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1 hour ago, buloothebear said:

I have a been a follower of these pages for several years and agree or rage in equal measures at some of the posts on here but always hiding behind the couch so to speak of not actually posting anything myself. However after the last couple of weeks I feel its time to lay on the proverbial couch and get things of my chest, if for no other reason than self therapy.

Let me say straight away nothing here is new or enlightening and  I apologise if I am going over old ground. Let's miss out the McCoist era and start with Waburton's. I must admit I admired his footballing philosophy , what fan wouldn't , keep ball , total possession , the" Barca way" and the total opposite to his predecessor . The problem was as we know came the following season against superior opposition  who were better drilled and trained. The playing of two wingers and expansive football was soon shown up and the "plan B is do plan A better " went pear shaped . Trying to get inferior players to play sexy football when clearly they were not capable of doing this was his downfall. We all cried "change it to make us hard to beat ", bring in more physical types of player to combat the opposition , but he stuck with the  possesion is king mantra and the rest is history .

We then have our distinguished leaders seeing how the previous incumbent failed with appointing the unknown Pedro experiment . What his football philosphy was,  well ,most of us are still scratching our heads at that but he was allowed to spend on Mexican and Portugese players without our board seemingly interested in what these players brought to the table. Did no one from above ask if they were strong athletic types , rugged tenacious types or  hard as nails enforcers or are they the same as the last lot but just with a different colour passport. Well we know the answer to that one , defenders who are week and a 6 foot plus striker that can't jump amongst them never mind the Pena  debacle .

So out goes Pedro and in comes Murty again to take the reins , meanwhile in the Jan transfer window our director of football goes out and buys/loans players for a manager that is not even in place. Again the question is what type of player did we get , the same as is already here but better?. Murty still played wide open with two wingers which is fine if the rest of the team is particularly good but when we its not its a recipe for disaster with teams playing straight though us as they did under the previous two managers.  I saw someone recently describe Murphy as a light weight sand dancer and its hard to disagree. Ability he has but a grafter he is not and add to this Dorrans, Holt, Goss, John, Kranjcar etc who are not the most physical of specimens then its  no wonder we are we  are continually over run . Is it any coincidence that when McCrorie played in midfield we did that bit better? 

I have to admit to being a bit of a hypocrite here because under Walter on both of his tenures I was critical of the style of play and the habit of playing centre backs as full backs but he was absolutely correct in doing this in the unique Scottish game which as all know can generate into a battle particularly away from home in the winter months. Under Walter we were hard to beat first and foremost and then as things improve inject more and more flair in to the team gradually.

Which brings me onto the next manager. For me Gerrard is a gamble we simply can't afford at this moment in time . As a team we can't afford to bomb out a whole playing squad (as much as we would like to ) so a lot of these players are still going to be here next season. The problem with bringing in Gerrard is he has played with some fabulous players over his career and my fear is he will fall into the trap of trying to play the "Liverpool way " or wanting to  replicate how the teams he played in played but not having the players to put that into practice similar to what happened previously .

For me we need a guy like Warnock , Clark, Nigel Pearson possibly, that can build a team to suit the circumstances we are in. I am only saying these guys or similar because of where we are NOW , if we were in a position of strength then someone like Gerrard taking over would be great. If Gerrard does indeed take over then he will have my full support and I sincerely hope he proves me wrong . 

Time to get off the couch now , therapy session over . I thank anyone who took the time to read the ramblings  of a passionate but disillusioned  Rangers fan and I hope and prey  that we sooner rather later get this mess sorted and return to the top. 

Fuck sake that was hard to attempt to correct, not going through the grammar and sentence structure but you may want to do a few more English classes or write in Gaelic.

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