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2 minutes ago, graeme_4 said:

I don’t think anyone disagrees that what that smarmy prick Rodgers has said is out of order. 

I think it would be better received if they made it more factual, and had less of a ‘look how clever we are’ feel. 

Make it evidence based. Include embedde video clips / images of said incidents and list the response / action from the SFA / SPFL. Or write formally on behalf of a fans group to said parties. 

This type of article / medium just doesn’t work. 

Personally, from a writing sense Graeme - I disagree with that.

I dont necessarily believe "more is better" - my rough draft for any article always starts with the basic 5 paragraph essay format and although I dont stick to that religiously - its always my default starting point.

I know I would struggle to include all types of content you refer to - particularly embedded video.

I feel a well researched, well documented, well written article requires little to supplement it.

Having done various writing courses & freelance journalism - which focussed solely on style & brevity - I feel I would be "selling my soul" so to speak.

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I will never forget the abuse Mark Walters got at the paedo dome, bananas were thrown monkey chants galore etc they were a fucking disgrace then and still are now.

This is no defence of them but I find Scotland an inherently racist country anyway had a few black lads in classes at secondary school in the early 90s and they took some chronic abuse, fucking brutal. And throughout my adult life, I encounter racists all the time, work way a few who openly admit it. 

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22 minutes ago, D'Artagnan said:

Personally, from a writing sense Graeme - I disagree with that.

I dont necessarily believe "more is better" - my rough draft for any article always starts with the basic 5 paragraph essay format and although I dont stick to that religiously - its always my default starting point.

I know I would struggle to include all types of content you refer to - particularly embedded video.

I feel a well researched, well documented, well written article requires little to supplement it.

Having done various writing courses & freelance journalism - which focussed solely on style & brevity - I feel I would be "selling my soul" so to speak.

Depends on the context.

Fine for a ‘proper’ publication, but the idea of a fans group article is surely to be shared on social media / various forums to get the message across. It’s not MSM so the ‘words’ alone aren’t enough to get get a message shared throughout the UK. 

If the message here is ‘Rodgers condones racist conduct’ or ‘celtic fans are racist’, give clips of it that can be shared online. As sad as it is, ultimately people today are hugely influenced by social media. If you had Rodger’s statement in a clip, followed by the clip of Logan being called all the names under the sun, you have a far more impactful tool thats easily shareable. 

Just my 2 cents mind you. 

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There clearly is a bias and a double standard but I dislike the style of VB articles usually. Has too much of a propaganda feel to it. Just seems like they are preaching to the converted, the articles are way too aggressive to be enjoyed by anyone other than Rangers fans who already agree with them.

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7 minutes ago, Siam69 said:

For me it's like, not only do I despise the racism, but personally, I probably despise the double standards and what these cunts get away with it, more. And why wouldn't I, with some of these cunts seemingly dedicating their lives to demonising us for same.

Anyone that highlights this, is to be applauded IMO.

It's that simple IMO.

Whilst many of these articles have little impact in the broader sense, these things still need to be said, if only for posterity.

Our greater influence will come when we take that title and then watch as these rat bastards up the propaganda ante yet again in their demonisation. However, at this point, the wider audience will then be listening with us being champions and Gerrsrd in the hot seat.

Also Gerrard has yet to be blooded in the war of bigotry in this backwater until the season kicks off. He will soon be embroiled and will see first hand what we are up against both on and off the pitch.

When faced with the lies, the cheating and the green propaganda machine, I doubt he will be doing prisoners and the difference this time around, is that the whole of the UK footballing world will be listening to him, not the scum.

Just another reason as to why Gerrard is a major coup for us.

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10 minutes ago, OhW said:

There clearly is a bias and a double standard but I dislike the style of VB articles usually. Has too much of a propaganda feel to it. Just seems like they are preaching to the converted, the articles are way too aggressive to be enjoyed by anyone other than Rangers fans who already agree with them.

That would be my only comment and wish we, as a club/group/community could legalise the statements to make them more incriminating. Seems a churlish thing to do but we should be stopping the cuntish MSM and that mob from the constant bullshit they are spreading, by any legal means.

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8 hours ago, geneva_ger said:

I've got this far and I've read 4 posters giving it big against the VB, who if you know them and regularly read the forum, are PUL Rangers fans, not snowflakes who not only allow the anti-Rangers shit but also tolerate the hypocritical fucking shit that the scum get away with.

Fucking good on the VB, and those who feel it so unfair that a Rangers group are taking to calling the cunts out, take a rain check and go do your nails or your hair.

They might have the right intentions but their articles are terribly written and just take away all credibility imo.

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3 hours ago, D'Artagnan said:

You think ?

I would suggest otherwise - if the standard defence is that someone brings it upon himself - what hope is there for young lassies on a night out who dare to wear a mini skirt and suffer unwelcome male advances. Is she asking for it ?

Furthermore it highlights the considerable double standard celtic are operating to - given the conduct of the likes of Lennon (at both celtic & Hibs) Boruc and more recently Griffiths. The majority of gesture behaviour involving the aforementioned occurs when facing Rangers and has always been the source of considerable debate on here.

celtic are atempting to minimise racial conduct by

(1) Suggesting a player's own conduct or behaviour was the catalyst to it

(2) While offering such a tawdry defence - ignoring the fact their own players regularly involved themselves in similar conduct particularly against Rangers.

To be honest, partisan feelings aside, its an absolutely unedifying & scandalous line of defence, I only wish Id read such scathing criticism of it in the MSM rather than from a Rangers fan site blog.

Brown receives worse abuse from our fans than Logan does from theirs and it’s no even close, is that because he is a horrible wee prick, yes it is. Logan acts like a wank and gets abused, obviously some take it too and then greets. Genuinely don’t know how you’ve come to to comparison with the first point

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11 hours ago, Craiggybear said:

Who's criticising the Vanguard Bears? I've never said a bad word against them. 

My issue is there are better things to be drawing folks attention to when it comes to the scum, e.g. The total media blackout on the torbett trial. 



Like this recent article, and I’m sure you’ll see plenty on the Torbett trial and it’s media blackout when the times right.


Truth And Justice - Police Scotland Must Leave No Stone Unturned

Written by: The Colour Blue 

Thursday, 11th May 2017

In 1996, a supremely talented 15 year-old celtic youth player was brutally murdered in his own home by serial paedophile Brian Beattie, who battered him to death then set fire to his body. Beattie was subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment for his appalling crime.

During the investigation, which was clouded by accusations of police corruption, former celtic coach and kit-man Jim McCafferty was one of the suspects. McCafferty had been a regular visitor to the young players’ home and had phoned him on the day of the grotesque murder. That same year, McCafferty suddenly left his celtic employ for what an unnamed club spokesman described as ‘personal reasons’. It was subsequently revealed that those ‘personal reasons’ were allegations of sexual impropriety towards young boys. Once again, as with an earlier case of paedophilia uncovered at celtic FC, serious questions have been asked as to why those running the club declined to call the police when the allegations surfaced.

In December of 2016 McCafferty admitted to a newspaper that he had sexually abused ‘around a dozen’ young boys, five of whom he named. The BBC reported that he had allegedly sexually molested young celtic players at his home in West Lothian. He has now been charged in Northern Ireland with sexual activity with a child. McCafferty had a close friendship with celtic Boys Club founder James Torbett, another paedophile convicted and sentenced to 30 months imprisonment for the sexual assault of a young celtic player. Court transcripts revealed evidence that celtic manager Jock Stein and Directors at the club covered up Torbett’s crimes. Another of McCafferty’s friends was Crewe Alexandria’s Barry Bennell who has appeared in court charged with eight offences of sexual assault against a boy aged 14.

It is feasible that McCaffety’s phone call to the young celtic starlet on the day Beattie committed his murder was purely coincidence and perfectly innocent, however it is not beyond the realms of possibility that the phone call was made for more sinister purposes. Two paedophiles engaging with the victim on the same day - one by telephone and the other entering his home to commit the most heinous of crimes - arouses suspicion. During a recorded interview with the Daily Record, McCafferty stated ‘I’m probably as bad as the rest of them....but I hope they're going to apologise the same as I'm going to be doing.’ Who ‘the rest of them’ are remains unclear. Suspicions of a paedophile ring operating at celtic remain.

Following Beattie’s conviction the then Assistant Chief Constable of Tayside Police James MacKay accused police detectives of planting evidence, namely a hammer, to try and frame the victims’ 12 year-old brother for the crime (Sunday Mail, June 5th 2005). Three officers of sergeant rank were subsequently disciplined with two being demoted (Sunday Herald, 10th March 2001). Detective Superintendent Jim Winning who led the investigation ‘took early retirement’, despite legal moves to block him from doing so by Deputy Chief Constable Mike Currie, aimed at forcing Winning to face a disciplinary hearing (Sunday Herald, 26th August 1998).

This whole episode brings scandal and shame upon those paid and duty bound to uphold the law. The family, friends and society in general deserve a full and thorough investigation into events, individuals and organisations surrounding this tragic tale. Police Scotland (not to mention the Scottish Football Association) need to leave no stone unturned in their quest for truth and justice.

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8 minutes ago, ForeverAndEver said:

Brown receives worse abuse from our fans than Logan does from theirs and it’s no even close, is that because he is a horrible wee prick, yes it is. Logan acts like a wank and gets abused, obviously some take it too and then greets. Genuinely don’t know how you’ve come to to comparison with the first point

Well, I cant comment on your opening line as I dont have the access to the abuse scaleometer which you clearly have at your disposal.

But to clarify something which you appear to have missed...

Logan doesnt get abused - he gets RACIALLY abused.

You appear to be agreeing with Rodger's horrendous notion - to paraphrase in your words - being a wank means you are fair game to be racially abused.


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2 hours ago, Siam69 said:

For me it's like, not only do I despise the racism, but personally, I probably despise the double standards and what these cunts get away with it, more. And why wouldn't I, with some of these cunts seemingly dedicating their lives to demonising us for same.

Anyone that highlights this, is to be applauded IMO.

It's that simple, for me.

This is the crux of the matter. 

As a support, our tolerance for abuse is high. Most bears I know couldn’t give a fuck if we get called names. There is a reason that one of our anthems is “no one likes us, we don’t care”

but what’s happened in the last decade has shown that this approach only hurts us. 

We need to highlight the hypocrisy and double standards. It’s not whataboutery. It’s one club being held to a different standard from all other clubs. 

I get that vanguard bears seem to be talking about them a lot but that’s natural given that they spend their existence always denegrating us. 

All most of us want is parity and even treatment. We will call them fenian bastards and they will call us Dirty Orange H** Bastards and the world will be balanced once again. 


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8 minutes ago, D'Artagnan said:

Well, I cant comment on your opening line as I dont have the access to the abuse scaleometer which you clearly have at your disposal.

But to clarify something which you appear to have missed...

Logan doesnt get abused - he gets RACIALLY abused.

You appear to be agreeing with Rodger's horrendous notion - to paraphrase in your words - being a wank means you are fair game to be racially abused.


Scott Brown’s sister gets mentioned, Shay Logan’s race gets brought in to it, both act like knobs and both get abused.

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2 hours ago, Siam69 said:

For me it's like, not only do I despise the racism, but personally, I probably despise the double standards and what these cunts get away with it, more. And why wouldn't I, with some of these cunts seemingly dedicating their lives to demonising us for same.

Anyone that highlights this, is to be applauded IMO.

It's that simple, for me.

I love it when your working your Program?

Outstanding my good man.

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14 minutes ago, ForeverAndEver said:

Scott Brown’s sister gets mentioned, Shay Logan’s race gets brought in to it, both act like knobs and both get abused.

Remind me when did Rangers or a spokesperson, on behalf of the club, seek to justify or minimise the racial abuse of an opposition player ?

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37 minutes ago, thebooler said:

Like this recent article, and I’m sure you’ll see plenty on the Torbett trial and it’s media blackout when the times right.


Truth And Justice - Police Scotland Must Leave No Stone Unturned

Written by: The Colour Blue 

Thursday, 11th May 2017

In 1996, a supremely talented 15 year-old celtic youth player was brutally murdered in his own home by serial paedophile Brian Beattie, who battered him to death then set fire to his body. Beattie was subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment for his appalling crime.

During the investigation, which was clouded by accusations of police corruption, former celtic coach and kit-man Jim McCafferty was one of the suspects. McCafferty had been a regular visitor to the young players’ home and had phoned him on the day of the grotesque murder. That same year, McCafferty suddenly left his celtic employ for what an unnamed club spokesman described as ‘personal reasons’. It was subsequently revealed that those ‘personal reasons’ were allegations of sexual impropriety towards young boys. Once again, as with an earlier case of paedophilia uncovered at celtic FC, serious questions have been asked as to why those running the club declined to call the police when the allegations surfaced.

In December of 2016 McCafferty admitted to a newspaper that he had sexually abused ‘around a dozen’ young boys, five of whom he named. The BBC reported that he had allegedly sexually molested young celtic players at his home in West Lothian. He has now been charged in Northern Ireland with sexual activity with a child. McCafferty had a close friendship with celtic Boys Club founder James Torbett, another paedophile convicted and sentenced to 30 months imprisonment for the sexual assault of a young celtic player. Court transcripts revealed evidence that celtic manager Jock Stein and Directors at the club covered up Torbett’s crimes. Another of McCafferty’s friends was Crewe Alexandria’s Barry Bennell who has appeared in court charged with eight offences of sexual assault against a boy aged 14.

It is feasible that McCaffety’s phone call to the young celtic starlet on the day Beattie committed his murder was purely coincidence and perfectly innocent, however it is not beyond the realms of possibility that the phone call was made for more sinister purposes. Two paedophiles engaging with the victim on the same day - one by telephone and the other entering his home to commit the most heinous of crimes - arouses suspicion. During a recorded interview with the Daily Record, McCafferty stated ‘I’m probably as bad as the rest of them....but I hope they're going to apologise the same as I'm going to be doing.’ Who ‘the rest of them’ are remains unclear. Suspicions of a paedophile ring operating at celtic remain.

Following Beattie’s conviction the then Assistant Chief Constable of Tayside Police James MacKay accused police detectives of planting evidence, namely a hammer, to try and frame the victims’ 12 year-old brother for the crime (Sunday Mail, June 5th 2005). Three officers of sergeant rank were subsequently disciplined with two being demoted (Sunday Herald, 10th March 2001). Detective Superintendent Jim Winning who led the investigation ‘took early retirement’, despite legal moves to block him from doing so by Deputy Chief Constable Mike Currie, aimed at forcing Winning to face a disciplinary hearing (Sunday Herald, 26th August 1998).

This whole episode brings scandal and shame upon those paid and duty bound to uphold the law. The family, friends and society in general deserve a full and thorough investigation into events, individuals and organisations surrounding this tragic tale. Police Scotland (not to mention the Scottish Football Association) need to leave no stone unturned in their quest for truth and justice.

Fuck me, that’s an even bigger leap in the dark than when the polis tried to pin it on his 12-year-old brother Denis. 

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15 hours ago, KeyserSoze said:

I’m confused 

VB pieces are never actually about Rangers and nearly all about that lot. 

Strange that is

VB have been defending bears for years and standing by our club. There is a true hatred for our club and clubs try and drag us down VB make sure they are outed for storys they sweep under the rug. I for one think the VB are a great group.

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