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Club 1872 - Statement of Resignation

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7 minutes ago, thebluedoo said:

The thing is for me, even if a huge amount of folk cancel their d d then they are left in sole charge of a large percentage of shares already purchased. I really can't believe that somehow they have managed to destroy such a potentially awesome organisation, I personally voted for the 3 candidates that have resigned and feel absolutely livid with this situation. I am raging and think if this is not addressed shortly then I will have no option but to cancel. A hell of a lot of people have lost a lot of respect for convincing people to stick with this even though the warning were getting louder and louder, I feel conned actually. :anger:

Agree.  Such a good idea to mobilise the blue pound, but I see no alternative but to stop contributing.

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Can't say I never saw it coming...

...and this from DLP (in bold)



Nepotism Not Professionalism

What is it with our club and successful people? We seem to want to chase them away. Whatever your opinion on Sarver or Ashley not one single person can deny they’re both very successful, self-made, professional, rich, business men. Seems in recent years a section of support, who wanted no one other than our current board, have tried their hardest to scare away success stories. Much the same as the Club 1872 board elections. Rather than actually choose those who may give us the most it’s another case of jobs for the minions. Those same people who played some part in rubbishing billionaires are attempting to tarnish successful individuals offering their free time to Club 1872. Let there be no misunderstanding here. If certain individuals get onto that board it proves what an absolute fit up this has been from start to finish. Not only that but, as we’ve already seen, numbers will diminish, no one will want involved and the scheme will fail. In fact at this rate I predict it won’t even be around in 5 years. Nor will most of those currently associated it. Those individuals for whom ego and publicity are way more important than club. Is it any coincidence that those smeared or dismissed, by the usual crowd, are Rangers First individuals? Welcome to the Rangers Supporters Trust Mark 2!

The supporters’ vehicle which faded away as the majority of fans couldn’t stand those involved. It was not by chance that Rangers First eclipsed them almost instantly in members, finance and shareholding. Like everything it happened for a reason and that reason was the common denominator. The merger of RST and RF saw a reasonable number of fans join into Club 1872. That figure has more than halved at this stage and will diminish further as time goes on. The aggressive, unprofessional and distasteful manner in which some candidates have been treated comes not only from the usual suspects but also from the Working Party themselves. At no point is it okay for an unelected crowd of sycophants to smear other Rangers fans. Especially not those offering help and experience for free.

At no time will Club 1872 have anywhere near the target of 50000 members. At no time will they achieve a shareholding of 25%. It’s been a doomed project ever since the merger and unnamed, super-secret, working party were in situ. Let’s not forget that the website for Club 1872 was planned and built prior to any merger vote. Whatever happened, due to its unpopularity, RST were getting rebranded. Most would suggest the personnel needed removed rather than a simple name change. Same folk there same shite happening.

Here’s a little scenario for you all to ponder over. The “independent” (LMFAO) Club 1872, with James Blair as a board member, have a legal dispute with the club, who also have James Blair as secretary and his firm as legal representatives, what happens then? No conflict of interest is there? Nothing to see here move along! There also seems to be some strange goings on regarding the registration of 2 members of the Rangers First board. One being the no show Richard Gough.

We also have Craig Houston of whom, if this quote is anything to go by, feels the board are more important than club history. Hardly smacks of independence;

“I said before that I thought the AGM result was a bigger victory for the club in importance than nine-in-a-row. That was a massive day.”

What part of that is not made by an individual awe struck by those in charge? Even today Craig is banging the drum on Twitter in support of Dave King & the board. We’re trying to be independent of them not have a “Yes” man aboard a fan vehicle.

Finally we have our virtual representative, brought to us by modern technology, not by way of a visit to Ibrox, ever, Shane Nicholson. Closest he’s ever got was the picture on his wall which looked very new. Shane also had to be told who Davie Cooper was. There’s no problem with fans from overseas representing the club but at least let it be ones who know what a walk up the Copland Road feels like. It stinks to me that there has been a campaign by Mark Dingwall and Chris Graham to get this individual elected. I will reiterate that, not one of these people have ever met him in person, they’re friends from the internet. Last time I looked the internet was for buying rollerblades when drunk not pick an American stranger as fan representatives for our great club.

Seems to quite a few of us that the 1872 Working Party, Mark Dingwall and Chris Graham all want us to vote for certain people. The recent attacks on Brian Donohoe have illustrated that matter to most. Story goes that it was Brian who was responsible for the IPSO complaint regarding the Daily Record. Yet others want to claim the glory. Wasn’t that long ago Mark Dingwall proposed Chris Graham for the RFFF. When it came to asking about Rangers credentials, for Chris, not one person could provide any. He was, I’m told, also kicked out of the Vanguard Bears. Those lads always were a good judge of character. Despite being a great cartoonist he’s certainly been nothing but an embarrassment to himself, the club and the fans. Strangely enough the club have kept him hanging around. Nice to see him back on twitter attacking good Bears though. He just can’t help himself.

We have some sterling fans running for this board. People with a passion for the club, business acumen, good orators and willing to give up free time. However they’re not part of The Blue Pound Chasers, The Ego’s, Board Shills or favoured by a pub. The ones you’ve seen attacked and smeared on all forms of social media. Johnathon McGookin, Kelly Johnstone and Scott McCulloch are three standouts for me. Individuals with no loyalties other than The Rangers. No politics and unquestionable credentials when it comes to being fans. Three highly motivated individuals who will consistently give 100%

Going by general consensus no one’s really that interested anymore. If you are vote for who you want, who you think will do most for the club. Not because some Blue Pound Chaser told you too as it suits his agenda. Remember they’ve attacked certain people as they’re threats to the nepotism and egos of those that caused a divide. Unless we get new blood into this organisation it’s failed. Perhaps we should just leave them to it? They’ll destroy it quicker by themselves and we can move on minus the shite. I know if certain individuals are elected my membership will be cancelled.

Again many thanks to all those Bears who help with research & words of wisdom.

God Bless Our Team



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I always felt bad about not joining as D'Art was on the board and I could trust him. However, then I found out uncle fester was on the board and I can't stand that cunt so stayed away.

Pleased that D'Art and the two ladies had the courage of conviction to show this sham for what it is, it is not representative of our support with the usual sycophants on the board, glad I stayed well clear of it.

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Just now, bluepeter said:

I'll tell you what - I'm not Houston's biggest fan by any means, but I can't say I'm comfortable with him being slagged for being an 'oven cleaner.' Every one of us does something different for a living, denigrating someone because you feel their occupation is beneath you says more about you than it does about them, in my opinion. 

I've got family, friends, etc who do jobs others may see as menial, but fuck slagging them for it. I would do anything I needed to to earn a living, I've done some 'lowly' jobs in my time.

Rant over, but ffs there's plenty to slag him for other than having his own business (I think) and trying to make an honest crust.

I wasn't actually meaning to take the piss.

I use one as it is.

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27 minutes ago, M0NTY said:

Who is this houston chap and whats his background? How did he influence people to vote him as a director and what did he do before the role?

By his own admission, all money's collected from the sale of LionBrand tops attracted a small commission for his football team.

Ie the Rangers got nothing. 

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Forgive my ignorance I don't follow these things and have read the full thread but I presume Houston has wangled a full time position with the club while still being a board member of the fans group that hold the club to account ?

Did this man have a job to leave ?

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Seems to me reading through the posts that the Club itself could, and probably should, have done more to avoid cronyism and the risks of conflicts of interest in its appointment process for the posts which seems to have been the match that lit the already explosive blue touch paper leading to resignations.   Just unthinkingly or - worse - wilfully letting events unfold that were bound to lead to (at best) criticism and more likely a crisis of confidence feels to me to be the Club itself being significantly less than clever and be bound to lead to criticism.   But it seemed from comments on other threads over the last weeks that it was likely that something was going to happen to trigger a crisis.

The Club must be sitting looking at what has happened and what is unfolding.  What does the Club do?  Just ride out the storm and wait for replacement Directors to be appointed and move on from there?    Intervene by restarting the recruitment process to hold it on a transparently level playing field and in doing so seek to restore some confidence?   Are the resignations, and the underlying reasons for resigning, enough to end the credibility of C1872?   I don't know but C1872 looks like it is turning out to be something unworthy of Rangers' traditions.


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1 minute ago, jimgers said:

The best way to undermine any organisation is from within, not saying the board has set this up, but it did cross my mind?

Course they have mate - Robertson, Murray, Gilligan etc are all crooked as they come imo kings not even hands on enough to be mentioned in that sentence 

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I ploughed right into RF as did many others, but as soon as it was "merged/compromised" with club 1872 I stopped my payment right away, regardless of the good intentions it was guaranteed to turn to shit, the resignation of  the prominent poster D'art should tell us that its heading the wrong way.

Buy a season book with your 18.72 a month, and ignore all the full of shit fans boards, it aint working

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