium can be sold out but 10500 in a 50000 seater needs the passport. 
Am I right in saying that ?

Someone with a single jab waiting for their second jab can’t get in even though they are willing to have the second jab.

Passport in place for Sunday then two week grace for it to be changed again today 


Sturgeon loves the fucking limelight 

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6 minutes ago, RFC55 said:

Sadly it doesn't matter the rights or wrongs it's in place and I bet us and them were threatened with enforce it or stadium closure or reduced capacity.

In fact I get that will be leaked soon 

Yep, it's in place and it is what it is. I suspect you are correct, it's always football that gets made the example of.

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19 minutes ago, Swagger said:

So say a 9000 seater stadium can be sold out but 10500 in a 50000 seater needs the passport. 
Am I right in saying that ?

Someone with a single jab waiting for their second jab can’t get in even though they are willing to have the second jab.

Passport in place for Sunday then two week grace for it to be changed again today 


Sturgeon loves the fucking limelight 

Yes you are. 10000 on the button needs one 

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