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5 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

1. Then you're a moonbeam. There's a whole lot more been wrong with Morelos than form since January. But yeah let's devise a system around him.

You can guarantee nothing about SGs previous unless you were standing beside him daily with Liverpool u18s. Were you?

We drop him, if he really wants it he shows how much and forces himself into the manager's 1st pick. If he can't, won't, or doesn't force himself in then we look to sell. 

2. You don't think he's been petulant or selfis? Utter bollocks and more than moonbeam stuff now. I'll happily debate aspects but if you don't recognise that aspect then you simply don't watch or understand football. Or mannerisms.

3. He's certainly showing he knows his style but for 7 months now it's not been successful. He runs beside or behind CHs, let's blame the winger for the cross. He runs offside, that's the midfield fault obviously. He misses chances, not his fault it's his teammates for not doing more for him.

Very good.

4. I'll send the nurse over to reduce your medication.

5. Glad we agree on this point my moonbeam, happy clapped friend.

The sort of post only associated with this forum and why we can't make new friends :lol: 

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1. Please list everything that has been wrong with Morelos, in detail please, since you seem to know so much about him. Your judgements about his mentality are on the same level as me with Gerard's coaching ability.

Say Morelos does get dropped, and this does happen to "reinvigorate and revitalise him",  if we're not playing to his strengths or creating opportunities for him to finish it's going to be pointless isn't it?

2. I've seen Morelos be frustrated when he misses opportunities, or if someone doesn't set him up, but I've never seen him refuse to play or lose interest because of it - so I wouldn't call him petulant.

As a striker his job is to score goals, and for the first half of last season he was pretty good at it, so I can understand his desire to score the goals himself - instead of giving them to other people.

One of the major criticisms launched at Kris Boyd was that even though he was scoring 20-30 a season, he wasn't putting the work in on the other areas of the park for his teammates - so people called him lazy. I think we need to come to the realisation that if these strikers could do it all, they would be at Real Madrid and not be playing in Scotland.

3. I don't think you can complain that he doesn't put the effort in during games - he's running about, holding the ball up and getting in people's faces. If he's doing that as a lone striker, who is he supposed to set up? What are the rest of the team doing?

He may run offside and he may miss chances, so how about we change our style of play so that his isn't running offside as much and create better chances for him to finish? It's pretty easy...

4&5. You're just being petty now.

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7 hours ago, dougaaley said:

1. Please list everything that has been wrong with Morelos, in detail please, since you seem to know so much about him. Your judgements about his mentality are on the same level as me with Gerard's coaching ability.

Say Morelos does get dropped, and this does happen to "reinvigorate and revitalise him",  if we're not playing to his strengths or creating opportunities for him to finish it's going to be pointless isn't it?

2. I've seen Morelos be frustrated when he misses opportunities, or if someone doesn't set him up, but I've never seen him refuse to play or lose interest because of it - so I wouldn't call him petulant.

As a striker his job is to score goals, and for the first half of last season he was pretty good at it, so I can understand his desire to score the goals himself - instead of giving them to other people.

One of the major criticisms launched at Kris Boyd was that even though he was scoring 20-30 a season, he wasn't putting the work in on the other areas of the park for his teammates - so people called him lazy. I think we need to come to the realisation that if these strikers could do it all, they would be at Real Madrid and not be playing in Scotland.

3. I don't think you can complain that he doesn't put the effort in during games - he's running about, holding the ball up and getting in people's faces. If he's doing that as a lone striker, who is he supposed to set up? What are the rest of the team doing?

He may run offside and he may miss chances, so how about we change our style of play so that his isn't running offside as much and create better chances for him to finish? It's pretty easy...

4&5. You're just being petty now.

1 ?

2 ??

3 ?

4&5 ?

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